

Research of Time and Classification Sharing Water Supply in Distribution Network with Multiple Pump Stations

【作者】 周晶

【导师】 贾宝秋;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳建筑大学 , 市政工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 为适应城市用户用水逐时变化的特点,传统的供水泵站实行所谓的分级供水,由于分级供水具有一定的局限性,往往需要设置调节构筑物辅助供水。但是,设置调节构筑物往往受到城市地形条件的约束,同时也不利于给水系统远期的发展。我国许多大、中型城市的给水管网,大部分已形成了多水源管网的供水系统。多水源管网供水问题一直是城市供水研究的重要课题。在多水源管网供水系统中,尽管采取分级供水等技术措施,但都不能较好解决城市逐时供水量与用水量之间的矛盾。因此,本文在传统分级供水的基础上,针对多水源多泵站供水管网,提出了城市给水系统的多泵站管网分时分级供水方式。这种供水方式就是根据城市用水的逐时变化,各水源的二级泵站在供水时间上不同步地实行分级供水,使各水源的二级泵站分时分级供水综合作用的结果所形成的总供水曲线能够与城市用水变化曲线较好地吻合。该供水方式能够较好地满足用户的用水需求。本文分析了多泵站管网分时分级供水的水量、水压关系。通过水量关系分析,使各水源的二级泵站供水曲线叠加成的总供水曲线与城市用水变化曲线较好地吻合,建立各小时用水量与各泵站供水量关系的水量方程式,经求解水量方程可以确定出各水源泵站的逐时设计供水量,确定出较为合理的各泵站供水量的运行管理方案;通过水压关系分析,建立了水压关系方程式,该方程式反应了各泵站的水泵扬程与配水管网的水压的关系,求解水压方程可以确定出各水源泵站的扬程。求解水量方程组和水压方程组的过程构成了多泵站分时分级供水设计计算的内容。对于一个城市的供水,可以提出多个分时分级供水方案,在诸方案中,本文通过计算分析各个方案的供水曲线和用水曲线的逐时偏差平方和,选择偏差平方和最小者为选定方案。本文以某城市三水源配水管网为例进行分时分级供水的方案计算。根据该市最高日用水变化曲线和各个水源的供水能力,求解水量方程,确定了该市最高日最高时各水源二级泵站的供水量,经综合后所求出的各泵站总供水曲线与城市用水曲线做到了较好吻合。根据该市配水管网水力分析,求解水压方程,确定了该市各水源的二级泵站的水泵扬程。算例结果表明,多泵站分时分级供水方式较好地解决了城市供水与用水之间的矛盾。经本课题研究证明,分时分级的供水方式是多水源多泵站配水管网的有效供水方式,该供水方式适用于多水源的大型、平原城市。分时分级供水方式的计算内容包括解水量方程组和解水压方程组,该计算方法可应用于多泵站配水管网分时分级供水的设计和运行管理。

【Abstract】 To meet the characteristics of urban water users in hourly changes,the traditional pump station of water supply implement the classification sharing water supply,because water supply classification has certain limitations,often need to set the adjustment structure to assist water supply.However,setting the adjustment structure regulating structures are often within the constraints of the urban terrain,while are not conducive to the development of long-term water supply system.Many of the water supply network of our large and medium-sized city,most of all has formed water supply systems with multiple water source network.The problem of water supply with multiple water source network has been an important subject of urban water supply research.In the water supply systems with multiple water source network,although taken the technical measures of classification sharing water supply,the conflict can not be better settled between the urban water supply and water consumption in hourly changes.Therefore,this paper is based on traditional classification sharing of water supply systems with multiple water source and multiple pump station,proposed the time and classification sharing water supply network with multiple pump stations of urban water supply systems.The water supply way is based on hourly changes in urban water, the secondary pump stations of all source are not synchronized to implement the classification sharing water supply in time of water supply,so that the total water supply curve formed of result of synthetical role of all the secondary water supply pumping stations of time and classification sharing water supply is better fit with the curve of urban water demand.The water supply way can well meet the needs of urban water users.This paper has analyzed the water yield relationship and water pressure relationship of time and classification sharing water supply network with multiple pump stations.Through the analysis of water yield relationship, so that the total water supply curve formed of result of synthetical role of all the secondary water supply pumping stations of time and classification sharing water supply is better fit with the curve of urban water demand,set up the water yield equation of water demand and all pump stations water supply in hourly, by solving the water equation can be determined the design water supply of each pumping station in hourly,can be determined the reasonable operation management program of the pump station water supply;Through the analysis of water pressure,set up the equation of water pressure, the equation reflects the pressure realation of the lift of each pumping station and the pressure of distribution network,through can be determined the lift of each pumping station. The process of solving equations of the water yield and water pressure form the content of design and calculation in time and classification sharing water supply in network with multiple pump stations.For a city’s water supply,can be raised a number of programs of time and classification sharing water supply,in various programs,the paper analyzes and calculated the sum of deviation square of various options’water supply curve water demand curve in hourly,the minimum is the selected program.This paper takes a city of three water distribution pipeline network as an example to calculate the program of time and classification sharing water supply.On the basis of the water demand curve on the highest day and the water supply ability of each water source, by solving the water equation can be determined the design water supply of each pumping station on the highest day,at last the total water supply curve formed of result of synthetical role of all the secondary water supply pumping stations of time and classification sharing water supply is better fit with the curve of urban water demand.According to the hydraulic analysis of city water distribution network,solving the pressure equation to determine the city’s pump head of each secondary pump stations. The results of calculation example show that the way of time and classification sharing water supply with multiple pump stations can solve the conflicts between urban water supply and water demand.This issue research shows that the way of time and classification sharing water supply is a more efficient way of multiple water sources and multiple pump stations water supply in distribution network,the water supply way is appropriate for many large and plain city of multiple water sources.The calculation content of the way of time and classification sharing water supply includes solving the equations of water yield and water pressure,the calculation method can be applied to the design and operation management of time and classification sharing water supply in distribution network with multiple pump stations.


