

The Study on the Construction of Forest Fire Information Engineering in Guangzhou

【作者】 易厚梅

【导师】 杨志高;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 森林经理学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文根据广州市森林防火工作需求以及森林防火工作信息化发展现状和趋势,通系统地规划,建设数据共享平台、重点地区视频监控系统、防火通讯指挥系统、航空巡护、视频会议系统、信息发布平台与办公系统、林火扑救决策支持系统、移动通迅指挥系统统、森林防火信息系统的延伸应用,来构建广州市森林防火信息工程,以实现广州市森林防火工作的信息化。本文的创新之处在于在信息采集系统中使用了卫星、无人飞机和视频进行不同信息层面的监测和并对不同层面信息进行融合统一管理与发布,在通信指挥中加入了应急指导挥系统,并加入了双向视频会议系统;并在广州市已建各个系统基础上,通过系统集成各个分数据库的共享,开发集成的信息发布平台和办公平台,来实现森林防火工作的信息化。本文主要做了如下工作:1)为了实现森林防火的信息化,在广州市森业局已经投入使用的信息系统有森林防火信息系统、资源林政管理信息系统、野生动植物管理信息系统、森林防火信息系统、林业电子政务系统、森林病虫害管理信息系统等已有系统的基础上,开发一个具有共同的信息发布与管理界面,实现对所有应用系统的集成。12)由于现有各个系统都有各自的数据库资源,集成系统通过数据库的集成,在各个分布式数据库与应用层界面间加入中间层,在中间层通过全局库,实现数据集成,数据格式转换,语法解析等步骤,来完成对各个各个分布数据库的转换。3)根据广州市森林防火信息工程总体规划要求,信息采集模块采用三种方式进行信息采集:卫星监测系统、无人飞机监控系统和视频监控系统。4)扑救指挥模块集成了森林防火信息系统,林火扑救决策支持系统,防火通信指挥系统和救火资源管理系统。各个系统是通过整体设计,整合现有的各个系统的功能模块,并进行重新设计各自功能,来重新构建此模块。5)在信息发布与办公系统中集成了办公子系统、信息发布子系统和双向视频子系统。由于本人精力能力有限,文中尚有不足之处,很多问题还需在实践过程中继续发现和补充。更深一步的研究还有待后续工作的开展。如何结合广州市森林防火特点,发展具有广州特色的森林防火事业任重而道远。

【Abstract】 This paper based on the need of requirements the Municipal Forest Fire Prevention in Guangzhou city, as well as the development status and trends of information technology, builds data-sharing platform, and areas where video surveillance system, fire communications command and control system, aviation Patrol, video conferencing systems, information publishing platform and office systems, forest fire fighting Decision Support System, mobile communications command system, forest fire information system application of the extension to the Guangzhou Municipal Construction forest fire information engineering, to achieve information in forest fire prevention work in Guangzhou City.In this paper, the innovation lies in Guangzhou City has been built on the basis of various systems through the various sub-systems integration database sharing, dissemination and sharing of development platforms and office platform, to achieve the information in the work of the forest fire prevention. This paper mainly does the following work:1)In order to achieve the information of forest fire prevention,based on the information system that have been used in Guangzhou,such as Forest Fire Information System, resources of Forestry Chief information systems, wildlife management information systems, forest fire prevention information systems, e-government system of forestry, forest pest management information system.To development of a common information management interface, and to achieve the integration of all applications.2)Because all systems have their own existing database resources, the new integrated system have not got the necessary database through the database integration, in all distributed database interface between the application layer and the middle layer by adding, in the middle layer through the whole library, data aintegration, data format conversion, a parser, etc. steps to complete the distribution of all the various database conversion.3) According to the the overall planning Municipal Forest fire information engineering requirements of Guangzhou, the information collection module use information collected in three ways:satellite monitoring systems, unmanned aircraft surveillance systems and video surveillance systems.4) Fighting command module integrated forest fire prevention information systems, decision support system of forest fire fighting, fire protection systems and fire-fighting command resources management system. the whole system design, integration of various systems of the existing function module, and re-design their function, to re-construction of this module.5) Information dissemination and office modules integrated office systems, information dissemination subsystem and two-way video subsystem. Due to the limited capacity of my energy, in the text there are still shortcomings, many problems still in the process of practice continue to discover and added. Deeper research still needs to be follow-up work. To combine the characteristics of forest fire prevention in Guangzhou.It is a long way to build a good forest fire prevention Engineering in Guangzhou that suit the characteristics the city.


