

Research on the Relationship between Psychological Capital and Job Performance of Employees in Hotels

【作者】 付丽

【导师】 唐飞;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 旅游管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着饭店业竞争的日趋激烈,传统意义上的资源所带来的竞争优势变得越来越模糊,经营者不得不开始寻求新的竞争方式。心理资本概念的提出适时地为人们提供了一个全新的视角,即饭店可以通过测量、干预和管理员工的心理资本来制定科学的人才发展计划,优化企业人才结构,强化竞争优势,最终为饭店带来长远效益。一直以来,国内外学者都没有间断对工作绩效的研究,其影响因素由最初的个人特质和组织结构发展到后来更为复杂的个人能力、认知水平和行为过程等。可以说,学者们对于工作绩效的研究已经较为深入和全面,并已取得可观的研究成果。相比之下,对心理资本理论的研究就显得十分不足。学者们对这一理论的研究在本世纪初才初见端倪,就目前来讲,理论基础还相对薄弱,学者们仍主要集中于对其概念和维度的确定,针对其与其他变量关系的研究还不是十分成熟,更加缺乏专门针对服务业员工心理资本问题的实证研究。可以说,心理资本理论还存在很大的研究空间,还有很多值得我们进一步研究和探讨的问题。本研究试图以实证研究的方法,探讨饭店员工心理资本与工作绩效之间的关系,检验两者之间是否存在相互影响以及影响的程度如何。在阅读相关文献并了解国内外相关研究进程的基础上,明确本文的研究背景和研究内容,然后进行研究设计并提出假设,本研究假设饭店员工的心理资本会影响其工作绩效,同时工作绩效水平也会对其心理资本状态产生显著影响。在完成数据收集工作之后,利用SPSS16.0统计工具进行数据分析和处理,对本文提出的假设进行验证,得出如下结论:(1)饭店员工心理资本对其工作绩效有影响。但心理资本4个维度对工作绩效2个维度的影响作用不同。其中,仅乐观水平对任务绩效不具有影响作用,心理资本的其他3个维度均对工作绩效的2个维度有显著影响。(2)工作绩效水平也会影响员工的心理资本。但不同变量间的具体影响情况存在较大差异。其中,任务绩效水平会影响员工的自信和希望水平,而对心理资本的其他两个维度即乐观和回复力没有影响作用;周边绩效会影响员工的自信、乐观及回复力,而对希望没有影响作用。(3)从差异分析的结果来看,饭店员工的心理资本和工作绩效水平在性别上不存在显著差异;在年龄方面,25岁以下员工的任务绩效显著低于26到30岁的员工,21到25岁员工的周边绩效显著低于26到30岁的员工,20岁以下员工的自我效能感水平显著低于其他年龄段的员工,20岁以下员工的回复力水平显著低于26到30岁的员工;在学历方面,高中或中专以下学历员工的周边绩效显著低于本科及以上学历员工,高中或中专以下学历员工的自我效能感和回复力水平均显著低于本科及以上学历员工;在工作部门方面,前厅部员工的周边绩效显著高于餐饮部员工;在工作年限方面,工作年限在1年以下的员工乐观水平显著低于工作年限在3年以上的员工在以上研究结论的基础上,本文将分别从自我效能感、希望、乐观及回复力四个方面为饭店人力资源管理部门对员工心理资本的开发和管理工作提供一些建议。本研究将在一定程度上丰富前人对于心理资本理论,尤其是其与工作绩效关系的研究,同时本文的研究结论也将为饭店业的人力资源管理实践提供一定建议。

【Abstract】 As for the increasingly fierce competition in hospitality industry, those competitive advantages brought by conventional resources are becoming weaker and weaker and managers have to look for new ways to compete. The concept of psychological capital provides us a new view—we can work out the company’s overall human resource strategy on the basis of the actual level of the psychological capital of our employees. And we will have reasonable human resource structure, distinct competitive advantage and lone-term interest.Researchers at home and abroad have been studying on job performance for years. Now it is widely believed that personal abilities, cognition level and behavioral process all have influence on job performance. In a manner of speaking, reserachers have already deeply researched job performance. By contrast, psychological capital needs more researches. People began the study on psychological capital at the beginning of this century. Nowadays, people still concentrate on the researches on the concept and structure of psychological capital. There are few researches on the relationship between psychological capital and other variables. In a word, there are still many respects we have to study and discuss.This paper tries to find the relationship between psychological capital and job performance through empirical research. Firstly, I made clear the general background information and research contents of this paper through reading lots of documents at home and abroad. Secondly, I started the study design and then made hypothesis—psychological capital has influence on job performance of hotel employees, and job performance also has clear influence on psychological capital. Thirdly, I used SPSS 16.0 to analyze and process data once I finished the work of data collection. Finally, I verified the hypothesis and got conclusions as follows:(1) Psychological capital has influence on job performance of hotel employees. But the 4 factors of psychological capital have different influence on the 2 factors of job performance. The level of optimistism has no inflience on task performance, but other 3 factors all have clear influence on the 2 factors of job performance. (2)Job performance also has influence on psychological capital, but there are several differences in relationship between different factors. Task performance has influence on the level of confidence and hope, but it doesn’t have influence on the other 2 factors of psychological capital. Contextual performance has influence on the level of confidence, optimistism and resilience but hope.(3) Variance analysis shows that sex has no clear influence on psychological capital or job performance. Employees aged under 25 have lower task performance than those who are 26 to 30 years old. Those who are 21 to 25 years old have lower contextual performance than those who are 26 to 30 years old. Those who are under 20 have lower level of confidence than other employees, and they also have lower level of resilience than those who are 26 to 30 years old. Educational level also has realitionship with psychological capital and job performance. Employees who have lower educational level often have lower contextual performance, confidence and resilience than those who have higher educational level. Workers in front office department have much higher contextual performance than workers in food and beverage department. And people who have been working in the hotel less than 1 year have lower level of optimistism than those who have been working here more than 3 years.Then some suggestions are brought up for the human resource management of hotels from the aspects of confidence, hope, optimistism and resilience.Through the above research, this paper will complement the researches on psychological capital and its relationship with job performance. In addition, this paper also have some practice significance in human resource management of hospitality industry.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F719
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】426

