

The Avifauna in Hangzhou and the Effects of Urbanization on Avian Community

【作者】 李鹏

【导师】 丁平;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 动物学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 2006年6月至2007年10月,本文作者对杭州地区的657条样线的鸟类物种进行了调查。并沿城市化梯度,在杭州地区的城区、城乡结合区、农田区、农林交错区和自然林区等类型栖息地选择了其中90条样线(每种类型18条样线),于2007年3月至2007年8月进行鸟类物种与群落营巢集团/功能群(团)调查。根据调查结果,本文全面分析了杭州市的鸟类区系组成及其特征,进而对鸟类营巢集团对城市化的反应模式及其原因,影响鸟类营巢集团分布的因素,鸟类物种多样性与功能多样性对城市化的反应模式及其原因,以及在城市化梯度下功能多样性与物种多样性的关系等问题进行了较为深入的探讨。具体研究结果如下:(1)本次调查共记录杭州市鸟类224种,隶属16目46科。结合文献记载,杭州市的鸟类区系有354种,隶属17目66科。其中古北界鸟种为191种,东洋界鸟种为154种,广布鸟种为9种。杭州市的鸟类区系处于东洋界和古北界的过渡地带,具有东洋界和古北界混杂的特征。(2)不同城市化梯度的5种栖息地类型90条样线调查,共记录到繁殖鸟类96种,分属于9种营巢集团,即林冠枝干营巢集团、灌草丛营巢集团、林冠枝干/灌草丛营巢集团、自然洞穴营巢集团、人工建筑营巢集团、自然洞穴/人工建筑营巢集团地面营巢集团、水面营巢集团和寄生集团。(3)随城市化程度提高,鸟类营巢集团的数目呈整体下降趋势,而各集团的物种数也基本呈下降趋势。但是,不同的营巢集团对城市化的反应存在差异,导致其物种组成在群落中比例的明显变化。城市化程度的提高使树冠筑巢鸟、灌丛筑巢鸟、地面筑巢鸟及自然洞穴筑巢鸟在群落中所占的比例明显下降,其中地面筑巢鸟最为敏感,灌丛筑巢鸟次之。同时,自然洞穴/人工建筑集团的鸟类在群落中的比例却随着城市化程度的提高明显上升。各营巢集团之所以对城市化做出不同反应,是因为它们对筑巢地资源利用方式不同。(4)植被盖度、人工设施面积、至市中心距离以及人为干扰等因素均可对鸟类营巢集团结构产生影响,但不同类型的营巢集团对上述因素的反应各异。(5)随着城市化程度的提高,杭州市繁殖鸟类群落的物种的丰富度与物种多样性都呈下降趋势,在适度城市化地区没有发现丰富度及多样性到达峰值。原因可能是因为本地区相对剧烈的城市化进程以及相对较高的人为干扰水平,其带来的负面影响不足以抵消城市化所带来的额外好处。(6)随着城市化程度的增加,杭州市繁殖鸟类群落功能丰富度与功能多样性都呈下降趋势,这可能与城市化筑巢地资源的种类及数量减少有关。(7)城市化使杭州市繁殖鸟类群落物种多样性和功能多样性都呈下降趋势,但其模式并不相同。物种多样性与城市化呈线性关系,而功能多样性在城市化程度增长初期下降的并不明显,只是在城市化水平增长到一定程度后,功能多样性才急剧下降。并且功能多样性与物种多样性呈二次函数关系。即在低多样性水平上,功能多样性与物种多样性基本呈线性关系;而当多样性水平提高时,随着物种多样性的增加,功能多样性的增加趋势减缓。

【Abstract】 Between June 2006 and October 2007, the birds and avifauna in the area of Hangzhou had been surveyed using line transects on 657 transect routes, each 3km in length and 100m in width, about 4km apart. We divided habitats of all transect routes into 5 types of habitats, urban area, rural-urban continuum area, farmland area, forestland mixed area and forestland area, based on urbanization level across an urban gradient, and surveyed the bird species diversity and the avian nesting guilds/functional groups on the 90 routes (18 routes for each type of habitats) selected from all transect routes in between March 2007 and August 2007 in order to know the effects of urbanization on bird species diversity and community, including the responses of avian nesting guilds, species diversity and functional diversity to the urbanization and its causes, the factors influenced the distribution of avian nesting guilds and the relationship between functional diversity and species diversity across the urban gradient. The results showed as follows:(1) 224 bird species, belonging to 16 orders 46 families, were recorded in our surveys in Hangzhou. Based on the records of our surveys and the former records of avifauna of Hangzhou,354 bird species, belonging to 17 orders 66 families, have been recorded totally. Among these species, there were 191 Palaearctic bird species, 154 Oriental bird species and 9 widespread bird species. The avifauna of Hangzhou has the feature of transiting from Oriental realm and Palaearctic realm in bird composition.(2) 96 bird species were recorded on the 90 routes located in the 5 type habitats with different urbanization levels. Based on the locations of the nest sites, all bird species could be classified as 9 the nesting guilds, i.e. canopy nesters, shrubs nesters, canopy/ shrub nesters, natural cavity nesters, buildings nesters, natural cavity/ buildings nesters, ground nesters, water surface nesters and parasite nesters.(3) The numbers of the nesting guilds and the species in nesting guilds both declined with increased urbanization. We found that the urbanization had different impact patterns for different nesting guilds. For example, the number of canopy nesters, shrub nesters, ground nesters and natural cavity nesters declined with increased urbanization. Shrub nesters and ground nesters were particularly more sensitive to urbanization. For the natural cavity/build nesters, numbers increased with urbanization. The affecting patterns of urbanization were different with different nesting guilds as they using different nest-sites.(4) Although all of variables of habitat measured in our survey, the vegetation coverage, areas of buildings and distance to the city center and human disturbance could influence the avian community structure of nesting guilds, each variable had a specific pattern of the effect on the nesting guilds separately.(5) The urbanization could decrease both species richness and species diversity. We did not find a peak of diversity at the moderate urbanization area. Maybe the more intense of urbanization and disturbance in this area frustrated the advantage of urbanization.(6) The urbanization could decrease both functional richness and functional diversity. The decreasing of nesting resources might cause this.(7) Both functional diversity and species diversity were adversely affected by increased urbanization, but their patterns were different. The form of the relationship between species diversity and urbanization was a line, but the relationship between functional diversity and urbanization was a quadratic function curve. It meant that the functional diversity was insensitive at low urbanization levels, but dropped dramatically at high urbanization levels. The quadratic function curve of the relationship pattern between functional diversity and species diversity also suggested that a linear relationship between functional diversity and species diversity could exist only at low diversity levels across the urban gradient.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】Q958
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】211

