

【作者】 鲁强

【导师】 盛亚;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 复杂产品系统由于本身的复杂功能和要求、高度系统集成和密集的软件内嵌等特性,其创新成功的概率远远低于普通大规模制造产品。复杂产品系统创新的失败在很大程度上是由于集成商对于项目的控制能力不足所致。此外,复杂产品系统技术创新过程中涉及很多不同的利益相关者,使得复杂产品系统项目的研制与运营难度更大,如何有效地处理项目各个利益相关者之间的关系状态,也是复杂产品系统创新项目成功的关键。自从Hobday教授提出复杂产品系统的概念以来,国内外学者对其展开了大量研究,但是很多研究忽略了集成商控制对于复杂产品系统创新的影响作用,对于利益相关者之间关系状态的影响研究也甚少,实证研究更是没有。本文在对以往文献总结和实地访谈的基础上,提出研究假设,通过实证研究验证集成商控制(正式控制与非正式控制)对复杂产品系统创新绩效(技术能力、机会窗口和经济效益)的影响及其作用机制,包括利益相关者关系状态(多样性与互赖性)的中介作用和环境动态性的调节作用。本文通过对科技、建筑、制造、通讯、电子等多个行业的企业调查,共获取395份有效样本。以SPSS13.0和AMOS4.0作为统计工具,进行方差分析、层级回归模型和结构方程模型等分析方法对研究假设进行检验。通过数据分析,得出研究结论如下:(1)正式控制和非正式控制对技术能力、机会窗口和经济效益等均有显著的正向影响。(2)当多样性与互赖性程度较低时,集成商控制对利益相关者关系状态产生显著的正向影响;当多样性与互赖性程度较高时,集成商控制对利益相关者关系状态产生显著的反向影响。(3)当多样性与互赖性程度较低时,利益相关者关系状态对CoPS创新绩效产生显著的正向影响;当多样性与互赖性程度较高时,利益相关者关系状态对CoPS创新绩效产生显著的反向影响。(4)当多样性程度较低和较高时,多样性均对集成商控制控制与CoPS创新绩效的关系起部分中介作用;当互赖性程度较低和较高时,互赖性均对集成商控制控制与CoPS创新绩效的关系起部分中介作用。(5)环境动态性对集成商控制与CoPS创新绩效之间的关系有调节作用。环境动态性越高,集成商控制对CoPS创新绩效的影响越大。最后,对本文研究结论进行了总结,提出了一些列管理对策,并针对研究的局限性提出了未来研究的方向。

【Abstract】 Because of their own special features such as complex functions and requirements, system integration of high degree and intensive software embedded, the probability of successful innovation of Complex Products and Systems (CoPS) is far below the ordinary mass-produced products. The failure of CoPS innovation is largely due to the integrator’s poor control of the project. In addition, the proceses of CoPS innovation involves many different stakeholders, making the development and operations of project more difficult. Therefore, how to effectively deal with the relationship among various stakeholders in each stage is of great importance to the success of project. Scholars both at home and abroad have finished a lot of research about CoPS since its concept was proposed by professor Hobday. However, many of them neglected the impact of integrator’s control to the project. The number of studies those about the relationship status of stakeholders is rare, let alone to the empirical research.Based on the document summary and interviews, this paper proposes some assumptions and tries to prove the influence and mechanism of the integrator’s control(formal control and informal control) to innovation performance of CoPS(technical capacity, the window of opportunities and economic benefits) through empirical research, including the intermediary role of relationship status(diversity and interdependence) of stakeholders and the regulation role of environmental dynamism.We investigate many enterprises from different industries, including technology, construction, manufacturing, communications, electronics and so on. In the end, we totally obtain 395 valid samples. We perform the analysis of variance hierarchical regression models and structural equation models to test the hypotheses proposed by using the statistical softwares SPSS 13.0 and AMOS4.0, and the main conclusions are as follows.(1)Both formal control and informal control have a significantly positive direct impact on the innovation performance of CoPS(technical capacity, the window of opportunities and the economic benefits).(2)When the level of the diversity and interdependence of stakeholders are low, integrator’s control(formal control and informal control) has a significantly positive direct impact on the relationship status(diversity and interdependence). In contrast, when the level of the diversity and interdependence of stakeholders are high, the impacts are significantly negative.(3)When the level of the diversity and interdependence of stakeholders are low, the relationship status has a significantly positive direct impact on the innovation performance of CoPS. In contrast, when the level of the diversity and interdependence of stakeholders are high, the impacts are significantly negative.(4) The diversity mediates the effect of integrator’s control on the innovation performance of CoPS no matter the level of the diversity is low or high; the interdependence mediates the effect of integrator’s control on the innovation performance of CoPS no matter the level of the interdependence is low or high.(5) The environmental dynamism moderates the relationship between the integrator’s control and the innovation performance of CoPS: the higher the environmental dynamism, the greater the influence impact of integrator’s control on innovation performance of CoPS.At the end of this paper, the research conclusions are summarized and the corresponding management strategies are put forward. The limitations of this paper and the future research directions are mentioned too.


