

Quality Analysis of Yuxi Main Cultivar Flue-cured Tobacco Leaf

【作者】 刘志江

【导师】 周冀衡; 卢秀萍;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对2007年玉溪市主栽烤烟(K326,NC297,红花大金元)品种烟叶从外观质量、化学品质、感官品质等方面进行了分析评价。结合红塔集团玉溪基地的烟叶质量目标要求,找出2007年烟叶生产中可能存在的问题,初步提出玉溪基地烟叶生产改进参考意见。玉溪各主栽品种烟叶的总体外观质量较好。烟叶成熟度主要为成熟,颜色以金黄色、橘黄色为主,叶片结构疏松,身份中等,色度中至强,油分稍有至有。玉溪各主栽品种烟叶化学成分协调性较好,与红塔集团质量目标要求的符合性较好。K326、NC297、红花大金元中部烟叶烟碱含量的平均值分别为2.58%、2.56%、2.17%,与红塔集团质量目标符合度分别为52.3%、53.2%、42.4%。两糖差的平均值分别为8.57%、8.33%、6.53%,与红塔集团质量目标符合度分别为91.4%、94.9%、98.6%。总糖含量的平均值分别为32.86%、32.83%、31.49%,与红塔集团质量目标符合度分别为96.8%、97.5%、96.8%。非烟碱氮/总氮的平均值分别为0.77、0.76、0.80,与红塔集团质量目标符合度分别为41.9%、48.1%、20.1%。氯含量的平均值分别为0.31%、0.17%、0.17%,与红塔集团质量目标符合度分别为94.3%、98.7%、97.2%。玉溪各主栽品种烟叶的香气特征以清甜香为主,略带烤甜和焦甜香,具有典型的清香型烟叶香气风格特征。玉溪各主栽品种烟叶存在两个方面的问题,一个是烟碱、总糖含量和两糖差等3个指标的集中度较差,不同烟区烟叶含量差异较大;另外一个是烟叶非烟碱氮与总氮的比值偏高。建议在今后的烟叶生产过程中重点做好“测土配方、精准施肥”和“成熟采收、科学烘烤”工作;避免选择高肥力地块栽烟,减少后期土壤供氮;增加施用肥料硝态氮比例,“氮肥前移、钾肥后移”,适当提早氮素肥料的施用时间。

【Abstract】 The quality of Yuxi main cultivar (K326, NC297, Hongda) tobacco leaf in 2007 was evaluated in three aspects such as appearance quality, chemical quality and sensory quality. Considering the quality objectives requirement of Hongta Group, reference for the improvement of tobacco production in Ynxi base was proposed according to the problems arisen in the production of tobacco leaf in 2007.The appearance quality of Yuxi main cultivar was pretty good. Most of the leaves have good maturity and the color is golden yellow and orange. The leaves are loosely and finely structured. The leaves have rich oil and adequate thickness.The coordination of chemical components was good and the conformity to the quality goal of Hongta Group is good. The average content of alkaloid of K326, NC297 and Hongda in cutter leaf are 2.58%,2.56% and 2.17%, respectively. The conformity to the quality goal of Hongta Group is 52.3%,53.2% and 42.4%, respectively. The average content of the difference of total sugar and reducing sugar aer 8.57%,8.33%,6.5.3% and the conformity is 91.4%,94.9% and 98.6%. The average content of total sugar aer 32.86%,32.83%,31.49% and the conformity is 96.8%,97.5% and 96.8%. The average value of non-alkaloid nitrogen to total nitrogen ratio aer 0.77,0.76,0.80 and the conformity is 41.9%,48.1% and 20.1%. The average content of chloride aer 0.31%,0.17%,0.17% and the conformity is 94.3%,98.7% and 97.2%.Smoking test showed that it has kind of prominent delicate sweetish aroma with a little bit of roasted and coke sweet. It had prominent aroma style of delicate sweetish aroma.There are two problems with Yuxi flue-cured tobacco. One is that the content of alkaloid, total sugar and the difference of total sugar and reducing sugar are quite different among growing areas. The other is that the ratio of non-alkaloid nitrogen to total nitrogen is higher than the quality objective requirement.There are also some advices for the further work. Soil test and precise fertilization are very important work before transplanting. The leaves must be harvested in the suitable stage of maturity and cured with scientific technique. High fertility plot is not adviced for planting and nitrogen suppley should be reduced in the later period of tobacco growth. Nitrogen forward and potassium backward should be taken as a good suggestion.

【关键词】 玉溪主栽品种烟叶质量
【Key words】 Yuximain cultivartobacco leafquality
  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】97

