

The Predicament and Outlet of "Ant Tribe" in China

【作者】 严雯

【导师】 谭英华;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 社会学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 2009年9月,“蚁族”作为一个新名词第一次出现在公众视野里,然而到了2009年底它已经成为一个热门话题,并在中国社会转型的特殊时期具有特殊的意义。这个新生事物所代表的社会群体也引起了大众传媒越来越多的关注。“蚁族”这个称呼是对“大学毕业生低收入聚居群体”的抽象概括,这个特殊的社会群体与蚂蚁有着很多相似的特征:高智、弱小、群居。改革开放三十多年以来,中国发生了一系列结构性因素的变化,包括不断加快的城市化进程,正在转型的劳动力市场,以及改革中的高等教育体制等等。经济发展的不平衡、大城市的诱惑,都使得全国各地的大学毕业生为了更广阔的前途纷纷涌向经济发达的大城市。随着我国高等院校的不断扩招,大学生就业一年比一年难,但是仍旧有大批的毕业生选择去一线大城市实现自己的理想,而实际情况却是,他们中的大多数人处在“生存以上,生活以下”的状态,成为了大城市中的“蚁族”。“蚁族”群体的年龄多数在22岁到29岁之间,都是近几年毕业的大学生,他们都具有大专以上文凭,拥有较高的知识水平,但是工作大部分不稳定,月收入在2000元以下,大多为聚居生活,游离在城市边缘,过着比较艰苦的打工生活。在这些大城市的“蚁族”主要聚居于城乡结合部或者近郊农村,因而形成独特的“聚居村”。在北京市,就有以唐家岭、小月河为代表的“蚁族聚居村”。据统计,北京的大学毕业生聚居村中,超过85%的人为外地户口,仅15%的人是北京本地户口。“大学毕业生聚居村”折射出了当前中国非常复杂的社会问题,同样也是城市管理中一个不可回避的难题。一个小小的唐家岭,已经透视出当今中国大多数年轻人生存现状的结构图。本文将以北京市的“蚁族”群体为研究对象,对“京蚁”的生存现状进行调查,并以此延伸至全国的“蚁族”群体,分析他们的群体特征,了解他们的生存困境,研究他们的未来之路以及对社会的影响。本文将主要运用精英循环理论和新结构主义社会学家皮奥里(J.Piore)的二元劳动力市场理论以及其它社会分层与流动理论等进行分析。本文的研究方法是个案访谈并结合文献研究,样本采取简单偶遇抽样的方法获得,并根据这一地区的实际情况进行了适当的调整。实际访谈对象30人,所取得数据均为第一手资料,真实可靠,具有一定研究价值。本文要证明的问题是“蚁族”群体是低收入阶层中的精英群体,他们在城市中处于低层地位,这一现象的长期存在会引发一定的社会问题。本文的结构一共分为六个部分,第一部分为绪论,主要描述“蚁族”群体的研究背景,以及资料的收集和研究方法;第二部分是关于“蚁族”群体的生存现状,主要描述其基本情况、生活环境、工作环境以及群体特征;第三部分主要写这一群体面临的经济压力、工作压力、心理压力、社会认同的压力和社会公平缺失造成的压力,并对“蚁族”现象的出现进行原因分析;第四部分论述“蚁族”群体的发展趋势及对社会结构的影响,大多数“蚁族”未来将会实现向上流动并成为中国中产阶层的后备军,但是如果社会流动机制不顺畅则会积聚社会风险,影响社会和谐发展;第五部分提出一些相关借鉴思考,借鉴国外成熟的就业服务体系,政府和高校都应当做出适当调整以适应当前的就业形势,促进社会对“蚁族”群体的包容和帮助;第六部分是结语,主要是笔者在完成论文期间,对“蚁族”这一现象的感想。一般的观点都把“蚁族”作为一个弱势群体,而本文的创新之处在于,清楚地认识到“蚁族”群体具有向上流动的可能性,不能把“蚁族”群体与弱势群体归为一谈,“蚁族”群体的存在与当前我国的社会阶层和社会流动密切相关,高学历群体的社会流动普遍是垂直向上的,属于人才流动,这一群体大都具有良好的心理素质,对未来充满希望,并在不断奋斗。“蚁族”群体对人生目标的追求是积极的,他们的未来具有向上流动的趋势,并将成为中国中产阶层的后备军。作为一个“80后”,我们是“蚁族”的同龄人,这个群体就存在于我们身边。我们的同学、朋友,有的人现在就是“蚁族”的一员,还有的人即将踏入“蚁族”的大军,也许自己将来也会成为这一群体的成员。因此,在撰写这篇论文的期间,笔者十分感同身受,也希望我们这一代人通过不懈努力,能够实现自己的人生理想。由于时间的限制和个人能力的不足,本文的研究结论亦不可以偏概全,只是对“蚁族”这一现象的简单探讨,希望我们“80后”的同龄人能够为自己未来的人生道路做好规划并努力实践。

【Abstract】 The "Ant Tribe", which first appeared in September of 2009 as a new term in publications, quickly became a hot topic at the end of the year and symbolized a particular meaning in the period of the changing age. The social group which was represented by this new term has also been given more and more attention and discussion by mass media.The "Ant Tribe" is a generalized notion for inhabit groups of the university graduates with low-income. This special social group has some shared features of ant:intelligent, puniness, gregarious. In the last 30 years since the reform and opening up, China had a series of changes on structural factors, including the developing of urbanization, the transformation of the labor market, and the reform of higher education system, etc. However, the unbalanced economic development and the temptation of metropolitans made college graduates all over the country swarmed into the economy developed cities with the hope for a better opportunity. Along with the enrollment expanding, job hunting for college students become more difficult. But there are still a large number of college graduates choose to go to big cities to realize their ideals. The mostly fact is, they live in very difficult situation, and made themselves became the "Ant Tribe". They are normally in the age of 22 to 29, newly graduated from colleges or universities, have a high level of knowledge, but without stable work and income (less than 2000 Yuan/month). Most people live together in the urban-rural joints or the edge of town, working hard and struggling for life.The settlement where most "Ant Tribe" gathered forms a special village. For example, Tang Jialing, Xiao Yuehe is the major village for the Ant Tribe in Beijing. According to statistics, more than 85% people in the village are non-local, only 15% are Beijing local registered resident. The village for college graduates reflects a complicated social problem and as well a challenge for city management. Only from the small Tang Jialing can see through the living structure chart of most young people in China.This thesis takes the "Ant Tribe"in Beijing as the research object to analyze their current situation of living. Then expend this special social group into a larger perspective all around the country to analyze their group characteristics and problems of living, figure out their way to future and the influence toward the society. The theoretical foundation is made up by the theory of elite circulation, the dual labor market theory by J.Piore, and some other theories like social stratification and mobility and so on. Research method of this thesis is a combination of individual cases interview and documentation study. Samples are collected by simple accidental sampling and adjusted properly according to the reality of this region. All data collected from 30 actual interviewees are first-hand, reliable, and valuable to research. The research question needs to be certified is that the "Ant Tribe" is the elite group of low-income people and they are living in lower class of society; the long existence of this phenomenon will raise some social problems.The structure of this thesis includes 6 parts:Chapter 1 is the introduction of the research background, data collecting, and research method. Chapter 2 is the current situation of the Ant Tribe. Mainly focus on the general living condition, environment of living and working, and the group characteristics. Chapter 3 mainly talks about the pressures this group is facing from economic, working, psychological, social identity, and the lacking of social equity; the cause of the appearance of Ant Tribe is analyzed as well. Chapter 4 discusses the trend of development of the Ant Tribe group and the influence to the social structure. Most of the Ant Tribe will move to an upper level in the future and become the reserves for the middle class in China. However, if the mechanism of social mobility is blocked, the potential social risk will affect the harmonious development of the society. Chapter 5 gives references from some matured employment service system in foreign countries and the adjustment made by both government and universities according to the current employment situation to help the Ant Tribe get receive by the society. The last chapter is conclusion. Mainly focus on the impressions the author have during the research.Normally, people like to treat the Ant Tribe as a vulnerable group, but this thesis takes a creative perspective to realize the possibility of the Ant Tribe’s upward mobility. The existence of the Ant Tribe is closely related to China’s current social status and the tendency of social mobility. The mobility of high education group is vertical upward, belongs to talent flow. People in this group have good psychological quality, like to look forward and keep on striving. The life goal of the Ant Tribe is positive; they will move to an upper level in the future and become the reserves for the middle class in China.As members of the generation after 80s, we have the same age like the Ant Tribe; this special social group is just around us. Some of our school mates or friends, or even ourselves are living or going to live as the Ant Tribe. Therefore, during this research, the author has the sympathetic visage and a strong hope that through unremitting endeavor we can finally achieve our life goals. Because of the limit of time and self ability, the result of this research is far from the requirement of a comprehensive study but just a simple analysis on the Ant Tribe phenomenon. In the end, wish our contemporaries can make a plan for the employment in the future and try hard to carry it out.

  • 【分类号】D669
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1235

