

An Exploratory Study of Online Shopping Customers Perceived Value Drivers

【作者】 孙宁

【导师】 李怀斌;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 市场营销, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 网络市场的开发并非像互联网所呈现出的发展态势那样顺风顺水,企业和个人开拓网络市场时都会面临网页浏览量与实际成交比例严重失衡的尴尬局面,这一现象引起了理论界和实业界的广泛关注,与之相关的研究成果也层出不穷,但是造成这一现象的根本原因在于网络这一虚拟的购物环境为消费者的购物决策后果带来了更多的不确定性,使得决策成本大大提高。消费者决策前的考虑大部分来自于感知,感知是消费者心理活动的基础,研究消费者心理是研究其态度和行为的前提。特别是对于网络这一特殊的购物环境而言,研究消费者的感知往往比单纯的提高产品可以为顾客带来的价值更为重要,因为网络购物决策的制定依据是消费者对于该产品及相关服务的感知价值,而这种感知价值并非像传统购物渠道那样依据直观的产品价值和服务价值来界定。消费者在决策之前往往会借助之前有过相关购物经验的消费者的购物体验来做出判断,因此在线评论成为网上消费者购买决策的重要参考依据。本研究的创新之处在于将在线评论作为网络消费者感知价值诸多驱动因素中的一种,探讨其对于感知价值的影响,最后借助技术接受模型将其与消费者的购买行为联系起来。由于感知价值是建立在心理学基础上的一个系统概念,在线评论与其关系无法直接通过实证研究证明得出,所以本文通过证明在线评论与感知价值构成因素之间的关系间接得出二者关系。对于在线评论这一感知价值驱动因素的探索性研究,有利于将已往学者对于感知价值的研究成果与网上购物这一特殊的购物环境结合起来,最大程度的减少消费者网上购物的顾虑。本文借鉴技术接受模型的研究成果,将感知价值驱动因素与消费者购买行为意向联系起来,旨在为电子商务企业网络市场的开发和维护提供营销建议。实证研究部分主要采用了问卷调查法以及数据统计分析等方法。运用SPSS、AMOS等统计分析工具对调查数据进行描述性统计分析,信度和效度检验、相关性分析和回归分析,对概念模型进行修正和检验,得出本文研究结论及启示。

【Abstract】 Development of network market is not as smooth as the development of Internet trend. Enterprises and individuals will face with the embarrass situation when they open up the network market.The sales volume will not consistent with the ratio of page reviews, and you will see a serious imbalance in the network market. This phenomenon has aroused the theoretical circle and industries attention, and its associated research are endless, but the root cause of this phenomenon is that the network of the virtual shopping environment for consumers, which will cause purchasing decisions to bring more uncertainty, what’s more, decision making costs significantly.Most considerations before a decision comes from the perception. Consumer perception is the basis of mental activity. Especially for the network this special shopping environment, improving the perception of consumers is more important than simply bring value to customers, because the online shopping consumer decision making is based on the perceived value of the product. The value of this perception is not like a traditional shopping channels as products based on the intuitive definition of value and service value. Customer perceived value drivers of the study helps to better grasp the nature of consumer behavior, the maximum degree of reduction of consumer concerns about online shopping. This article draws research technology acceptance model, perceived value will drive consumer purchasing behavior with the intention of factors linked to the e-commerce businesses to provide marketing advice.The innovation of this study is that bringing online reviews as a network of customer perceived value in one of many drivers to explore the impact of the perceived value, and finally using the technology acceptance model. Since perceived value is based on a system of psychology based on the concept of online reviews and their relations can not be directly obtained through empirical studies have shown that, so this perception by demonstrating the value of online comments and the relationship between the components of an indirect relationship between the two drawn. Comment on the perceived value of online driver exploratory study will help scholars to previous years, the perceived value of research results and on-line shopping environment of this special combination of shopping, the greatest degree of reduction of consumer concerns about online shopping. This article draws research technology acceptance model, and brings perceived value drivers of the consumer buying behavior with the intention to link to the corporate network for e-commerce market development and maintenance of marketing advice.This research used a marketing survey and some major statistical analysis methods including SPSS, AMOS statistical analysis tools. After data collecting I use these tools for data descriptive statistics, reliability and validity analysis. Final I amend the conceptual model, draw conclusions, and revelation suggestion.

  • 【分类号】F724.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1013

