

Breeding of New Maize Variety Fudan No.2 and Its High-yielding Cultivation Techniques

【作者】 王军

【导师】 屠乃美; 陈志辉;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 作物, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究分析了当前玉米生产现状,提出了“中熟、中秆、果穗大、粒行数多、单株生产力高,籽粒偏硬、品质好,抗病性、抗倒性强”的育种目标;运用“地方品种×外引群体”杂种优势模式选育出了玉米新品种福单2号;对该品种栽培和制种技术进行了研究,并对当前玉米育种的有关问题进行了探讨。1福单2号的选育在充分分析当前玉米生产现状、杂种优势利用模式的基础上,确定了适合湖南省及武陵山区的品种选育目标。对优良地方品种资源和外引品种进行筛选改良利用,用二环系法选育出优良玉米自交系165和E538。以E538为母本、165为父本组配出玉米新品种福单2号,该品种2010年3月通过湖南省审定。2福单2号综合表现福单2号高产又稳产,在2008-2009年连续两年湖南省玉米区试中,比对照临奥1号增产12.31%,位居第1位;在2009年湖南省玉米生产试验中较对照临奥1号增产13.93%,位居第1;在2009年国家西南玉米区试中比对照喻单8号增产10.66%,位居小组第1位。籽粒容重为756g/L,粗蛋白(干基)10.71%,粗脂肪(干基)4.43%,粗淀粉(干基)68.91%,赖氨酸(干基)0.30%,品质优良。抗大斑病、小斑病,中抗茎腐病和纹枯病,抗倒性好。株高穗位中等,上部叶片较紧凑,下部叶片稍平展,茎秆粗壮,根系发达,果穗粗长,结实性好,熟期适中,适应性强,综合性状优良。3福单2号栽培技术福单2号在土壤肥力中等的基础上,目标产量大于8699.4kg/hm2以上的优化栽培方案是:密度为48318-49974株/hm2,纯N施用量381.9-412.5kg/hm2、P2O5 99.3-115.95kg/hm2、K2O 247.5-280.95kg/hm2。4福单2号制种技术福单2号杂交制种宜在西北地区进行,适宜的父母本行比为1:5,母本适宜的种植密度为67500-75000株/hm2。父母本应错期播种,母本播后16天时播第一期父本,再过5天播第二期父本,两期父本的播种比例为7:3。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the present situation of maize production was analyzed, the maize breeding objectives including the medium maturity, medium stem, bigger fruit ear, more maize row number, high productivity per plant, better quality, medium-hard kernel, high disease resistance and lodging resistance was put forward, the field experiments on cultivation technique and seed production technique for FuDan No.2 which bred by using the heterotic pattern "local variety×foreign variety" were carried out, the key problems about maize breeding at present were discussed.1 The breeding of Fudan No.2Based on the intensive analysis of the present situation of maize production and the model of maize heterosis utilization, the breeding purpose which adapt to Hunan province and Wuling mountain area was determined. Through screening, improving the excellent local variety resources and the foreign cultivar, we bred the excellent maize inbred lines 165 and E538 by using the second cycle method. The new variety Fudan No.2 is bred by E538 (female) and 165(male) which has been examined and approved by Hunan province in March 2010.2 The comprehensive performance of Fudan No.2Fudan No.2 performs high and stable production, the average output ranked as first and increased by 12.31% compared with Linao No.1(as a comparison) in the maize regional experiment of Hunan province in 2008-2009 and by 13.93% compared with Linao No.1 in the production test of 2009 in Hunan province. In the maize regional experiment of South-West in 2009, its average output ranked as first and increased by 10.66% compared with Yudan No.8(as a comparison). Its bulk density, crude protein content, crude fat content, crude starch content and lysine content are 756g/ L,10.71%,4.43%,68.91% and 0.30%, respectively. Comprehensive quality of Fudan No.2 is good. Fudan No.2 had very good resistance to maize leaf spot disease, medium resistance to corn stalk rot and sheath blight and good resistance to lodging Its plant height, ear position height are in the middle, the upper leaves are compact and the lower leaves are lanceolate,the stem of Fudan No.2 are thick, it has well developed root system, big ear, high seed set, moderate mature period and strong adaptability, its comprehensive characters are good.3 The Cultivation Technique of Fudan No.2 On the basis of moderate soil fertility, the good planting density and the amount of properly using fertilization over 8699.4kg/hm2 of Fudan No.2 are 48318-49974/mu and N(pure nitrogen)381.9-412.5kg/hm2、P2O5 99.3~115.95kg/hm2、K2O 247.5~280.95kg/hm2.4 The seed production techniques of Fudan No.2The Northwest of China is suitable for hybrid seed production of Fudan No.2, the suitable ratio between parental lines is 1:5, the density of maternal line is 67500-75000/ hm2, Male parent should be sowed 16 days later than female parent in the first phase, than the second phase male parent should be sowed 5 days later, the ratio between two male parent lines is 7:3.

【关键词】 玉米福单2号品种选育栽培技术
【Key words】 cornFudan No.2breedingcultural technique

