

The Study on the Concept and the Model of Tourim Landscape Planning of Forest Park

【作者】 戴亮

【导师】 沈守云; 程道品;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,由于森林公园旅游业的迅猛发展,森林公园旅游景观规划作品不断涌现。但是在实证研究中我们发现,森林公园旅游景观规划作品良莠不齐。在进一步的研究中,我们再发现,产生这种现象的主要原因是森林公园旅游景观规划的实践远远超前于理论,导致实践的盲目性。要制止这种盲目实践的继续,森林公园旅游景观规划实现生态、经济和文化的和谐统一发展,就必须总结出一套森林公园旅游景观规划的基本理论和方法,用理论指导实践的发展。本文从研究分析森林公园旅游景观规划概念入手,对森林公园的含义及分类进行归纳阐述,在前人研究的基础上提出森林公园旅游景观与森林公园旅游景观规划的概念,分析森林旅游景观的特征与构成要素,通过对森林公园旅游景观规划相关概念的关系区别,进一步加深对森林公园旅游景观与森林公园旅游景观规划的理解。本文将景观生态学理论、可持续发展理论、森林美学理论、景观意境学理论、体验经济学理论、环境承载力理论运用到森林公园旅游景观规划中,总结前人森林公园旅游景观规划理论基础,试图提出一种适用于森林公园旅游景观规划的模式——EVSA模式。EVSA模式即“环境分析”、“视觉规划”、“情景体验规划”、“意境追求”。EVSA模式是指在森林公园旅游景观环境分析的基础上,进行森林公园旅游景观视觉规划与情景体验规划,并对其进行意境创作。该模式认为在森林公园旅游景观规划中对森林公园旅游景观的环境分析是规划的基础,环境分析主要是对森林公园旅游景观的基本情况、区位、RMP、环境容量及环境承载力进行分析。森林公园的基本情况与区位是进行旅游规划的基本条件,RMP分析是指对景观资源(resource)、市场(market)、产品(product)等从不同侧面进行详细分析,对森林公园旅游景观充分了解,并在此基础上进行森林公园旅游景观视觉规划及情景体验规划。视觉规划是从景观的视觉美角度出发,对森林公园旅游景观从建筑景观、环境景观、文化景观、视线走廊四个方面进行规划。情景体验规划就是把规划者置身于游客体验情景中,设身处地,在森林公园环境中,利用想象、替代、模拟来进行项目体验规划,在通过情景体验调查的基础上,主要针对主题、空间、体验、时间等进行规划。在规划的同时要注意意境的追求与创作,研究在形式上创造景观意境,运用了模拟、再现、指示、对比、象征、隐喻等具体的手法,对森林公园旅游景观进行意境追求。最后将森林公园旅游景观规划EVSA模式应用于虞山国家森林公园旅游景观规划中。在对虞山国家森林公园基本情况、区位、旅游资源、旅游市场、旅游产品、环境容量及其旅游环境承载力进行详尽分析的基础上,对虞山国家森林公园的建筑、环境、文化、视线走廊进行了视觉规划及对虞山国家森林公园的主题、空间、体验、时间进行了情景体验规划,最后对虞山国家森林公园运用了模拟、再现、指示、对比、象征、隐喻等具体的手法进行意境追求与创作。

【Abstract】 Lately, as the rapid development of Forest Park tourism, there are some forest park tourism landscape planning works have being sprung up. However, it has been found that they were varied. In the further research, we have found that the main reason for this phenomenon was that the practice of forest park tourism landscape planning was far ahead in theory, and the practice led to blindness. In order to suppress it, even to make the forest park landscape ecology, and the economy and culture are harmony and unity, it is necessary to sum up a basic theory and method for the forest park tourism landscape planning and to guide the development of the planning practice.Based on analyzing and summarizing the definitions of the forest park tourism landscape planning, forest park and its classifications, the dissertation puts out the definition between the forest park tourism landscape and the planning of the forest park tourism landscape. By analyzing the elements of the forest park tourism landscape and pointing out the relationship between the different tourism landscape planning concepts, the dissertation tries to make us understand the forest park tourism landscape and forest park tourism landscape planning much more deeply.In this research, landscape ecology theory, the theory of sustainable development, forest aesthetic theory, theories of landscape moods, experience economics, environmental endurance theory have been put into the planning of the forest park tourism landscape. And on the basis of summing up some theories, this dissertation aims at make a planning model for the forest tourism landscape that was called EVSA. EVSA is short for "environmental analysis" and "Vision Planning", "Scenario planning," and " Artistic pursuit." It is based on the analysis of the tourism landscape environment, and plans for the forest park tourism landscape scenes and its visual experience planning, even to create its mood. In this model, it believes that the environment analyzing that mainly analyzes the conditions of the forest parks landscape, its position, RMP. And the environmental capacity is the basis of the forest park tourism planning. The conditions of the forest park and its position are the basis for the tourism planning, and RMP analysis refers to analyzing the landscape resources, the market, product, etc, understanding the forest park tourism landscape. And on this basis, the visual landscape planning and tourism planning scene experience are made. The visual landscape planning is based on the perspective of the visual beauties and its planning facets are architectural landscape, environment landscape, cultural landscape and the view corridor. The experience scenes planning is made the planner to be the travelers, and using the imagination, substitution, simulation into the project planning experience, and then, focusing on the theme, space, experience and the time, etc. but in the same time, attention should be paid to the pursuit and creation, in the form of research to create visual moods, the use of simulation, representation, instructions, contrast, symbolism, metaphor specific approach to the pursuit of the forest park tourism landscape moods.Finally, the EVSA model is put into the planning of the Yushan national forest park. Based on the analysis of the situation of regional tourism resources, tourism market, tourism products and the environmental Capacity, this dissertation endeavors to not only take out the visual planning with the architectures, environment, culture and the visual corridor, but also focus on the theme of Yushan Mountain National Forest Park, the space, experience and the time for the scene experience planning. Eventually, using the simulation, returning, instructions, contrast, symbol, Metaphor specific means into the Yushan National Park planning for the pursuit of artistic conception and creation.


