Environmental Risk Estimate of Structure and Appliance in Formaldehyde Industry
【作者】 昌盛;
【导师】 杨仁斌;
【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 环境影响评价, 2010, 硕士
【摘要】 近几年我国甲醛行业发展很快,一批规模较大的生产装置相继建成。而该类企业生产过程中涉及易燃易爆和有毒有害物质,在事故状态下将会对周围的环境产生巨大的影响,造成人员伤亡和环境污染。因此,需要规范甲醛生产企业风险评价,建立甲醛生产企业环境风险评价与管理体系,降低其环境事故风险,减少环境风险损失。本文根据甲醛行业的具体特点,在研究现有环境风险评价技术和方法的基础上,归纳了甲醛行业的环境风险评价技术方法。并以湘资化工厂为例,进行相应事故后果计算,采用事故树分析方法对项目已确定的最大可信事故—储罐泄露进行了定性分析,以最小割集和最小径集为依据,有针对性的提出了预防甲醛泄露事故发生的有效措施;最后假定甲醛泄露事故发生源项,结合当地气象条件、保护目标分布情况及甲醛的毒性特征,对事故发生后的危害范围及风险进行了预测。在此基础上提出了预防和减缓风险发生的方法为企业的风险管理提供科学依据,该论文的研究成果可以作为对甲醛行业进行环境风险评价工作时的参考。
【Abstract】 Abstract:Recent years the formaldehyde industry in China grows rapidly and some large producing devices are built up constantly. This kind of firms are with great dangers, not only during the producing will it emit flammable and explosive or poisonous elements, but also under accidents it will have deep impacts with the surrounding environment. Consequently it is quite necessary to regulate the risk estimate of formaldehyde industry, build up such kind of management system to reduce the risks and damages to the environment.According to the formaldehyde industry’s characters, this essay gives a summary on the base of deeply studying the current methods and technics. Setting Xiangzi Chemistry Firm as an example, it calculates the after-accident damage; using an canonical method to accurately analyze the target storing can under a stimulant largest accident, and after collecting the minimum cut-set and the minimum dia-set, the essay proposes some measures that can effectively prevent the formaldehyde leak out. At last it concludes local climate and geography conditions and information of protecting target as well as the toxicity character of formaldehyde, and finally predicts the probable damage level and the risks. All these are the base of scientific background for enterprises to carry out risky management, and the fruit of this essay can be a reference in an environmental risky estimate to the formaldehyde industry.
【Key words】 environmental risky estimate; formaldehyde; leak out; risky estimate;