

Study of Earnings Management Based on Listed Companies’ Related Transactions

【作者】 黄鹤

【导师】 李日昱;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 会计学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年,在政府和各方的共同努力下,困扰中国股市多年的股权分置问题已得到基本解决,全流通时代正在来临,但相关研究报告指出:上市公司在股权结构、关联交易、股东大会及其权利等焦点问题上,相比股权分置改革前尚无实质性进步,利用关联交易进行盈余管理仍然是上市公司影响股价的重要操纵手段。文章主要从关联交易的基本理论出发,用案例研究方法探讨了关联方及关联交易的界定问题,认为:关联方和关联交易应该在传统的共同控制、持股比例等条件定义基础上,加入上下游公司,即将其概念进行了外延。其次,通过关联交易和盈余管理两者关系的说明,研究了利用关联方交易进行盈余管理的动因和特征。然后对关联方交易进行盈余管理的各种手段做了详细阐述,最后用五粮液集团关联交易案例做了具体的分析并提出了面对关联交易盈余管理问题的监管上的一些建议。分析关联交易的动机及手段,让投资者在做出投资决策的同时,对关联交易因素做出剔除,以及如何建立一套有效的监管机制,使上市公司的关联交易在更加公允和透明的原则下进行,将是规范证券市场的一项长期任务。从关联交易的基础理论出发,针对不同的交易手段及交易过程方面分析利用关联方交易进行的盈余管理。将关联方及关联方交易的界定范围上进行外延,认为关联方交易应该包括上下游产业公司,在关联交易的定义上做出了积极的探索,并用关联交易的典型案例进行分析。利用酒业及销售行业的特点说明利用上下游关联公司进行交易更有利于盈余管理的进行。并在此基础上对监管手段提出了针对性的建议,但在研究方法和数据资料的广泛度上还存在着不足。

【Abstract】 In recent years, thanks for the concerted efforts of the government and all parties, the problem that puzzled China’s stock marke for a long time have been resolved. Circulation times are coming, but related research report:the focus problem of the listed parties in the ownership structure, related party transaction and shareholder assembly and its rights issue, compared to the pre-reform stock split is no substantive progress in the use of related transactions,listed parties transaction is still an important earnings management of price manipulation tool. This article mainly study the related transactions from the basic theory, by a case study method of the related parties and related party transactions to define the problem, said:the range of related parties and related party transactions should be expand based on the common control, that’s the extension of its concept. Second, based on the introduction of the relationship of earnings management through affiliated transactions and the relationship between the description of the use of related party transactions, earnings management motives and characteristics. Then ground on the related party transaction means of earnings management has done a detailed description of the final rule with the economic, trade and related transactions.Using Wuliangye Group made a detailed case analysis and related transaction to face regulation on earnings management of some of the recommendations. Analysis of the transaction motive and the means to enable investors to make wise investment decisions based on factors related transactions has been removed and how to establish an effective monitoring mechanism to ensure that related party transactions of listed companies more fair and carried out transparent principles, will regulate the securities market of a long-term task.From the basic theory of the transaction, for different trading instruments and process to analyze the use of related party transactions’ earnings management. I have made a positive exploration of related transactions with a typical case for analysis:define the scope of extension, that the related party transactions should include upstream and downstream industries companies in the definition of related party transactions. The characteristics of the liquor industry demonstrates the use of upstream and downstream affiliate transactions more conducive to the conduct of earnings management. And on this basis, I put forward specific proposals for the regulatory measures, but the research methods and data in a broad degree still exist deficiencies.

  • 【分类号】F275
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】593

