

The Development of Charity and the Support of Government

【作者】 金琦

【导师】 赵建国;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,随着全球经济化、信息化的变迁,我国的经济取得了快速的发展,与此同时贫富差距扩大、地区之间发展不平衡等社会问题也日益严重。近年来,地震、洪水、干旱、泥石流等突发性自然灾害也不时的威胁着国家的安定与和谐,制约着我国社会政治、经济、文化的发展。发展慈善事业,能够有效的弥补政府救助的不足,帮助群众解决实际困难,不仅可以弥补国家社会保障体系的疏漏,还可以缓解我国在发展市场经济过程中产生的贫富分化矛盾,加强社会各阶层之间的理解和交流,避免出现大规模社会动荡,维护社会安定团结,促进社会发展与公平,推动我国物质文明、精神文明和政治文明的共同进步。就目前我国慈善事业发展的总体情况而言,与发达国家相比还有很大的差距,存在着诸多问题。我国的慈善事业起步较晚,公民的慈善意识落后;慈善组织数量较少,慈善事业的发展缺乏相关的制度支持;与慈善事业相关的法律法规政策不健全,慈善组织运行不规范等,都严重影响了我国慈善事业健康有序的发展。我国慈善组织的产生方式大多是由政府一手操办,这种政府主导模式不可避免的造成了政府对慈善事业的垄断,抑制了社会公众参与慈善事业的积极性,不利于我国慈善事业的长久发展。因此政府应该改革双重管理体制,构建一种政府支持慈善事业发展的新型关系模式,加快法制法规建设步伐,加大政府对慈善事业及慈善文化的宣传和推广,创造出有利于慈善事业发展的良好的社会舆论环境,制定合理统一的税收优惠政策,强化政府对慈善组织的内外部监督和管理。在慈善事业发展过程中做到“有所为,有所不为”,转变政府职能,将更多的精力放在国家宏观政策的制定上,实现政府角色的转化,将政府与慈善组织的关系由“控制与被控制”转化为“互动合作”,从而促进慈善事业健康快速发展,发挥更多的社会功能。本文从政府与慈善事业的关系入手进行研究,深入分析我国慈善事业发展的规律和特点,探究出如何构建我国政府与慈善事业发展的良性互动关系。文章主要包括四个部分内容,第一部分阐述了慈善和慈善事业的概念,强调慈善事业是社会发展中不可缺少的组成部分。第二部分主要论述了我国慈善事业发展的历史与现状及现存的各种问题,总结出我国慈善事业发展相对滞后的原因,强调政府支持慈善事业发展的必要性。第三部分主要以慈善事业发展比较完善的美国为例,分析并总结出美国政府支持慈善事业发展的成功经验,并从中得到启示。第四部分主要通过上述研究与归纳,提出了如何完善我国政府支持机制并使其充分发挥支持作用。近年来,随着我国慈善事业的发展,对慈善问题的研究已经成为理论界关注的一个新的课题。但从总体来看,对这一课题的研究尚且出于起步阶段,特别是对政府与慈善事业互动关系的研究还相对甚少,相关概念的界定和统计指标不尽严密。慈善事业是一个庞大的体系,必须从多个方面、多个角度进行分析。由于时间和精力有限,本文仅从理论层面进行分析,结合国外成功的经验加以总结,在对策方面阐述的不够深入详细,需要作更深一步的研究探讨。

【Abstract】 At present, with the changing of global economic and information, our economy has developed rapidly, but it also brings a series of social problems including the enlarging gap between the poor and the rich, misbalancing in development of regional economy. In recent years, earthquake, flood, drought, debris and other unexpected natural disasters are threatening the stability and harmonious of our country, and restricting the development of the social politics, economy and culture of our country. Developing charities can make up the lack of governmental bailout, helping people effectively, make up the defects of national social security system, alleviate contradictions of the enlarging gap between the poor and the rich while the developing of market economy, strengthen the understanding and communication between different social classes, avoid large-scale social unrest, remain social stability and unity, and it also can promote and equitable social development, the progress of materialistic, spiritual and political civilization together.The development of charities of our country has a larger distance to the developed countries, and also has many problems. Our charities started late, people’s charity consciousness is not enough, the number of charitable organizations is small, the institutional support is’not enough, imperfect laws and regulations, and the charitable organizations are always under irregular functioning conditions. These factors effect the developing of charitable organizations of our country seriously. Chinese charity organizations are mostly produced by the government; it caused the government monopoly, restricting the positivism of social and the publics, and going against of the development.The government should accelerate the construction of law system, broadcast the charitable culture, create a good the public opinion environment of charity, formulate policies of tax, and strengthen the supervision and management. Our government should understand the principle of "do some things, and leave some things undone" during the process of development, transform the government functions; focus on formulating of public policy. Cooperate with the charitable organizations. Thus, the development of charity can promote healthily, the organizations can do more social functions.This article researches from the relationship between government and charity, analysis the rules and characteristics of charity in the process of the development in our country, explores how to build benign interaction relationship between our government and charity. This article mainly includes four parts, the first part describes the concept of charity, emphasizes that charity is the indispensable constituent part of our society. The second section mainly discusses the history and status of our country’s charity and the existing problems in the development of charity, summarizes the reasons of the relatively backward of our charity, emphasize the importance of the government support for charity. The third part take the United States whose charity develops completely as examples, analyzes and summarizes the successful experience of the U.S. government support for charity development. The fourth part raises how to complete the mechanism of our governmental support and to make it play an important role in social security and promote the development of our charity to the direction of healthy and smooth.In recent years, with the development of charity of our country, the research on charity has become a new theoretical concern. But in general, the research on this subject, especially the interaction between the government and charity is relatively few, the definition of relevant concepts and statistical indexes are not exactly, the same data uses different statistical standards in different material, this gives inconvenience during the study of theoretical investigation. Charity is a huge system, it must analysis from several aspects and multiple perspectives. Due to the limited of time and energy, my article have just discussed from the theoretical analysis, combined and summarized foreign successful experience, but it’s not deep and detailed enough in the strategy aspect, and need to do further study.

  • 【分类号】D632.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】423

