

Study on the Motivating Mechanism of College Volunteers

【作者】 赵辉

【导师】 徐雪梅;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 志愿者研究是当前学术界的热点话题之一。近年来我国的志愿活动取得了优异成绩,志愿精神得到极大弘扬。随着世界经济一体化的发展,中国在国际社会上发挥着越来越重要的作用,也将迎来更加复杂的世界环境和社会问题。这就为我国志愿者队伍的发展和志愿者作用的发挥提供了广阔的发展空间和活动舞台。志愿精神的推广和志愿行动的开展能够有效地补充政府行为和市场经济的缺陷,促进经济的协调发展和社会的和谐稳定。在社会逐渐加深对志愿者作用的认识和高校广泛开展德育教育的背景下,大学生志愿者队伍不断壮大,并逐渐占据志愿活动主力军的重要地位。加入志愿组织成为高校学生参与和谐社会建设的重要方式。大学生志愿者活动深入到国家建设、社区服务、社会援助、环保科普宣传、援外活动等社会生活的各个领域,并发挥着无可替代的重要作用。一方面,大学生具备良好的道德素质和完备的专业知识,使其在志愿服务过程中展现出时代性和开放性的特征,引领志愿活动不断创新和发展;另一方面,在校学生具有服务时间集中和服务活动长效持续等基本特征,保证了志愿活动的顺利开展。然而,大学生志愿者社会经验少,社会接触面窄,青年学生尚处于青春发展期和性格形成的重要阶段。因此在社会实践过程中,大学生志愿者群体也表现出了社会初涉性、不稳定性和随意性等问题。这些特点都将极大地影响志愿活动的开展。因此大学生志愿者需要得到社会的积极引导和持续激励。本文以大学生志愿者为主要研究对象,从我国高校大学生志愿者的发展现状出发,详细分析了大学生志愿者群体的基本特点,阐述了现有大学生志愿者激励机制的内在联系、架构,及其存在的主要问题,并专门针对大学生志愿者这一特殊群体提出了如何完善和发展激励机制的对策和建议。全文由四部分组成。第一章导论,介绍了文章的选题背景、研究意义、国内外研究综述、理论基础以及本文的研究内容、思路和方法;第二章对大学生志愿者激励机制的现状进行了详细分析。这一章是文章的主体,主要分’为两个部分,第一节通过文献研究的方法阐述了大学生志愿者队伍的发展状况、特点、分类以及社会影响;第二节运用问卷调查、政策分析、访谈等多种研究方法对现有大学生志愿者激励机制的内涵和作用、各影响因素、主客体关系、激励制度等进行了详细的调研和分析,旨在通过研究发掘大学生志愿者激励机制各要素的内在联系和作用方式,为其不断完善和发展提供依据。第三章阐述了我国现有大学生志愿者激励机制存在的主要问题。第四章则针对以上分析提出了相应的对策和建议。大学生志愿者队伍是应时代进步和经济发展的召唤而不断壮大的,因此志愿者问题研究必将引起广大专家学者关注和重视。关于大学生志愿者管理和激励的研究也将逐渐趋于完善。本文在研究思路和调研深度方面还存在着诸多问题,需要进一步地学习和拓展。

【Abstract】 Volunteers’ study is one of the current hot topics in academic circles. In recent years, the volunteers’ activity of our country has got outstanding achievement, and the volunteerism spirits has got a maximum development. As the world economic integration, China goes to play an increasingly important role in the international community, also with coming to more complicated world environment and social problem. This situation has provided a vast arena for the volunteers’ development and the effect bringing into play. The promotion of volunteerism and the carry out of. volunteer actions are able to effectively replenish the defects in government behavior and market economy, and to promote the economy coordinated growth and society’s harmony stabilizing.Now, Social gradually deepens the understanding of the role of the volunteers, and college began to carry out a wide range of moral education. Under this kind of background, college volunteers have expanded steadily, and gradually occupy the important position of the main force of volunteerism. To join in voluntary organizations becomes the most important way for college student to participate in harmonious society builds. College volunteer activities penetrate deeply into the nation-building, community services, social assistance, environmental sciences and foreign aid activities in all areas of social life, and play an irreplaceable important role. On the one hand, the college students have fine morality quality and professional knowledge. The process of voluntary service has show their characteristics of epoch Nature and openness, these characteristics provide guide for the innovation and development of volunteerism. On the other hand, Students have enough service time to ensure the smooth development of volunteer activities. But, college student volunteer society experience is few; the society contact surface is narrow, students still located in an important stage of the youth development and character formation. Therefore, in the process of social practice, the college volunteer group has also shown the problem of instability and arbitrariness, and so on. These features will greatly affect the volunteer activities. Therefore, the college student volunteers need to be actively guided and sustained motivation.In this paper, college student volunteers as the main object of study. This paper sets off from present situation of our college student volunteers, gives a detailed analysis on the basic characteristics of college volunteers, sets forth the inner links, frame, primal problems in the motivating mechanism of college volunteers, and submits some countermeasures and suggestions to improve and develop the motivating mechanism.This paper consists of four parts. ChapterⅠis introduction, describes the research background, research significance, Current Research, theory, and the content of this research, ideas and methods; ChapterⅡhas carried out detailed analysis on the current situation of college volunteer motivating mechanism. This chapter is the main body of article, can be divided into two parts. SectionⅠintroduces the development situation, characteristic, classification and society effects of college volunteers; SectionⅡapplies many kinds of research methods including questionnaires, policy analysis, interviews and others to carry out detailed surveying and analysis on connotation and effect, influencing factor subject and object relations, motivating systems, and so on of college volunteers motivating mechanism. ChapterⅢhas set forth the primal problems in college volunteers motivating mechanism of our country. Chapter IV is presented for the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions according the above analysis.The college volunteers expand ceaselessly with times progress and economic growth. Therefore, the volunteer problems research will certainly arouse extensive expert scholars’ interest and attention. The study of college volunteers’ management and the motivating research will tend to improve gradually. This paper still has many problems in the depth of main ideas and research, and urgently needs to do further study and development.

  • 【分类号】D632.9;G647
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1583

