

Schumpeter’s Economic Growth Theory and Enlightenment

【作者】 郭雁冰

【导师】 于秋华;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 经济思想史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 美籍奥地利经济学家约瑟夫·阿洛伊斯·熊彼特的经济理论在当代西方经济学中,属于自成体系,别具一格的。熊彼特的经济理论涉及的范围广泛,研究方法独特,得出许多与同时代经济学家不同的观点和结论。熊彼特的经济理论和研究方法对于西方经济学的发展具有重要的影响,后来的经济发展理论、经济周期理论、经济增长理论、制度分析、经济创新理论以及罗斯托的经济成长阶段论,都在不同程度上受到了熊彼特经济理论的影响。熊彼特的一生扮演了众多角色,优秀的学生、政府大臣、银行总裁、教授、学者、历史艺术家、精神抑郁症的受害者,理论学家、经济学家、甚至有人称熊彼特为马克思的学生。所有这些角色交织在一起,使他成为一个充满矛盾的多面体。但作为一个经济学家,熊彼特是一个无论是在学术研究的产量、质量和持续性等方面都使其他人难以望其项背的巨人。在经济学研究方法上,熊彼特崇尚一般的动态均衡体系,主张将理论分析方法、历史分析方法和数学的、统计的分析方法结合运用,这是熊彼特方法论的特色,也为经济理论的研究中开创了一种新的研究途径。本文采用理论分析和文本解读相结合,静态分析与动态分析相结合的研究方法,重点阐述了熊彼特的经济发展理论,包括静态下的循环流转,创新概念,创新与经济发展,企业家与经济发展,信用与经济发展,经济发展中的竞争和垄断,经济周期和经济危机的等几个方面。首先,熊彼特运用静态均衡分析方法简述了资本主义的循环流传即资本主义的简单再生产过程,指出循环流转经济中,没有创新,没有发展,不存在剩余价值或利润空间,是在原有均衡的基础上年复一年的重复。熊彼特最早提出了创新概念,被视为创新理论的鼻祖。熊彼特认为,“创新就是生产函数的变动”,就是“执行新的组合”,是经济生活内部蕴含的质的自发性突破。熊彼特以创造性毁灭的过程来说明经济的发展,指出资本主义的经济发展过程是一个创造性的毁灭过程,过程的根本动力来源在于创新活动。熊彼特将实现了新组合的人称之为真正的企业家,指出首创性、成功欲、冒险和以苦为乐、精明与敏锐、强烈的事业心构成企业家精神的五大要素。当企业家实现了创新之后,产品的个别价格低于社会价格,收入和成本之间额差额构成利润。熊彼特认为,没有创新就没有利润,没有利润就没有发展,没有利润就没有财富的积累。熊彼特认为,信用是为实现创新而创造的购买力,是创新唯一的金融来源,具有推动经济发展的重要职能。利息是利润的派生物,是经济发展中的产物,并将信用归入系统的经济发展理论,与资本主义的经济发展和经济周期联系起来。熊彼特从资本主义是创新毁灭过程这一认识出发的得出了与前人迥然不同的关于完全竞争和垄断的评价,他指出完全竞争不仅不切实际,而且阻碍创新,阻碍经济发展。对于垄断,熊彼特赞成那些与大规模生产同时出现的垄断,否定了那些缩小经济规模的垄断。熊彼特应用创新概念来说明商业社会内生的经济周期,提出了一个只包含上升和下降两阶段经济周期的“单纯模型”,并进一步将创新诱发的投机心理和活动等种种从属现象考虑进经济周期理论中,建立了包括经济的繁荣,衰退,萧条,复苏四个阶段的经济周期模型。但熊彼特并没有对经济周期提什么政策建议,指出来自内生来源的震动不能被任何人为政策加以消除。最后,在全文分析的基础上,本文对熊彼特经济发展理论的进行了简要评价,梳理出熊彼特经济发展理论的学术贡献,局限性以及偏颇之处。针对熊彼特的经济发展理论,诸如创新观点,信用创造的观点等,提出对中国经济发展实践的启示,包括造就高素质的企业家队伍,安全有效利用金融资源以实现创新和发展,有序进行经济结构调整等内容。

【Abstract】 American Austrian economist Joseph Alois Schumpeter’s economic theory in the contemporary western economics is self-sustaining, belong to the unique. Schumpeter’s economic theory involves extensive range, research method is unique, so Schumpeter had different views and conclusion with contemporary economists. Schumpeter’s economic theory and research methods for the development of western economics had important influence on the later development of economy, including the economic cycle theory and economic growth theory, system analysis. The economic theory of innovation and economic growth stage of Rostow was about to some extent, by the influence of the economic theory of Schumpeter.Schumpeter’s life played many roles, a excellent student, government minister, bank president, professor, scholar and artist, the history of depression, theorist, victim of economist, even a person say that Schumpeter is Marx’s student. All intertwined, make him full of contradictions. But as an economist, Schumpeter is a gaint, whether in academic research or in production quality and this make others can not follow the giant. In economics, the research methods, Schumpeter advocate commonly dynamic equilibrium system, combined theoretical analysis method, the history analysis method and mathematical statistics. All the analysis methods are used, this is features of Schumpeter methodology for economic theory and the study started a new avenue for research.Based on the theoretical analysis and texts, combined static analysis with dynamic analysis method, This paper focuses on the economic development of Schumpeter, including static theory of circulation flow, innovation concept, innovation and economic development, entrepreneurs and economic development, credit and economic development, the economic development, the economic cycle and monopolistic competition and economic crises of simple discussion. First, Schumpeter described the simple reproduction process of capitalism of circulating cycle using the static equilibrium analysis methods, points out that the circular circulation economy is no innovation, no development, no existence of surplus value or profit space, is based on the original equilibrium of the year after year.Schumpeter put forward innovative concept and the theory of innovation is regarded as the earliest. Schumpeter think, "innovation is the production function changes", is "the implementation of new combination", is the economic life of internal quality spontaneous breakthrough. Schumpeter thought that process of destruction is creative development of economic and the economic development of capitalism is a creative destruction process, the fundamental source of power lies in the process of innovative activities.Schumpeter will realize a new combination of people called the true entrepreneurs, pointed, magna didactics adventure and put bitter for joy, smart and sharp and strong dedication this five elements constitute the entrepreneurial spirit. When the entrepreneur achieved after the innovation of product, and the price below the social level, between individual income and cost difference constitute profits. Schumpeter elaborated, no profit without innovation, no development without profits, no wealth accumulation without profits.Schumpeter indicated that credit is the purchasing power of innovation and creation. Credit is the only source of financial innovation, promoting economic development of important functions. Interest is the outcome of profit, is sent in economic development. And Schumpeter contacted the economic development with the credit system, the theory of capitalism and economic development and economic cycle.Schumpeter obtained different conclusions about competing and monopoly with predecessors on account of capitalism is a creative destruction process. The perfect competition is not only unrealistic, but hamper innovation and economic development. For innovation, Schumpeter approved of the monopoly that can get a bigger economy of scale, denied the monopoly that narrow economic scale.Schumpeter’s concept of innovation is to illustrate the endogenous economic cycle of commercial society, and put forward a periodic model containing only the rise and fall of the two stages called "pure model". Considering the speculation by inducement of various affiliate phenomenon of economic cycle, Schumpeter reach a conclusion about economic cycle model including the economic prosperity and decline, depression, the recovery of the four stages. Schumpeter didn’t mention anything about economic cycle and pointed out the policy suggestions from the vibration source of endogenous will not eliminate them.Finally, this text analyses on the basis of economic development, put out brief evaluation of Schumpeter’s economic development theories and obtain academic contributions and limitations and bias of Schumpeter’s economic theories. According to the economic development of Schumpeter’s theory, such as credit creation, innovation, this paper puts forward the views of China’s economic development, including the revelation of enterpriser procession, high safety effectively use financial resources to achieve innovation and development, orderly economy structure adjustment, etc.

  • 【分类号】F091.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1091

