

Study on Processing and Syability of Artemisia Argyi Volatile Oil-β-cyclodextrin Inclusion Compound

【作者】 邹新城

【导师】 傅童生; 刘湘新;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 兽医, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 艾叶为菊科植物艾草(Artemisia argyi Levl.Et Vant)的干燥叶,其味苦、辛、性温,归肝、脾、肾经。具有理气血、温经脉、逐寒湿、止冷痛,、安胎止痒等功效。挥发油为其主要药用成分,具有平喘、镇咳、祛痰及抗菌消炎等功效。但由于挥发油具有较强的挥发性、刺激性、遇光和热不稳定、水溶性差等原因,严重影响了其在生产中的应用。采用环糊精包合技术,将其制成挥发油包合物,意在提高艾叶挥发油的稳定性和可用性,进而提高艾叶挥发油的应用。本课题从艾叶中提取挥发油,采用了三种包合技术进行包合,筛选优化得到较佳的包合工艺,并对其包合物的稳定性等方面进行了比较,研究如下:(1)艾叶挥发油β-环糊精的包合研究:以挥发油包合率,包合物收得率和包合物含油率为评价指标,采用正交实验进行工艺优化,对研磨法、饱和水溶液法、超声法制备的包合物进行了综合评价。按三种方法的最佳包合工艺条件制备3批样品,测定超声法、饱和水溶液法和研磨法的平均包合率分别为50%、93%、55%。由结果可知,饱和水溶液法包合率较高,且更适于大生产,所以选用饱和水溶液搅拌法包合挥发油。(2)艾叶挥发油β-环糊精包合物的物相鉴别:采用显微镜观察、薄层色谱法、紫外分光光度法进行了物相鉴别,结果证实,显微镜观察与紫外图谱显示艾叶挥发油经β-环糊精包封后,形成了新的物相,包合物已形成;艾叶挥发油在包合前后及包合物的薄层色谱鉴别表明艾叶挥发油与β-CD形成稳定的环糊精包合物,且在挥发油在包合前后性质没有发生变化;紫外图谱与显微镜观察显示包合物的形成。(3)艾叶挥发油β-环糊精包合物的稳定性研究:采用抗光解性实验、热稳定性实验、湿稳定性试验对包合物的稳定进行测定,所得的数据可以看出:包合物中艾叶挥发油的含量百分比明显的要比混合物中的艾叶挥发油的含量百分比高,而在挥发性试验中,包合物中艾叶挥发油的失重百分比也明显比混合物中的失重百分比低,因此,我们可以推断出当艾叶挥发油与β-CD形成包合物以后能明显提高挥发油的稳定性,降低挥发性。综上所述,采用饱和水溶液法制备的艾叶挥发油β-CD包合物操作简便,成本低,对设备要求不高,且稳定性好,具有一定推广应用价值。

【Abstract】 Artemisia vulgaris was the dried leaves of Artemisia argyi Levl.Et Vant, which was bitter, acrid, warm and went through the spleen, liver and kidney. It have many functions, such as warm blood, dispel cold, release pain, cure cough and asthma, Stop-leak tocolysis, dampness itching etc. The main medicinal components was volatile oil, having smooth over asthma, antitussive, expectorant and anti-bacterial inflammatory effects. However, volatile oil has a strong volatility and pungent, unstable in case of light and heat, poor solubility, that seriously affected its application. Volatile oil will be more stability and availability as well as improving the application, by using of cyclodextrin technology. The purpose of this project is to extract oil from the leaves, by using three different techniques to get a better optimized technology. Then compare the stability of the complex extracted. The results of the studies are as follows:(1) Volatile oilβ-cyclodextrin complex:The utilization ratio of the volatile oil from Artemisia argyi, the content of volatile oil in inelusion compound and the recovery ratio of inclusion counpound were as criteria. The three processes were studied by orthogonal experimental design using orthogonal form (L9(43)) and compare the methed of trituration,the methoed of saturation water solution, supersound method.By three methods best preparation conditions inclusion 3 batches of samples, determination of ultrasonic, saturated aqueous solution method and grinding method average inclusion rate was 50% and 93% and 55%. From the results, the method of saturation water solution was confirmed as the better technology for preparing the aetherolea P-CD clathrate, with higher inclusion rate and more suitable for large-scale production.(2.) Volatile oilβ-cyclodextrin phase identification:Microscopy, thin layer chromatography, UV spectrophotometry were the methods of identification. The results confirmed that a new phase was formed inβ-essential oil Cyclodextrin encapsulation through the microscope and UV spectrum, after that inclusion complexes have been formed; volatile oil in the inclusion TLC before and after are consistent with, because that there are no spots in same condition. It showed that volatile oil has been with theβ-CD to form a stable inclusion complex, and in the nature of inclusion did not change before and after. The UV spectrum and Microscopy can give the formation of inclusion complexes(3) Volatile oilβ-cyclodextrin complex stability:The stability of inclusion complexes were determined by anti-photolysis experiments, thermal stability test, wet test. The result shows that the content of volatilize oil in inclusion compound did not change. In the mixtrue, however, the content of volatilize oil decreased. It showed that volatile oil in inclusion compound was much more stable under light,heat and humidity. In the volatility test, loss on drying of the compound was smaller than that of the mixture, indicating that inclusion compound could lower volatilization of volatile oil. Therefore, we can infer that when the volatile oil andβ-CD inclusion complex can significantly improve the stability and reduce volatile.In summary, essential oilβ-CD inclusion complex prepared by saturated aqueous solution was simple, low cost and less demanding on equipment, and good stability, with a certain application value.


