

The Niche Positioning Study and Strategic Choice of Newspaper Industry

【作者】 尹娜

【导师】 高静美;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 网络等新兴媒体的兴起使得报纸等传统媒介面临严峻的生存形势,而报纸行业内部各报纸的竞争方式仍停留在粗放竞争的水平,这就要求报社或报业集团更清醒地认识自身所处的生态环境。而生态位作为生态环境的重要组成部分,成为报社或报业集团探讨自身发展前景的新视角。生态位理论从企业生态的角度解释了报业自身发展与环境的战略关系,这不论在理论上还是实际上都具有一定的价值。在这样的背景下,本文对新时期报业的生态位定位与生态策略的制定进行深入的考察和研究。本文通过对相关文献的梳理与总结,以报业的生态因子为切入点探讨报业的生态位定位,并对2009年北京都市报的生态位状况进行实证研究,并得出相应结果。在报业的生态位定位分析中,本文将其分为两个部分:报业生态因子与报业生态位维度评价。报业生态因子是报业的生态位定位的前提与基础,明确生态因子是生态位分析的第一步。报业生态位维度主要包括两个方面:生态位宽度与重叠度。宽度表明各企业对生态资源的利用广度,重叠度反映各企业之间的资源利用重叠情况,这两者共同决定了企业在生态环境中的生态位。在实证研究中,本文通过对北京市七家都市报的研究分析,在各生态因子指标下对各报纸进行生态位宽度与重叠度的实证分析,并在此基础上综合各指标的数据,得出了有益的结论:各报纸的生态位不同,相互之间的竞争程度也不一致;有效的生态位分离能够使自己免于激烈的竞争压力。通过实证研究将北京市场上的七家都市报分为三类:宽生态位、中间生态位以及小生位,并且相互之间的竞争力度也不一样,受到的竞争压力也不同。最后根据实证研究的结果并结合生态策略的制定取向探讨不同生态位状况下各企业的生态策略选择:宽生态位的报社采用K策略,使自身保持在均衡水平,保有现有市场份额;小生位的报社采用r策略,提高对企业生态环境的灵活性和反应能力,不断发现挖掘新的生态资源。而对于中间生态位的报社则需从生态位分离与新资源扩充两个方面来实现自身的进化发展。

【Abstract】 With the rise of Internet and other new media, newspapers and the other traditional media have to face grim situation of living, while the way of competition between newspapers in the newspaper industry stay in the extensive level of competition. All of this requires newspaper or newspaper group to be more conscious of its own ecology environment. Niche, as an important part of the ecology environment, provides a new perspective for the newspaper or the newspaper group’s own prospects. The niche theory, from the view of businesses ecology, explains the strategic relationship between a newspaper’s own development and the environment, which in terms of both theoretical and practical value will be of some significance. In this context, this article develops in-depth study and research on the niche positioning and niche strategy of the newspaper in new era.Based on the sort and sum up of the related literature, this article take the ecological environment factors of the press as the starting point of the analysis of newspaper niche positioning, and give empirical research on the niche status of Beijing newspapers in 2009, and then the corresponding results obtained.The niche positioning in the analysis of newspaper industry, this article will be divided into two parts:niche factors and the Newspaper Press niche dimensions of evaluation. Newspaper niche factors are the premise and basis of the newspaper niche positioning. Making clear of the niche factors is the first step of analyzing the newspaper niche. Newspaper niche dimension focuses on two aspects:niche width and overlap. Niche width explains the width of ecological resources that newspaper enterprises use, and niche overlap reflects the overlap of the use of resources between the various companies. The two parts jointly determine the niche of a newspaper in the ecological environment.In the empirical research, this article develops a research on seven of Beijing newspapers, and analyzes the niche width and overlap of the newspapers under indicators of niche factors. Based on this, this article gives comprehensive data on various indicators, and makes a useful conclusion:the niche of each newspaper is different, and the degree of competition between them is inconsistent; effective niche separation can relieve itself of the pressure from competition. Through the empirical study of the seven newspapers, this article divided them into three categories:wide niche, narrow niche and middle niche, and the intensity of competition between each other are not the same, and subject different competitive pressure.Finally, according to the results of empirical study and the niche orientation combined, this article studies the choice of different ecological strategies based on the various niche conditions:wide niche newspapers choose K strategy to maintain their equilibrium, and maintain their existing market share; the narrow niche newspapers choose r strategy to improve the flexibility and responsiveness to their ecological environment, and constantly discover and tap new ecological resources. Last, for the middle niche newspapers, there are two ways to implement their evolution:niche separation and the expansion of new resources.

  • 【分类号】G211
  • 【下载频次】173

