

The Research on the Application of Fair Value in China

【作者】 容玲

【导师】 张捷;

【作者基本信息】 东北财经大学 , 会计学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在会计上,历史成本一直是计量的主要模式,但随着知识经济和信息化社会的发展,资产和负债的时间价值效应越来越明显,按历史成本反映的资产和负债的账面价值已经严重偏离市场价值,不能满足决策者的要求。而公允价值是站在现在时间的角度对资产或负债的价值进行计量,因而公允价值具有更高相关性,越来越多国家的会计准则要求按照公允价值确认和披露公允价值信息,公允价值的全面应用已是大势所趋。2006年2月15日财政部颁布的《企业会计准则》重新引入公允价值,在多项具体准则中都不同程度地运用了公允价值计量属性。然而就在公允价值再次被广泛应用的同时,公允价值计量遭到了金融危机的严峻考验,在金融界,一些人士对公允价值计量的应用提出诸多责难,甚至提出停止使用公允价值计量属性。但笔者认为,与其他计量属性相比,公允价值计量属性在目前仍然是更优选择,但金融危机的爆发也使其经历了一场严峻考验,说明公允价值计量属性在应用过程中还存在一些问题,需要进一步加以完善。就我国而言,市场环境与国际上较成熟的市场环境相比还存在着一定差距,且在新会计准则体系刚刚开始实施阶段就爆发了全球性的金融危机,公允价值在我国的应用遇到了前所未有的新问题,并且还有可能会面临许多其他问题。另外,新会计准则已经正式实施了三年,在实务中对公允价值的运用情况如何呢?在运用过程中又有哪些问题急需解决呢?也是我们应当给予认真思考的问题。有鉴于此,本文围绕公允价值的应用问题进行了较为深入的探讨。本文从国内外对公允价值计量属性的研究现状出发,对公允价值相关的理论进行阐述,分析公允价值计量属性的优势和不足,结合新会计准则中涉及公允价值计量属性应用的具体准则,以及2009年上市公司年度报告中有关公允价值信息的披露情况,具体分析我国上市公司对公允价值计量属性的应用现状,剖析公允价值计量属性在实际应用中存在的主要问题,如应用范围有限、相关信息披露不充分等,并针对这些问题深入探讨其原因,进而提出完善我国运用公允价值应用的建议。本文的主要内容包括以下几部分:第一部分:绪论。主要讨论本文的研究背景及研究意义,并对国内外研究现状进行评述,并简要阐述了本文研究的主要内容、研究方法以及创新点。第二部分:公允价值的相关理论。阐述了国内外对公允价值的定义、公允价值的相关性和可靠性以及公允价值与其他计量属性的关系。第三部分:公允价值的计量方法及其利弊。阐述了公允价值计量的具体方法,并分析采用公允价值计量的利弊。第四部分:公允价值在我国《企业会计准则》中的应用。主要分析了新会计准则中对公允价值的运用情况及其特点。第五部分:公允价值在我国上市公司的应用现状分析。对2009年部分上市公司年报中有关公允价值的披露情况进行描述性统计,研究公允价值在我国上市公司的实际运用情况,对于存在的问题进行总结并分析其原因。第六部分:完善公允价值在我国应用的建议。针对第五部分我国公允价值运用存在的问题,对我国公允价值的应用提出几点可行建议。第七部分:结论。对本文的研究进行总结,并指出本文研究的不足。

【Abstract】 Historical cost has been the main mode measurement, but with the knowledge economy and information society’s development. The time value effect of assets and liabilities is more and more obvious. Historical cost to reflect the book value of assets and liabilities after a serious departure from the market value, can not meet the requirements of decision makers. The fair value is the value of assets or liabilities at present, and therefore a higher relevant than the Historical cost. More and more accounting rules require disclosure in accordance with recognized at fair value and fair value information, the fair value application Comprehensive has been the general trend.February 15,2006, the new accounting standards promulgated. The highlight is large scale introduction of the fair value measurement. There are several concrete standards introduce fair value measurement in different extent, such as financial assets, non-monetary transactions, assets less value, debt restructuring, business combination, etc. However, the fair value measurement was confronted with the financial crisis at the same time. Although fair value continues to be the better choice compared with other measurement attributes, but the financial crisis is a test to it. That indicating there are still some problems needed to be further revised and improved in the process of its application.The market environment of China is not mature enough compare with international market. And the fair value measurement experienced impact of the financial crisis. The application of fair value in China will be confronted with face many problems. At present, the new accounting standards have been implemented for three years. How the application of the fair value? And are there problems exist in the process of application?This article begins with researc(?) of the fair value both at home and abroad. It analyzes the related theories and the strengths and weaknesses of fair value measurement. It also summarizes and analyzes the various criteria about the fair value in new accounting standards. And then, it analyzes disclosure of information about the fair value according to 2009 annual report of China’s Listed Companies. It founds some problems in the application of fair value, such as the application is limited and information disclosure about fair value is inadequate, and finds reasons for these problems. Finally, it offers relevant measures to improve the application of fair value.This thesis is divided into following parts:The first part is a preface. It introduces research background, research meaning, research condition inside and outside, research method and the structure and limitation of this thesis.The second part mainly states basic theories of fair value. It introduces the definition of fair value, correlation and reliability of fair value and relationships between the fair value and the other measurement modes.The third part introduces the methods to obtain fair value and the advantages and disadvantages of fair value.The fourth part analyzes the using of fair value in china’s accounting standards.The fifth part analyzes the application of fair value in Listed Companies in China. Study the problems of using fair value and their reasons.The sixth part makes some suggestions about the using of fair value in China.The seventh part is the conclusion of this thesis, and point the deficiency of this thesis.

【关键词】 公允价值会计准则上市公司
【Key words】 fair valueaccounting standardsListed Companies
  • 【分类号】F233
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1518

