

Research on Several Legal Issues of Joint Tort

【作者】 左迪

【导师】 於向平;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 民商法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 共同侵权行为是侵权法体系的重要组成部分之一,研究共同侵权行为,关键是正确认识共同侵权行为的本质,即“共同性”。学界关于“共同性”的主张一直颇为丰富,大致有“主观说”、“客观说”和“折衷说”三种代表观点。本文从各学说的含义与本质入手,对共同侵权行为体系中若干法律问题进行研究,文章主体结构主要由五部分构成。第一部分是关于共同侵权行为的基本理论分析。本部分介绍并分析了共同侵权行为的概念,总结提炼共同侵权的普遍特征,近而明确“共同性”是研究共同侵权本质之所在。以“主观说”中的“共同故意说”和“共同过错说”两种观点为引子,分析了“客观说”中的“共同行为说”和“共同关联说”,又比较了“折衷说”的内涵,通过各学说利弊比较与权衡,得出修正的主观说更符合了共同侵权的法律属性及价值取向。第二部分是关于共同侵权行为的立法例研究。本部分以大陆法系国家和英美法系国家关于共同侵权立法的规定为主线,分别介绍并分析了德国、法国、日本、我国台湾地区、英国、美国以及我国大陆地区关于共同侵权的立法规定。通过对各国家和地区之间的横向对比,结合各自的发展变革,从法益及经济基础差异性的角度着眼,分析了共同侵权行为的价值理念和立法规定,有利于我国关于共同侵权立法的进一步完善,有利于共同侵权行为在司法实践中的具体运用。第三部分是几种共同侵权行为的认定。该部分主要阐述了共同加害行为、共同危险行为、帮助和教唆行为三种典型共同侵权行为的责任构成,从第一部分关于共同侵权“共同性”的基准出发,界定了三种共同侵权行为的范围,并分析了彼此之间的关系。第四部分是关于共同侵权行为与相关侵权行为的比较。分析了不构成共同侵权行为,但又与共同侵权行为有着相似或其他密切关系的几种侵权行为方式,例如无意思联络的数人侵权、不属于共同侵权的教唆和帮助侵权、团伙侵权、合伙侵权等。从澄清他们与共同侵权之间界限的层面,论证了共同侵权行为固有的范畴。第五部分是共同侵权的法律责任。该部分以过错责任原则中心,论证分析了共同侵权行为应是以过错责任原则为基本归责原则,以过错推责任方式、无过错责任方式、公平责任方式为辅助归责方法的共同侵权归责体系构建。又结合连带责任的法律属性、价值基础、合理性等方面的分析考虑,详细地阐述了共同侵权行为与连带责任承担之间的辩证关系,提出了连带责任对内、对外责任分担方式。最后,结合《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》(以下简称《侵权责任法》)的具体规定,分析了共同侵权行为与连带责任的具本适用。

【Abstract】 Joint tort is one of the important parts in the tort law system. The key of studying on Joint tort is to get a correct understanding that commonality is the essence of it. There are abundant academic views of "commonality", however, the subjective theory, the objective theory and the compromise theory are the most representative ones. This thesis researches on some typical and important legal issues in Joint tort system which proceeds with the sense of the theories and essence of commonality. The paper consists of five parts besides introduction and conclusion.The first part is the analysis of the basic theories. This section introduces and analyzes the concept of joint tort, then summarizes and concludes the general characteristics from its expression so as to clarify that the commonality is the essence of joint tort. Beginning with the "joint intentional theory" and "joint fault theory" in the subjective theory, this part analyzed the both "joint conduct theory" and "joint relating theory" in the objective theory, and compared the connotation of the compromise theory. We concluded that the amendatory subjective theory is better accord with the legal nature and value orientation by weighing the pros and cons of the numerous theories.The second part is researching on the legislative cases of Joint tort. In this section we illustrated and analyzed the legislation status quo of joint tort in Germany, France, Japan, China Taiwan, Britain, the United States and mainland China respectively. Contrasting among the countries or the areas, and considering the evolution and development of each one, we talked about the legislation and value from the angle of the diversity of economic foundation and legal behalf, which is favorable for the improvement of our legislation, and favorable for the application of judicial practice in joint tort area.The third part is the identification of several specific joint torts. This section described three typical constitution of liability of joint tort, which are jointly harmful conduct, jointly dangerous conduct and abet or assist. Afterwards defined the scope of these three types and analyzed the relationships among them based on the "commonality" that described in the first part.The fourth part aims to make a comparison between the joint tort and other relating torts. In this section, the analytic method were taken to do some research on No contract meaning tort by more than one person, abet and assist which are not belong to joint tort, gang tort and partnership tort, which actually are not joint tort though some similar characteristics and close relations are existing. Above that restated the inherent category of joint tort and clarified the boundaries among them.The fifth part is the liability of joint. This section not only covered the basic theories of the liability of joint tort but also advanced some specific operations about it. Focusing on fault liability principle to demonstrate that we should take fault liability principle as the cardinal attributing principle, and make the method of construed fault liability, the method of no fault liability, the method of equitable liability as assistants. Afterward, we described dialectical relationship between the joint tort conducts and the burden of the joint and several liability in detail, advanced the internal and external burden manners of the joint and several liability, which took all the factors that like legal nature, value foundation and rationality into consideration. Finally, discussed the application of the joint tort and joint and several liability according to the specific provisions of the Tort Law of People’Republic of China.

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】285

