

Alternative and Complementary of Online Invisible Market and Traditional Professional Market

【作者】 齐美杰

【导师】 张仁寿;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国改革开放以来,专业市场作为与广大中小企业的发展相适应、有利节约交易成本的共享式销售平台,在各地获得了蓬勃发展,而浙江由于中小企业众多,专业市场的数量与规模在全国都独占鳌头。随着近10多年来信息技术的迅速发展,以电子商务为代表的网上无形交易方式正在逐渐渗透到有形专业市场交易的各个环节。基于这样的现实背景,本文侧重分析研究这两种市场形态的替代性与互补性,即两种市场交易方式的相互替代抑或融合发展问题。按照微观经济学理论,理性的交易主体在追求利润最大化的过程中会形成有效率的市场交易制度。本文循着市场功能差异→交易主体最大化利润差异→市场交易制度差异的路径,对网上无形市场与有形专业市场的相互关系进行了比较深入的分析研究。就两种市场的功能而言,虽然它们作为共享式交易平台,具有节约交易成本、提高交易效率的共同作用,但由网上无形市场的虚拟性与有形专业市场的实体性之根本特点所决定,两者在宏观和微观两个层面都具有功能差异,而微观功能的差异影响着交易主体对交易方式的不同选择。在对理性交易主体的具体分析中,本文构造了一个交易者渠道选择模型。结果显示,如果两种市场平行发展,相互争夺客户资源,会导致形成两头分化的市场格局,而网上市场长期发展中边际营销收益递减的趋势又会导致两类市场产生合作的需求。就理性交易主体而言,采用协调互补的交易方式比平行不协调的交易方式可以获得更大收益。而且从社会资源最优配置角度看,网上无形市场在短期内也不能较大地降低内生交易成本,从而不能明显提高净收益。因此,无论从短期看还是长期看,网上市场都不能完全替代专业市场,充其量只能替代后者的部分交易功能。论文还比较分析了几个“市场案例”,从中发现,现实中专业市场与网上市场是按照“你中有我、我中有你”的互相渗透方式演变的,这也在一定程度上验证了模型推导的正确性。

【Abstract】 Since China’s reform and opening up, the professional market has enjoyed rapid development in our country, because it can save enterprises’transaction cost adapting to the scale of SMEs. For Zhejiang Province has numbers of small and medium enterprises, it leads in both the number and size of the professional market. With the rapid development of information technology within nearly 10 years, online invisible trading method (mainly referring to e-commerce) has gradually infiltrated all aspects of market transactions. Based on this realistic background, this paper focuses on analyzing alternative and complementary of the two kinds of markets, that the two markets substitute or integrate with each other.According to microeconomic theory, the efficient market will be formed in the process of trader’s pursuit maximization profits. This paper studies the relationship between Intangible online market and tangible professional market deeply, on the path that function differences of both markets→maximization profits differences of rational traders→differences of market trading systems. For both markets, although they are both shared trading platforms and have the same function that can save transaction costs and improve the trading efficiency, but the difference of virtual or physical nature decides their functional differences in both macro and micro. And microscopic features decide the choices of the traders.In the specific analysis for rational traders, a model of trader channel choice is constructed. Conclusions of model are got that:if the two markets develop in parallel way, which both markets fight for customers, it will form two differentiations. But in the long term, the trend of online market diminishing sales efforts will lead to co-operation needs of online market and special market. For rational traders, coordinated and complementary trading method will result in more profits than uncoordinated method. For endogenous transaction costs, the principle of optimal allocating resources determines that the online market can not reduce endogenous transaction costs largely in the short term, so, net profit can’t be improved significantly. Therefore, whether in the short or long term, the online market can not completely replace the professional market. At best, it can only replace some functions of professional market. The paper also compared and analyzed several "market case", and found, in reality, the professional market and the online market are evolved in the means of "you have me, I have you", which validate the correctness of the model to some extent.

  • 【分类号】F723;F724.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】217

