

Research and Application of Central Heating Control Systems

【作者】 卢秋实

【导师】 宋晓宇; 苑明哲;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳建筑大学 , 控制工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目前我国的整个供热行业生产技术水平还比较落后,同时燃烧供热所用的锅炉的燃烧效率还相当低,并且锅炉的燃烧不充分,而造成大气污染严重,这就迫切要求我们提高锅炉技术。目前广泛采用了集中供热模式来提高锅炉供热效率社会的高速发展,对集中供热系统提出了更高的要求。如何利用计算机使锅炉提供持续稳定的热源,如何实现锅炉的自动控制,如何远程、实时的监查和控制各个单位的生产和生活用热,并且满足环保、节约能耗的要求,就成为现今供热领域迫切要解决的问题。集中供热系统可分为锅炉自控系统和热网调度系统。两各系统有相同之处也各有特点。在对数据的处理上基本相同,都是通过热工仪表对现场数据进行采集,然后上传到主计算机进行处理分析,在把需要执行的指令下发到各执行机构。锅炉自控系统的燃烧自控和热网数据的远程传输是其重点。在锅炉自控系统部分中,以锅炉出水温度为被控量,对锅炉炉排引入模糊控制与经典PID结合构成的复合模糊PlD控制器进行出水温度的控制,解决了外界气温变化与锅炉燃烧实时调节的矛盾,实现了按需供热。同时也对汽包液位的控制方法进行了研究,讨论了三冲量调节系统的原理和适用条件及其应用。在热网调度系统的数据传输中探讨了GPRS技术。研究结果表明,实际应用效果比较理想可靠。本文结合实际工作环境要求,应用西门子PLC方法解决集中供热系统中的关键问题。首先对热网数据传输技术的具体实现进行了详细系统分析和设计,再结合实际工程需求明确了其参数选取与设置过程。此外,本文对汽包水位控制系统提出了三冲量自动控制方法,燃烧自控部分采用了模糊控制与经典PID结合构成的复合模糊PlD控制器实现方法。同时也对常规的利用排烟含氧量控制燃烧系统做了简单阐述对比。控制结果表明,本文所采用方法有效,稳定性较好。

【Abstract】 Up till now, technique levels of the whole heating industry in our country falls behind the others. The low combustion ratio and the insufficiency burning of boilers in heat providing lead to grievous air pollution. It is an urgent to improve the boiler technique. City area heating mode is now wild used to improve the heat efficiency.As the rapid development of modern society, more efficiency city area heating systems are requested. It is a problem to be solved desperately, that using computer control system in heat providing process to make the boiler a stable and continuous heating resource, also to realize the long-distance controlling and real-time monitoring of the heat demands in producing and living process, and meet the demands of energy saving and environmental protection.The city area heating system is made of two parts, the automatic control system of a boiler and the adjustment system of heating net. These two parts have many characters respect and also many comments. The data processors of each system are the same. Dates collected by thermal meter in worksite are sent to the mean computer to do some analyses and then the orders are distributed to the execute setup. The key points are the burning control of the boiler self-control system and the long-distance date transmission of the heat netIn this work, the output water temperature of the boilers is set as the variable quantity. At the boiler grate, using a composite fuzzy PID (proportional integral differential) controller which has combined the fuzzy control method with the classic PID control method to adjust water temperature, resolved the contradiction between the variation of outside temperature and the real-time adjustment of boilers combusting and realized heat providing on demand.In this work, we also studied the controlling for liquid level in the steam drum of the boiler. The mechanism of three-impulse regulation system, together with the application and the function condition of this system are discussed. The GPRS technique is applied in the management system of heat net. The results show this method is efficient in the real applications.According to the requirement of the working condition, the Sims’PLC method is appalled in the key problem of the city area heating systems. Firstly, the GPRS technique applied in the heat net is analysis and designed in detail. Secondly, the parameter determination and set-up procession is gived. Furthermore, three-impulse regulation method is applied for liquid level in the steam drum of the boiler, and a composite fuzzy PID (proportional integral differential) controller which has combined the fuzzy control with the classic PID control is applied for boilers combusting. At the same time, the method of controlling combusting used by controlling the oxygen content of the smoke is discussed. .


