

The Feasibility Study for Enterprise Participation in Project of Space Development Over Elevated-road Based on Extension Theory

【作者】 何林倩

【导师】 徐保根;

【作者基本信息】 浙江财经学院 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 城镇高架路的建设在解决交通拥挤问题的同时,也带来了生态失衡、噪音及空气污染等社会生态问题。但随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越追求高品质的生活环境,如舒适的休息环境,便捷的购物与交通环境。为满足居民购物需求在高架路上建立封闭性的商业长廊,即进行高架路空间开发,不仅能为企业带来一定商机和经济利益,同时也能解决噪音及空气污染问题。但该类项目具有准公益性特征,与一般竞争性项目相比,企业投资的风险较大;而且这类项目的公益性又不是特别明显,很难引起政府公共部门的重视。因此,能否吸引企业投资参与该类准公益性项目成为人们关注的焦点。但目前对这一问题的研究还比较薄弱,这一领域的研究成果极少,特别是研究企业参与这类准公益项目可行性问题的成果更是未见公开报道。为此,本文在借鉴相关项目可行性研究成果基础上,针对这类准公益项目的特点,基于可拓学理论和方法,开展了企业参与高架路空间开发项目可行性问题的研究。主要研究内容有:(1)针对高架路空间开发这类准公益项目是否可行的动态性和可转化性特征,以可拓学理论为指导,设计这类准公益项目可行性分析的可拓评价方法。(2)在服务业区位理论、建设项目经济评价参数与方法等研究成果基础上,从高架路空间开发项目特征以及企业参与这类项目的特点出发,分析这类准公益项目及企业参与这类项目可行性的影响因素,确定可拓评价指标。(3)通过访问、咨询企业与公共部门的领导及专家,通过专家打分确定各指标间相对重要性分值,进而采用模糊层次分析法确定各评价指标权重值。(4)在借鉴现有有关评价参数研究成果基础上,通过对企业管理层(市场研发及财务投资部管理者)与公共部门专家的访谈咨询,以可拓集合理论为基础,确定各评价指标的经典域、可拓域与非域。并分别基于企业视角与项目本身建立这类准公益项目可拓评价的指标体系。(5)选取下沙绕城东线空间开发项目为案例,在实地调查的基础上对这一项目方案进行初步设计,并获取这一项目方案各评价指标的实际特征值。应用项目评估软件EvaluateApp进行分析并获得可拓评价结果。(6)对案例的评价结果进行分析,提出企业如何参与这类项目开发、政府如何支持企业开展这类项目开发的对策和管理建议。在此基础上,进一步提炼本论文研究结论。本文研究认为:(1)仅仅依靠企业来建设高架路空间开发这类准公益项目往往是不可行的,但在政府的适当支持下(如:政府参与投资、减免企业税费等)企业参与这类项目又将转变为可行。(2)本文针对高架路空间开发这类准公益项目特点采用的可拓评价方法及其可拓评价指标、指标权重、指标标准值区间(经典域、可拓域、非域),对同类型项目的可行性研究具有一定的借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 The construction of elevated roads in cities has solved traffic jam while it brought some environment problems, such as noise pollution, air pollution and ecological imbalance. With the improvement of living standards, people are increasingly seeking high quality life, such as comfortable resting environments, convenient shopping and traveling. To meet the shopping needs of residents establish a closed commercial corridor in the elevated road, we can call it The Elevated Road Space Development, not only to bring some opportunities for business and economic interests, but also to solve the problems of noise and air pollution. However, quasi-public good characteristics of such projects have a higher risk of business investment compared with the general competitive projects; and public welfare of such projects are not particularly clear, unable to draw attention to the government’s public sector. Therefore, the ability to attract corporate investment in the kind of quasi-public projects is the key of the question. But the research on this issue is still relatively weak, little research in this area; especially research of such quasi-public enterprises to participate in the outcome of the feasibility of the project is no public reporting. So, this article drawing on research findings of project feasibility for such features of quasi-public projects ,based on extension theory and methods to study theFeasibility of the elevated road space development projects which have enterprises to participate in. The main contents are:(1) Designing analysis of extension evaluation based on extension theory as the quasi-public project feasibility characteristics of transformable and dynamic(2) Based on Services location theory, construction projects and methods of economic evaluation parameters and the results from the elevated road space enterprises to participate in development projects in features and characteristics of such projects, analysis the factors which work upon feasibility of quasi-public project and enterprises to participate in such projects, determine the extension evaluation parameters.(3) Invite experts and sector leaders form enterprises and government public sector to make scores for each index, and weight each index by the Fuzzy AHP Method. (4) On the basis of existing research results about evaluation parameters, determine classical domain and extension domain for each index by Expert Advice Method. Then, construct comprehensive evaluation system for feasibility study in perspective of project itself and business interests.(5) Select the eastern Xiasha space development projects around the city as an example, after field survey making the preliminary design of the project and got the actual characteristics of each index value. Then gain extensive evaluation results by adopting Evaluate App Software(6)After analysis the extensive evaluation results, give the suggestion for enterprises how to participate in such projects, and the government how to support enterprises to participate in.This paper has concluded that:(1) only with enterprises participate in space development elevated–road is infeasible, but with the support of the government, such as the government investment, cut down tax and fees, Enterprise participation will become feasible;(2) the Extension theory, Extension evaluation parameters, index weight, and the rang of indictors (classical domain and extension domain) are of reference.


