

The Research on the Performance Management and Performance-related Pay System in M Hospital

【作者】 周继祥

【导师】 尹少华;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 医院绩效管理与绩效支付体系是医院管理工作的一个重要内容,有效的绩效管理和激励体系能够引导医院各部门及员工不断地改进自己的行为,发挥主观能动性,提高工作绩效,全面提高医院的运行效率和服务水平。医院绩效管理与绩效支付体系的构建和运行是医院实现自己的战略目标的重要步骤。一个医院的绩效管理与激励体系也反映了其具体的管理思想和管理文化,也是构筑医院核心竞争力的重要部分。因此,对医院绩效管理和绩效支付体系的研究是每一个医院管理者必须面对和思考的重要内容。作者通过对人力资源管理理论,特别是绩效管理和绩效支付理论的深入研究,结合M医院与M医院中医科绩效管理和绩效支付的实际情况,分析了现今医院绩效管理中普遍存在的问题和绩效支付需要考虑的问题,运用平衡计分卡理论,查阅了国内外许多研究者的研究成果,重构了M医院的绩效管理和绩效支付体系,主要由以下几个部分组成:第一部分,M医院绩效管理和绩效支付的总体框架。框架的内容主要包括:评价指标体系,评价标准体系和评价方法体系。同时,根据开展M医院绩效管理和绩效支付工作的主体和客体不同,可以将M医院绩效管理和绩效地支付体系划分由M医院综合绩效管理和绩效支付体系,M医院各科室绩效管理和绩效支付体系组成的层次结构。第二部分,M医院绩效管理体系的重构。首先讨论了基于平衡计分卡的绩效管理体系。其次,确定了医院平衡计分卡指标的筛选原则与方法,设计出符合M医院特点的平衡计分卡,最后确定了M医院平衡计分卡指标权重的设置方法。第三部分,M医院绩效支付体系的重构。讨论了绩效支付体系的设计原则,确定了平衡计分卡评价标准体系与评价计分方法,最后形成了医院平衡计分卡评价计分模型。第四部分,M医院绩效管理和绩效支付体系的实施。设计了绩效管理与绩效支付实施流程图,分析了M医院实施平衡计分卡应该解决的问题。作者还对M医院中医科进行了实证研究,通过对历史数据的分析和整理,对各类人员的调查和专家的咨询,结合平衡计分卡理论为M医院中医科设计了适合其自身特点的平衡计分卡,并就此对中医科的绩效支付做出了规范性的研究。将平衡计分卡这一管理理论和方法应运到医院管理之中,能为更新医院管理知识结构,拓宽管理思维和理论视野打下基础;能为医院适应复杂多变的市场竞争环境提供理论支持;能为医院的持续发展提供可鉴之路。平衡计分卡理论在医院管理中的运用仍处于探索期,要想取得普遍性的易操作的研究成果,仍需研究者的不懈努力。

【Abstract】 The performance management and Performance-RelatedPay system is an important part of hospital management, an effective one can guide each department and staff, bringing about steady improvement in their activities and giving free rein to subjective initiative enhance the efficiency of performance and improve the services in an all-round way. The implementing of performance management and constructing of Performance-Related Pay is a key step for a hospital to realize its strategically goal. Moreover, not only the performance management and Performance-Related Pay system reflect one’s management thought and culture, but also reflect its core competitive power. Therefore, the research on the performance management and Performance-Related Pay system is an urgent task that each hospital must face and think.This thesis, through the thorough research on human resource management especially the analyzing on the performance management and Performance-Related Pay system, combining the special circumstance in M hospital, analyzed the widespread problem, existed in the performance management and Performance-Related Pay; reconstructed the Performance-Related Pay system on the basis of the Balanced Scorecard theory. It main contains the following parts:The first part is the overall frame of performance management and performance-related pay. It includes:the valuation index、valuation standard system and valuation methods system. At the same time, it could be divided into two parts from different subject and object:the overall one and the one of different section.The second part is reconstruction of performance management system It discussed the performance management system on the basis of the Balanced Score Card then determined the selecting principle and method of the Balanced Score Card index, designed the Balanced Score Card according with the actual situation of M hospital, and determined how to choose the index weight of the Balanced Score Card in M hospital.The third part is about the reconstruction of performance-related pay. It discussed its designing principle at first, then determined the standard valuation system and scoring methods of the Balanced Score Card, established its valuation modes finally.The fourth part is on the implementing of performance management and performance-related pay system. It designed the process of performance management and performance-related pay and analyzed the problem which should be resolved in its process.Furthermore this paper, designed the Balanced Scorecard which conforms to the actual situation of M hospital through the analysis of the historical data and consultation towards the experts. This design will provide a kind of standard method for the performance-related pay in traditional Chinese medicine sectionThe application of Balanced Score Card in the hospital management can renew its knowledge structure, widen the management ideas and theory, make the hospital adapt to the complicated competitive environment and prompt its sustainable development. However, the research on application of Balanced Score Card is still in their early stage, which asks the researchers to make a sustained effort.


