

Study on Popularization and Promotion Mechanism of Agricultural Machinery in Hunan Province

【作者】 张利峰

【导师】 孙松林; 吴文科;

【作者基本信息】 湖南农业大学 , 农业工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近几年有关三农政策的不断推出与政府对农业投入的不断增加,湖南省农业农业机械化水平经历了一个快速发展的时期,在很大程度上促进了湖南省农业经济的发展;然而湖南省目前的农业机械推广体系与推广机制依旧沿袭前期制度,不能较好的与当前农机市场的发展相适应。探索建立适合湖南省客观情况的农业机械推广体系与推广机制,以促进湖南省农机市场的不断繁荣和健康发展具有显著的现实意义。本文在总结概括湖南省农机发展概况的基础上,分析了湖南省农机需求的特点并指出了湖南省农机市场发展过程中所存在的问题,认为农民人均收入增长幅度过缓、农户对农机市场信息了解不及时不全面以及农机的流通与售后环节滞后等因素是影响湖南省农业机械化的主要原因。论文在广泛借鉴国内外成功经验的基础上,探讨了湖南省农机推广体系所存在的问题。作者结合2005年以来湖南省农机发展相关数据进行了大量统计分析,分别研究了总耕地面积、人均耕地面积、人均收入、农村住户劳动力转移、农业从业人数参数等对湖南省农机保有量的影响。利用多元线性方程与一元多次方程对以上关系进行了回归分析,建立了相对应的数学模型,并对2010年湖南省农机保有量进行了合理的预测。该模型的建立可为农机部门制定相关文件与政策提供一定的参考与依据。作者最后就湖南省农机推广机制与推广体系改革提出了自己的建议,认为农机推广应当根据当地乡村劳动力资源总数、农业从业人员收入增长水平以及人均耕地面积的变化情况因地制宜的制定销售目标、建设销售渠道与安排销售力量。

【Abstract】 Agricultural mechanization level of agriculture in Hunan Province has experienced a period of rapid development with the introduction of new policies on agriculture and the growing of agricultural inputs in recent years, which contributed greatly to the development of agricultural economy in Hunan Province. However, the promotion of agricultural machinery and mechanism of extension system still follow the previous system, which cannt meet the acquirement of agricultural market development with the current situation. In order to ensure the continued prosperity and healthy development of Hunan agricultural machinery market, it is practical significance to explore the establishment of conditions for agricultural machinery and mechanism of extension systems.The author analysised the demand characteristics for agricultural machinery and the problems existed in development process in Hunan Province based on the summed overview of agricultural development. The author regard that the main reasons affected the development of agricultural machinery in Hunan lies in three aspects. First, the growth rate in per capita income of farmers is too slow. Second, the farmer dont understand on the agricultural market information timely. Third, the links in distribution and after-sales dont work realtimey and often lags.This paper discussed the problems that existed in the agricultural extension system in Hunan Province based on the successful experiences on development of agricultural extension system in other province and foreign. A great deal of statistical analysis has been undertaken based on the related data of agricultural development in Hunan since 2005. The anthor studied the influence of total cultivated area, arable land per capita, per capita income, transfer of rural labor households, and the number of agricultural workers on the ownership of agricultural machinery in Hunan. Multiple linear equations and many times a dollar equation have been adoped to undertake the above regression analysis, and some corresponding mathematical models have been established. The agricultural machinery holding of Hunan in 2010 was forecast by the models successfully. The mathematical models can provide a reference and basis for the agricultural sector and policy. Some advices have been proposed on the promotion mechanism of agricultural machinery and the reform of extension system in Hunan. The author suggests that the agricultural sector should develop the sales targets, build sales channels, and arrange sales force according to the local conditions such as the total number of rural labor resources, the income growth rate of agricultural employees, and the change in arable land per capita.

  • 【分类号】F323.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】289

