

Study on the Relation of Tobacco Soils Environments and Quality of Tobacco in Malong County of Qujing

【作者】 解燕

【导师】 周冀衡; 张晓海;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 以曲靖马龙烟区为基础,分析了烟区的土壤养分和烟叶化学成分的含量状况,利用地统计学方法对烟区土壤养分及烟叶品质进行了空间分析,研究了不同海拔高度土壤养分和烟叶品质的差异。主要研究结论如下:1、马龙县烤烟主要种植在1800-2100米海拔范围,不同海拔高度土壤养分差异较小,烤烟化学成分差异不显著。在海拔1950~2050米种植区域烟叶评吸得分最好,该海拔范围生态条件较好,是典型的高海拔烤烟种植区。2、马龙县植烟土壤类型以红壤、水稻土为主,大部分土壤以强酸性和弱酸性为主;有机质分布较平均属高水平范围;全氮、碱解氮含量都处于中高范围;全磷含量属于中等偏下的水平,速效磷含量属于中等偏上水平;全钾含量较低,效钾含量属中高水平;有效钙、.有效镁、有效硫、水溶性氯含量均比其他县低;有效铜、有效锌、有效铁、有效锰含量均丰富;有效硼和有效钼整体处于缺失水平。3、马龙烤烟样品成熟度较好,以桔黄色为主,油分、色度较好,身份适中,叶片结构疏松,等级符合度较高;烤烟总糖和还原糖含量高,总氮、烟碱和钾含量适中,油醚提取物等主要香气物质含量相对稳定;烟叶评吸质量好,以清香型为主,香气质量稳定,烟气特性良好。4、烟叶评吸质量得分与土壤pH、有机质含量、全氮含量、碱解氮含量、速效磷含量、有效硫含量呈二次曲线关系;烟叶评吸质量得分与土壤全磷含量、速效钾含量呈对数函数关系;烟叶评吸质量得分与土壤水溶性氯含量呈线性负相关关系;烟叶评吸质量得分与土壤全钾含量关系不显著。

【Abstract】 On the basis of Malong tobacco-growing areas in Qujing, the flue-cured tobacco chemical composition and soils nutrients were spatial analyzed by method of geostatistics. The difference of soil elements contents and tobacco qulity in different altitude areas were also studied. Main results were as follows:1. MaLong flue-cured tobacco mainly grows in 1800-2100 meters altitude, the difference of soil nutrient in different height was less, and chemical constituents were not significant. In 1950-2050 meters altitude area, tobacco smoking is best, ecological condition is good, is the typical of flue-cured tobacco harvested scope at high altitude.2. MaLong mostly tobacco soil types are red and rice soil, most soil are strong acidic soil and weak acidity, Organic in high level and distribute even, Total nitrogen, alkali-hydro nitrogen in the middle or high scope, Total phosphorus belongs to middle rdi level, rapidly-available phosphorus were belongs to the medium level, Total potassium is low, available potassium in high levels, Calcium, magnesium, sulfur, water-soluble chlorine content than other counties are low, Effective copper, zinc, iron, manganese are high, Effective boron and molybdenum in the whole level of missing.3. Malong flue-cured tobacco samples with good maturity, orange mostly, oil and chroma is good, identity moderate, blade structure loose, and grade degrees higher. Tobacco sugar and reducing sugar contents are higher, total nitrogen, nicotine and potassium content are moderate, oil ether extract etc mainly fragrance content relative stability. Tobacco smoking with good quality and Qing scent mostly, stable scent quality, good smoke characteristics.4. Realitionship between Sensory quality score and pH, organic matter content, total N, available N, available P, available S were quadratic curve; Realitionship between Sensory quality score and soil total P, available K were logarithmic function relation; Realitionship between Sensory quality score and Cl were linear; Therewas no significant relationship between Sensory quality score and total Kof soil.


