

Study on the Marketing Strategies of Luxury Multinational Corporation in China

【作者】 尚瑛娜

【导师】 车丽娟;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国经济的快速发展,东西方经济的融合,奢侈品这个曾经远离大众视野的贵族产品正快速渗透中国市场,并为众多消费者所接受和追捧。据世界奢侈品协会报告:2009年中国人奢侈品的消费达96亿美元,成为仅次于日本的全球第二大奢侈品消费国。美国波士顿咨询公司(BCG)2010年1月21日发布的《后地盘争夺战时代的中国奢侈品市场》研究报告中指出,如今上海和北京奢侈品门店的数量已和纽约、芝加哥相当。很多奢侈品品牌已经在中国的二级城市建立了大量的销售点。中国超过半数的奢侈品销售点都是在近三年内开业的。奢侈品品牌在中国市场的竞争已经从争夺地盘、快速扩张,转移到着重培养消费者的品牌忠诚度上了。并指出,2015年,中国奢侈品消费总值将达到2480亿元人民币,占全球市场的29%,成为全球最大的奢侈品市场。金融危机虽然摧毁了美国的奢侈品消费大国地位,但是中国的崛起让这些昂贵物品看到了新的土壤。世界奢侈品协会最新的数据显示,截止2009年12月,中国奢侈品消费总额已增至96亿美元,较2008年的86亿美元上涨了8亿美元,其中珠宝市场27.6亿;皮具20.1亿;轿车18.3亿;钟表11.4亿;服装10.1亿;化妆品6.9亿;包括其他业5.6亿。奢侈品消费已经成为中国经济增长不可忽视的一股力量。这些数字把中国推上了世界第二大奢侈品消费国的地位,于是,危机之后奢侈品在中国市场的开拓成为了时尚界的热门事件。回顾中国的奢侈品市场发展历程,可以发现早在上世纪80年代,奢侈品就已经开始了在中国的掘金之路。最早进入中国的奢侈品牌是皮尔·卡丹,1980年,皮尔·卡丹在中国做了第一个时装秀,奢侈品牌对中国的震撼由此开始。之后,相继出现了梦特娇、鳄鱼、老人头、花花公子等品牌,这些品牌很长一段时间影响着中国人的消费习惯,世界奢侈品协会中国代表处首席执行官欧阳坤在接受记者的采访时谈道:“中国对奢侈品的消费,永远都不可能停留,也不可能被满足。奢侈品的推进历史就是中国人对奢侈品的消费态度。”早在上世纪五六十年代,人们能拥有个自行车、手表、缝纫机,就被看作是非常奢侈的事,可是发展到后来,从第一台彩色电视机,到第一台BB机,第一台大哥大,第一台笔记本电脑,人们奢侈的历史被不停地推进,当这些奢侈消费成为了一种习惯以后,人们对奢侈的概念和享受也就开始了一个新的要求。如今,“LV这样的品牌才是奢侈品的入门标志。”欧阳坤说,“诸如‘华伦天奴’、‘都彭’这些品牌,都已经是过去的时代的代表。”现在走在大街上,无论是飘散的香奈尔味道,还是奔驰而过的法拉利、劳斯莱斯已经不是新鲜事,对中国人来说,这些物品的消费不过是有钱人的一种习惯而已。从前对奢侈品的热议到如今的淡定,被欧阳坤认为是中国市场的成熟,也被认为是中国具有奢侈品消费实力的证明。而中国人愿意消费并且热衷消费这些物品,也符合中国人普遍的“体面消费”心理,也许这个奢侈品并不是必须,但是拥有就说明“我也在奢侈”,为奢侈品在中国的发展找到了出路,欧阳坤称:“品牌如果能很好地抓住中国奢侈品消费者这种‘我要奢侈’的典型心理,就很容易在中国市场取得成功。”然而长期以来,中国企业还不太了解应该如何经营奢侈品、如何开展有效的营销,尤其是不了解怎样建立和经营奢侈品牌,如何为奢侈品赋予文化内涵,因此只能眼睁睁地看着外国企业抢占中国市场,自己却难有作为。因此,论文以立足中国的角度,通过分析中国奢侈品市场的现状及特点,系统地研究外国奢侈品公司的营销模式,并针对中国的市场环境及企业特点提出本土奢侈品牌国际化的进入模式,及对其国际化发展提出了一些建议。这对于指导和帮助中国本土企业开展有效的奢侈品营销工作,并发展本土奢侈品牌及走向国际化,有着重要的意义。文章首先对奢侈品的概念进行界定。奢侈品在国际上被定义为“一种超出人们生存与发展需要范围的,具有独特、稀缺、珍奇等特点的消费品”,又称为非生活必需品。随后对奢侈品的特征进行了概括,具有稀缺性,时代性,文化性,类别性和地域性的特点。接下来介绍了奢侈品跨国公司和奢侈品品牌的定义及其特点。在第二部分中,文章分析了中国奢侈品消费市场现状及未来的主要趋势。接下来提出了奢侈品的消费群体及特点,这一群体在中国主要有三类:财富新贵,时尚新宠和尚酷新族。并针对中国消费者群体的特点与外国消费群体进行了对比,从中可以看出中国的奢侈品消费者总体来看还不够成熟,许多消费者并不能够真正的了解奢侈品品牌及其背后所代表的历史和文化。第三部分详细分析了奢侈品跨国公司在中国的营销策略。要建立中国本土的奢侈品牌并进行发展,就必须学习和借鉴外国企业的成熟经验。重点分析了奢侈品营销的4P战略。并介绍了奢侈品品牌创新营销策略。奢侈品品牌发展至今,短则几十年,长则上百年,其间,社会政治、经济、文化环境,消费者心智以及市场营销环境都发生了剧变。随着时间的推移和技术的发展,奢侈品品牌营销策略和方式也呈现出新的特点,如积极利用互联网特别是社交网络搭建品牌传播的渠道,展开网络宣传攻势,以强化互动沟通效果。通过分析国外奢侈品在中国市场的营销策略,第四部分从五个方面介绍了其策略对中国本土奢侈品企业的影响及中国本土企业从中得到的启示。这五个方面是:确定目标市场,产品开发,定价,销售渠道和促销。中国奢侈品消费市场的特殊性预示了中国本土企业在奢侈品营销中的潜在优势。到目前为止,一中国本土奢侈品经营企业在经营理念、品牌培育和营销模式运用等方面,与国际企业相比,还是具有相当大的差距的。但是,作为立足本土消费者的中国企业,也并非毫无优势可言。很多国际品牌他们有自己的设计、营销体系,但是在和中国消费者对接的过程中就存在着很大的障碍。只有在本土社会和文化环境中成长的中国企业,才更了解中国消费者对奢侈品消费的独特的内在诉求。基于这种对中国奢侈品消费市场特征的深度理解,深刻挖掘和正确诠释奢侈品对中国消费者的特殊意义,将是中国奢侈品经营企业非常强大的优势。最后论文指出了中国本土奢侈品品牌发展面临的问题,可以说在当今中国的奢侈品市场上,中国企业是集体缺位的。文章认为造成这种局面的因素是多方面的,包括客观和主观的原因。中国大部分商家还没有打造“国际品牌”的意识,更不用说打上奢侈品品牌的旗号了。很多厂商习惯于下游加工,满足于挣“血汗钱”,眼里只有短期效益,设计出的产品更是模仿的多,创新的少。接下来介绍了中国本土奢侈品品牌的三种国际化进入模式,分别是贴牌生产,收购兼并,国外建立子公司。并对中国本土奢侈品品牌走向国际化的发展提出了两点建议:培养奢侈品的职业经理人和寻求政府的支持和保护。良好的社会和市场环境是非常重要的,中国企业要创建世界品牌,必须要受到保护。政府拥有雄厚的财政资金和强大的、多元化的舆论工具,可以在发扬光大民族文化传统、培育精致文化、人才队伍建设以及引导国内奢侈品消费等方面发挥巨大的作用。对奢侈品市场分析的最终目的是要帮助中国的本土奢侈品品牌积极进入这个市场展开经营活动。我们应该看到,其一:奢侈品的生产和消费蕴含着巨大的利润空间,而目前这部分利润基本上都被国外企业所独占。其二:行业中的奢侈品品牌往往在本行业具有“领军”和“旗舰”的地位,对整个行业有着重要的引领和示范作用。因此,培育属于中国自己的奢侈品品牌,进入国际消费的高端产品市场,是我国制造业产品提升国际市场竞争力和影响力的重要途径之一。基于以上考虑,深入分析中国奢侈品市场的消费特征,为我国本土企业奢侈品的生产与经营提供参考和依据是十分必要的。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of China’s economy and the economic integration of East and West, the luxury goods which once away from the masses and were called noble products have penetrated into the Chinese market rapidly, and are accepted and pursued by many consumers. According to the World Luxury Association, in 2009, the luxury consumption in China has reached 9.6 billion U.S. dollars, becoming the world’s second largest consumer of luxury goods surpassed the United States and after Japan. In January 21,2010, the Boston Consulting Group announced a piece of news in "China’s Luxury Market in a Post-Land-Rush Era", and the study pointed out that today, Shanghai and Beijing have as many luxury point-of-sale locations per capita as New York and Chicago do. A large number of sales outlets of the luxury goods brands have established in China’s tier 2 cities, and more than half of the sales outlets are opened in the past three years. The luxury goods brands competition in China’s luxury goods market has moved from the land rush, rapid expansion to emphasis on cultivate the consumers’brand loyalty. And it predicted in the Boston Consulting Group’s report that in 2015, the total value of luxury consumption in China will reach 248 billion RMB, accounting for 29% of the global market and becoming the world’s largest luxury goods market.Although the financial crisis ruined the United States the big luxury goods consumption status, the rise of China make these expensive items see the new soil. The latest data of World Luxury Association, show that by December,2009,the Chinese luxury goods consumption has increased to 9.6 billion U.S.dollars, compared with $ 8.6 billion in 2008 rose by 8 million, of which 2.76 billion in jewelry market, leather 2.01 billion, car 1.83 billion, watch 1.14 billion, clothing 1.01 billion, cosmetics 690 million, and other industry 560 million. Luxury goods consumption has become a force to promote China’s economic growth. These figures make China the world’s second largest consumer of luxury goods, therefore after the crisis, luxury goods has become a popular event in fashion in Chinese market.Looking back the course of China’s luxury market development, it can be found that as early as the 1980s, luxury goods have appeared in China. The first luxury goods brand enter China’s is Pierre Cardin. In 1980, Pierre Cardin made the first Fashion Show in China, and the luxury brand shock to China had begun. Later, Montagut, Crocodile, Liaorateluo, Playboy and other brands have appeared which influence Chinese people’s consumption habits for a long time. The CEO of World Luxury Association China Office Ouyang Kun said, "China’s consumption of luxury goods can never stop, and can not be met. The advance of luxury goods history can reflect the Chinese luxury goods consumers’attitudes."In the fifties and sixties of last century, it could be regarded luxurious when owning bicycles, watches, sewing machines, while later, from the first color television, to the first BB machine, the first mobile phone, and the first laptop computer, the history of luxury goods has been kept advance. When these luxury consumptions have become a habit, people begin to ask new requests to the concept of luxury goods and enjoyment. Ouyang Kun said, "Nowadays, the luxury brands like LV is the entry sign, and the brands Valentino, Dupont have been the representative of the era of the past."Now walking down the street, no matter whether it is the fragrance of Chanel taste, the racing Ferrari,Mercedes-Benz, or Rolls-Royce, for Chinese people, they are only a kind of consumption habit instead of a new thing for them. From the hot discussion in the past to the calm state at present, Ouyang Kun regarded it as the maturity of Chinese luxury goods market, and proof of luxury goods consumption strength. While Chinese people willing to and keen to spend on these items, which is also in line with the Chinese people’s widespread psychology of "decent consumption". Perhaps this luxury is not necessary, but having them is to explain "I am also owning a luxury goods",which finds a way out for the luxury development in China. Ouyang Kun said, "If the luxury goods corporation can catch the typical psychology’I want a luxury’ of Chinese luxury goods consumers well, it is easy to be successful in the Chinese market."However, for a long time, Chinese enterprises do not know how to operate luxury goods, how to develop effective marketing, especially do not understand how to build and operate luxury goods brands, how to give cultural meaning to luxury goods, so they could only watch foreign companies seize Chinese market but can contribute nothing. So the thesis based on China’s perspective, by analyzing the current situation and the environment of Chinese luxury market, to make a systematic study on foreign luxury companies’marketing model, and then make some suggestions for the international entry mode and the future development of native luxury goods brands, according to Chinese luxury market’s environment and the enterprises features. These are of great significance in guiding and helping domestic luxury enterprises to develop effective marketing plan and internationalized the native brands.The thesis first defines the concept of luxury goods. Luxury goods in the international arena is defined as "a kind of consumer goods that exceed the scope of human beings’survival and development needs, with unique, rare, curiosity features", also known as non-necessities. Next, it summarizes the characteristics of luxury goods, including rareness, modernity, culture, classification and regionalism. And then it introduce the definition and features of luxury multinational corporation and luxury goods brands, and make a summary of the basic development situation of luxury multinational corporation in China in recent years.In the second part, it analyzes the current situation of China’s luxury market and the trend of the future. Next, it introduces Chinese luxury goods consumer group and their features. These groups are mainly three types:Nouveau Riche, Nouveau Chic, and Nouveau Cool. And then it makes a comparison between Chinese consumers and foreign consumers, from which we can see that overall the luxury goods consumers in China are not mature, and many consumers can not really understand the meaning of luxury goods brands and the history and culture that the brands represented.The third part of the thesis makes a detail analysis of luxury multinational corporation’s marketing strategies in China. To build China’s native luxury goods brands and develop them, we must learn from foreign enterprises’ mature experience and draw on the experience. It detailed analyzes the 4ps marketing theory:product, price, place and promotion. Besides it introduce the innovative strategy of luxury goods marketing. The luxury goods brands up to now have developed for a long time, the short years, and the long decades, during which the social politics, economy, cultural environment, consumers’minds and marketing environment have undergone drastic changes. With the time passing by and the development of modern science and technology, luxury goods brand marketing strategies and ways also present some new features, for example, the luxury goods corporation actively use the internet, in particular the social network, to build brands communication channels, expand the spread of publicity to strengthen the interaction effects.Through the marketing strategy analysis of foreign luxury goods corporation in Chinese market, the fourth part introduce the influence and implications that it brings to Chinese native luxury goods corporations in five aspects:target market, product development,price, sales channels and sales promotion. The particularity of Chinese luxury consumer market indicates the potential advantages of the native enterprises in the luxury goods marketing. So far, compared with international luxury goods enterprises, there is still some way for China’s native enterprises to go in management philosophy, brand development and the use of marketing models, etc. However, as Chinese enterprises based on local consumers, there is still some advantages. Many international brands have their own design, marketing system, but there are significant obstacles in the process of connecting with Chinese consumers. Only the Chinese enterprises in the growth of local social and cultural environment can make a better understanding of the unique internal demand of Chinese consumer spending on luxury goods. Based on the depth of understanding of Chinese luxury goods market characteristic, making a correct interpretation of the special meaning of luxury goods for Chinese consumers will be a powerful advantage for Chinese luxury goods enterprises.Finally, it points out the problems that China has faced to when developing native luxury goods brands. It can be said that, nowadays, in the luxury goods market Chinese enterprises are collective absence. In the thesis, it point out many factors that leads to the situation, including objective reasons and subjective reasons. Most of the Chinese merchants have no awareness to create "internationar brand" at present, let alone the luxury goods brand. Many manufacturers are accustomed to downstream processing and are content with just earning enough money to get by, in their eyes, there is only short-term benefit. Even worse, the product design is more imitation than creation. Then it introduces three international entry modes for the native luxury goods brand companies, they are OEM, M&A and subsidiary. At last, it makes two suggestions to the international development of China’s native luxury goods brands:train professional managers of luxury goods and seek government approval and protection. Having a good social and market environment is very important for creating global brands for Chinese enterprises. The government has abundant financial resources and strong, diversified mass media, which could play an enormous role in carrying forward the traditional culture, cultivating exquisite cultures, building talent group as well as guiding domestic consumption of luxury goods.The ultimate purpose of making an analysis of luxury multinational corporation in Chinese market is to help China’s native luxury brands to enter the market or even the international to expand the business activities. It can be seen that, first, the production and consumption of luxury goods contains a huge profit margins, while at present this part of the profits have been largely monopolized by foreign enterprises, and second, the luxury brand often have a "leader" and a "flagship" status in luxury goods industry, which plays a leading and exemplary role in the whole industry. Therefore, creating China’s own luxury goods brand and entering the international high-end product market are the important ways to enhance the international competitiveness and influence for China’s manufacturing products. Based on the above consideration, making the analysis of the consumption characteristics of the Chinese luxury goods market so that provide reference and basis for the production and operation of luxury goods for China’s native enterprises is quite necessary.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】2195

