

Study on the Distriction Division of Ecological Benefits Compensation of the Returning Farmland to Forests Project in Yunnan Province

【作者】 宋莎

【导师】 文冰;

【作者基本信息】 西南林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 退耕还林工程是我国为遏制西部地区生态环境的恶化而采取的生态建设工程之一。云南省退耕还林工程覆盖129个区县,各区县之间社会经济条件、自然环境条件差异大,而补偿标准高度统一,存在事实上的不公平。现行生态效益补偿对于退耕还林的具体执行者,即县级政府和退耕还林农户,没有起到有效的激励作用。因此,如何通盘考虑各种因素,划分补偿区域,制定合理的有差别的补偿标准意义重大。作者查阅并分析了大量的文献和二手资料,运用综合分析法构建指标体系,在文献研究的基础上,选取影响退耕还林森林生态效益补偿标准的主要因素作为具体指标,用聚类分析法和地理信息系统对数据进行处理,将云南省129个样本县分为8类,并提出了相应的补偿建议。主要研究结论如下:(1)总结了国内外森林生态效益补偿的理论和实践研究,分析了国内各学者基于价值制定补偿标准的理论及实证研究和基于效益补偿的生态、经济以及社会方面的影响因素,并展望了该领域研究补偿标准的计量、分类补偿、分阶段补偿等发展趋势。(2)森林生态效益补偿是对森林生态效益外部性的溢出所做的弥补,其标准应该考虑到多种方面,并且应该考虑国家的社会经济状况,分阶段增加补偿的内容。在现阶段,补偿营林成本和基本的机会成本是合理的。森林生态效益可以结合营林成本和机会成本,作为衡量森林生态效益补偿标准的重要依据。(3)退耕还林工程属于广义范畴的生态效益补偿。退耕还林生态效益补偿的具体形式包括对农户发放的补助和县级政府在退耕还林工程组织实施过程中的工作费用。衡量补偿是否合理的标准是:生态上能达到保护环境的目的,经济上县级政府能由负担得起、社会上能满足退耕农户的受偿意愿。(4)退耕还林生态效益补偿中钱粮补助、种苗费补助的标准补助额度单一、期限单一,对各区县政府的补偿不足。云南省退耕还林生态效益补偿并没有考虑到各区县生态区位的重要性以及森林生态系统发挥的生态效益对当地的贡献等生态因素,当地财政的承受能力以及其他社会经济因素制定适应当地的标准,对农户和各区县政府没有起到应有的激励作用,从而导致退耕还林的两个政策目标——保护生态环境和提高农户生活水平没有达到预想的效果。(5)提出生态优先、主导功能优先、按需补偿为构建指标体系的原则,以退耕还林工程实施的政策目标为评价依据,以生态状况、经济实力、社会状况为一级指标,水土流失防治区级别、自然保护区级别、GDP、财政收入、农业总产值等8个指标作为二级指标,构建生态效益补偿区划指标体系,将云南省129个样本县分为八类。(6)提出分区补偿建议,即从第一到第八类地区补助层次由高到低,建议将第五类地区提高补偿层次,将第六类降低补偿层次,和第七类合并补偿,第八类地区少补偿或者不补偿。根据上述分析,进一步将八类地区分为重度补偿区、中度补偿区、轻度补偿区以及零补偿区四类补偿区。补偿内容随着国家发展阶段逐步增加;补偿资金应实现差异化划拨,下发标准可以结合云南省的发展规划纲要,分为近期、中期、远期三个时段进行规划,实行5-10年一订;补偿主体可根据县财政能力确定补偿内容;补偿标准四类地区依次递减。

【Abstract】 The project of Returning Farmland to Forests Project is one of the ecologicalbenefits compensation constructions for restrain the ecological environment deteriourationin the western region of China. Returning Farmland to Forests Project in Yunnan Provincecoverd 129 counties with great differences in social, economic and environment conditions.However, the compensition standard is quite the same, and in fact this is unfair. Presently,the ecological benefit compensation is not effective enough as insentive for theparticipates---the county gorvenment and the farmers of Returning Farmland to ForestsProject. Hence, it is significant to concider the various infactors, in dividing thecompensation region, and to establish reasonal and discrimitary compensation standards.The author collected and analysised plenty articles and second-hand data, usedconprehansive analysis meathod to build a indexes system, and selected the factorseffecting the benefit compensation of Returning Farmland to Forests Ecological as indexes,and used cluster analysis and geography information system to analysise the data, and thendivided the 129 sample counties into 8 gegions and put forward the correspondingcompensiton suggestion. The major conclusions are as following:(1) This article concluded the theoretical and practice researches on ForestryEcological Benefit Compensation at home and abroad, and analysis the theoretical andpractice compensation standard research based on value compensation, and analysis thefactors of ecological, economic and social status, which is based on the ecological benefits,and then prospect the trend in this field, such as the measure of compensation standard,classified compensation and stage by stage compensation,ect.(2)Forestry Ecological Benefit Compensation is to make up the external over fllow ofthe forestry ecological benefit. The standard should consider all aspects and shouldincrease the compensation content stage by stage according to the the social and economicconditions. At present, compensating the cost of the siviculture and the fundamentalopportunity cost is reasonal. Combined with the cost of the siviculture and the fundamentalopportunity cost, the forestry ecological benefit can be one of the most important basis formeasureing the forestry ecological benefit compensation standard.(3) Returning Farmland to Forests Project belong to the broad sense EcologicalBenefit Compensation. Returning Farmland to Forests Ecological Benefit Compensationconclude the allowance which is hand out to the farmers and the working expense expendby the county gorvements during the rganize and supply course of Returning Farmland toForests Project. (4)In the Returning Farmland to Forests Ecological Benefit Compensation, whichinclude money and the grain supply from the governments, both of the compensationstandard and the term of the compensation are uniform, and the compensation for thecounty government is deficient. Returning Farmland to Forests Ecological BenefitCompensation in Yunnan Province does not concern many important factors, such as theecological position of the 129 counties, and the contribution of the ecological benefit to thelocal, and the local finicial affordablility and other social and economic factors, to makethe compensation that ajust the local situation. Hence, the compensiton did not efficientenough to motivate the farmers and the county governments, so that the two importanttargets, that is to protect the invironment and to elevate the farmers,living standard, are notachieve the goal as we meant..(5)This article puts forward the ecological priority principle, dominant-ecologicalfunction priotity principle and according to the needs compesation principle as theprinciples for building the indexes system, take the policy target of Returning Farmland toForests as the first degree indexes, take the soil and water erosion situation, thebiodiversity, GDP, finicial income, gross agricultural output value, ect, as the seconddegree indexes, to build the ecological benefits compensation division index system, dividethe 129 sample counties in Yunnan Province into eight regions, and furthermore, integraedthe eight rigions into four grade, that are severe compensation region, mediumcompensation region, low compensation region and non-compensation region.(6)This article puts forward the division compensation suggestion, that is from thefirst to the eighth region the compensation standard should be from high to low. Suggestthe fifth region should be elevated, the sixth region should be decreased and combine withthe eighth region as a whole, the eighth region should be less compensation or withoutcompensation. According to the above suggestions, this article divided the 129 samplecounties into 4 rigions, that are severe compensation region, medium compensation region,low compensation region and non-compensation region. The compensation contents shouldbe increased according to the national development stage. The compensation funds shouldbe transferred differently, the standard could be combined the development programmingoutline, the compensation should be programming to three stages that are short-term,mid-term and the long-term, the compensation standard should be reconcluded in five to ten years. The compensation standard should be decreased in turn.

  • 【分类号】F326.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】204

