

Empirical Study on the Relationship of Organization Justice, Emotional Labor, Service Quality in Hotels

【作者】 焦莎莎

【导师】 孟庆杰;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 旅游管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 要在激烈的市场竞争中取得长期优势,酒店业必须为顾客提供优质的服务,提高顾客感知的服务质量,增强顾客的忠诚感。酒店业属于情感密集型的行业,员工在服务过程中的情感表现会影响到顾客对酒店服务质量的感知。因此,如何管理员工在工作中情绪表现及提高服务质量是酒店业人力资源管理者面对的极其重要的问题。经过阅读大量文献发现,学术界关于公平理论和员工情感管理理论的研究已经很成熟了,但都是在各自的领域来进行研究。很少有学者研究它们之间的交互关系。因此,本研究着重以酒店员工感知到的组织公平性、员工在服务过程中表现出来的情绪,即情感性劳动及顾客感知到的服务质量为主要研究对象,探讨三者之间的关系。在本次研究中,笔者采用组织公平性的传统三维结构:结果公平性、程序公平性、交往公平性;员工的情感性劳动也采用三维度分法:表面行为、深层行为和自然行为来展开研究与分析。本论文包括三大部分:第一部分是文献综述。在阅读组织公平性、情感性劳动的相关文献基础上,提出了本研究的研究问题和理论基础。第二部分是实证部分。本研究以250位酒店员工及其对应服务的750位顾客为研究对象,通过问卷调查的方式获得了研究的数据样本,然后利用统计分析软件SPSS12.0对数据进行了描述性统计分析、信效度分析、相关分析及多元回归分析等分析。主要得出以下结论:结论1:验证了组织公平性三个维度之间的关系。程序公平性和交往公平性影响结果公平性,程序公平性影响交往公平性。结论2:验证了员工的三类情感性劳动行为对顾客感知的服务质量的影响。得出了“自然表演和深层表演行为对顾客感知的服务质量有显著相关的正向影响,而表面表演行为对顾客感知的服务质量有显著的负向影响。结论3:组织公平性中的三个维度,结果公平性、交往公平性、程序公平性对员工的情感性劳动有正向影响。.结论4:员工感知到的交往公平性和程序公平性会影响员工的情感性劳动。如果员工感知到的交往或程序越公平,就越能表现自然行为和深层行为,越能提供积极优质的服务,进而影响到顾客感知到的服务质量。最后,本研究简明阐述了笔者在研究过程中的不足和未来的研究方,同时提出了一些建议:酒店人力资源管理者应该创造一个公平、人性化的工作环境,对员工做好情感性劳动的管理,提高员工和顾客的忠诚度,进而提高酒店的竞争力和经济效益。

【Abstract】 To survive and even to flourish in the drastic change in the external environment, hotel industry must provide the best service to customers to increase their loyalty. Hotels belong to emotion-intensive industry. Emotional labor employee display in work could affect service quality customers feel. So, HR manager in hotels should be concerned about human resource management: dealing with how to manage employee’emotional labor and creating a fair environment to keep employees.On the basic of reading a lot of documents and academic circles, there are many researches on equity theory and emotional management theory. But those researches are studied in their own respective area. In this study, we focus on the relationship among organization justice staffs often are aware of in hotels, employees’emotional labor in work and the perception of the service quality, which affect the service satisfaction of customers. In this study, we use three dimensions of organization justice:distributive justice, interpersonal justice and procedural justice. As to emotional labor, we also use three dimensions:surface acting, deep acting and natural acting.This research concludes three parts:the first part is about researches on documents and academic circles. On this basic, we conclude some study questions and theories supported. The second part is empirical study on the relationship of organization justice, emotional labor, service quality in hotels. This study focuses on 250 hotel employees and 750 customers and gets the statistics by means of the questionnaire survey. We use SPSS 12.0 to conduct the Descriptive analysis, "Cronbach a" and factor analysis; Pearson analysis and regression analysis etc. The main conclusions as following:Conclusion 1:Verify that the relationship among procedural justice, distributive justice, interpersonal justice. Procedural justice and interpersonal justice affect distributive justice, procedure justice affects interpersonal justice. Conclusion 2:Verify that employees’emotional labor has an obvious effect on the service satisfaction of customers. Natural acting and deep acting have a significant positive impact on service quality customers feel. Surface acting has a negative impact on service quality.Conclusion 3:Verify that organization justice (including Procedural justice, Distributive justice, interpersonal justice) has an obvious effect on employees’ emotional labor.Conclusion 4:Interpersonal justice and Procedural justice have an obvious effect on the service satisfaction of customers through employees’emotional labor.At last, this research gives a brief instruction on lacks of research process and the future research direction. In practice, hotel managers should create a fair environment, do human resources management and increase the staff and customers’loyalty, and enhance hotels’competitive capacity and economic benefits.

  • 【分类号】F272.92;F719;F224
  • 【下载频次】405

