

Effects of Different Mycorrhizal Fungi on Growth of Flue-cured Tobacco

【作者】 李帆

【导师】 戴林建; 陆中山;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 AM菌根真菌对烤烟幼苗生长和营养吸收具有很好的促进作用,本文选取聚丛球囊霉(Glomuse aggregatum,BGC HUN02D)和摩西球囊霉(Glomuse mosseae, BGC HUN01A)作为供试菌种,以K326烤烟品种作为宿主,在育苗环节和大田栽培应用中予以验证,以期为AM菌根真菌在烤烟生产中应用提供理论依据。试验结果表明:1、培养基质和营养液对丛枝菌根(AM)真菌生长发育的影响沙土混合物(沙土体积比为3:1)基质对AM真菌生长发育尤其是孢子的生长最为有利,沸石基质对AM真菌生长发育尤其是菌丝的生长最为有利,沙土混合物基质处理菌根侵染率稍高,说明沙土混合物对G.mosseae菌剂的生长发育最为有利。营养液的成分、数量和浇施频度等对AM菌剂的生产都是重要的因素,在各种营养元素中,AM真菌对磷的浓度最敏感,磷也是菌根菌生长发育中最关键的营养元素,速效磷含量在10 mg/kg左右时、最有利于AM真菌的生长和产孢。2、AM真菌对烟苗大田生长及营养的影响接种摩西球囊霉处理的烤烟株高、叶片数均要高于非菌根菌处理,且摩西球囊霉处理的叶片数和单叶重也高于聚丛球囊霉处理;摩西球囊霉处理能提高烤烟氮素、钾素、总糖、还原糖和烟碱含量,并能很好协调氮/碱、糖/碱以及调整适度的蛋白质含量,进而能提高烟叶品质,尤其在上部叶,下部叶摩西球囊霉处理的糖/碱较合理。在上部叶接种菌根真菌的烤烟和非菌根菌烤烟的氮/碱均在0.8~0.9之间,属正常范围内;中部叶以及下部叶聚丛球囊霉处理和非菌根菌处理的氮/碱大于1,处于偏高的水平,而摩西球囊霉处理的氮/碱均在0.8~0.9之间,属正常范围内,可见,摩西球囊霉处理相对于非菌根菌处理,能在一定程度上协调烟叶总氮和烟碱之间的关系,且效果好于聚丛球囊霉处理。此外,摩西球囊霉处理在提高上、中、下部烟叶钾/氯的效果明显好于非菌根菌处理,且能有效降低烟叶的蛋白质含量,表现出较好的营养和品质效应。3、AM真菌对K326幼苗生长和营养的影响在低的营养条件下接种摩西球囊霉和聚丛球囊霉的侵染率均高于高营养处理的侵染率,说明烤烟幼苗在低营养条件下接种菌根真菌就能基本满足其生长所需。聚丛球囊霉处理侵染率略高,但摩西球囊霉处理对烤烟促根生长、幼苗生物量增加和氮磷钾营养元素的吸收的效果明显,特别是接种AM真菌后土壤磷酸酶活性明显高于不接种处理,可能由于AM真菌能利用自身浓密的根外菌丝到达烤烟根系难以到达的区域吸收更多的磷素营养。

【Abstract】 The AM fungi can increase the growth and the nutrient uptake of flue-cured tobacco seedling, so we verified its effection on seedling culture and field production through choosing the Glomuse aggregatum fungi (BGC HUN02D) and Glomuse mosseae fungi(BGC HUN01 A) as the tested fungi, and selected K326 tobacco as host plant. Aim to establish the industrial AM fungi growth technology. The main results were summarized as follows.1 The effection to growth and nutrient uptake of AM fungi by different culture medium and nutrient solutionThe culture medium of mixture of sand and soil which the rate of sand to soil was 3:1 could promote spore growth of AM fungi, and the culture medium of zeolite could promote mycelium growth of AM fungi. The infect rate of mixture of sand and soil treat was higher than other culture medium treat.The bring up process of AM fungi could been influencd by component, contents and irrigate frequency of nutrient solution especially the phosphorus value of nutrient solution, so we must control the phosphorus value of nutrient solution be about 10 mg/kg to guarantee the high efficiency produce of AM fungi.2 The effection to growth and nutrient uptake of flue-cured tobacco seedling by AM fungiUnder the low nutritional conditions, the infect rate of Glomuse mosseae treat and Glomuse aggregatum treat better than non-inoculated treat, and the infect rate of Glomuse aggregatum treat better than Glomuse mosseae treat.The Glomuse mosseae treat could promote flue-cured tobacco’s rooting ability and seedling yield, and also could increase uptake ability of N、P and K value, especially could strengthened the activity of soil Phosphatase.3 The effection to growth and nutrient uptake of flue-cured tobacco by AM fungiThe plant height and the number of blade inoculated by Glomuse mosseae fungi was better than non-inoculated treat, and the number of blade and the weight of leaf inoculated by Glomuse mosseae fungi was better than Glomuse aggregatum treat. The Glomuse mosseae treat could increase N, K, total sugar, reducing sugar and nicotinamide value, and could coordinate the rate of N to nicotinamide and the rate of sugar to nicotinamide, also the Glomuse mosseae treat could control suitable protein value, and then its could improve the quality of flue-cured tobacco.The rate of N to nicotinamide on all treat in top leaf was belong to normal range about 0.8-0.9. The rate of N to nicotinamide on Glomuse aggregatum treat and non-inoculated treat in middle and under-part leaf was belong to high range about beyond 1.0, but The rate of N to nicotinamide on Glomuse mosseae treat was belong to normal range.The rate of K to chlorine on Glomuse mosseae treat in all parts of leaf better than non-inoculated treat, meanwhile Glomuse mosseae treat could turn down the protein value.


