

The Research on Public Contacting Spaces and Transmission of Zhang Guying

【作者】 郑霞

【导师】 金晓玲; 胡希军;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着城市住区交往空间的缺失,人情交往的渴求与日俱增;而传统村落村民依据人的需要和感受“无为而为”地真正做到了“以人为本”,形成的是一个复合的、有序的交往空间网络。如何在古村落保护和发展中合理的传承昔日和谐的交往空间形态有着积极的意义。论文在空间图式理论、符号空间理论、场所理论、交往与空间理论、遗产保护等相关理论和方法的基础上,通过资料查阅与整理、实地调研、归纳总结及演绎推理等方法,对张谷英村公共交往空间及传承研究,主要结果如下:(1)归纳总结了国内外聚落空间、文化、生活及传承等研究进展。传统村落公共空间及外部空间等专项研究起步较晚,呈两种趋势:从“空间——人”的基于建筑空间理论的研究和从“人——空间秩序”的基于社会发展、历史变迁的研究;国外对于公共空间的研究分为哲学意义、空间形式、环境行为、环境意义等方面的研究,在乡村建设上重视以人为本的规划,侧重生态规划和休闲规划。(2)综述了张谷英村历史文化性及遗产价值。张谷英村长达600多年的历史,包含文物古迹13处。张谷英村建筑遗产本体包括文物建筑7处:当大门、王家塅、上新屋、东头屋、西头岸、聚龙湾东片区及石大门片区,共17589 m2。主要遗产环境包括历史文物建筑之外的历史建筑4处,共3360 m2;历史构筑物古井11处、古桥4处、古道路1条、古墓葬11座、古迹1处等;以及与遗产相关的自然环境要素包括水系1条,山体5处,植被若干。(3)分析了张谷英村公共交往空间的类型、特点及其空间功能的演化和存在状况。张谷英村公共交往空间的类型分为物态交往空间和意态交往空间两大类,根据公共开放程度物态空间又分为开放性交往空间、半开放性交往空间及半私密性交往空间。张谷英村公共交往空间中人的行为具有交往活动频率高、随意性大、持续时间长、高度开放性的特点;交往空间具有尺度空间、模糊空间、场所空间及序列空间的特征。并进一步分析了张谷英村公共交往空间功能的演化及存在的状况,提出张谷英村面临的问题:田园自然景观交往空间破坏、乡土建筑交往空间历史延续性衰弱、公共设施休闲空间缺乏以及民俗风情文化交往空间淡化。(4)探讨了张谷英村公共交往空间的传承原则、方法和内容。张谷英村公共交往空间从田园自然景观、乡土建筑、公共设施和民俗风情文化交往空间四大类进行传承;以相地为先设计原则、突出真实性和保持延续性原则、人性化原则为主要的传承原则,运用风貌整治、修理与借鉴、集中与分散等主要的传承方法对张谷英村典型的公共交往空间进行理论与实践的传承,旨在最大限度的实现及发挥交往空间的功能与价值。传统村落人与土地所呈现的和谐关系体现在健康安全的生态过程、秀美朴实的自然环境、人对土地的精神寄托和归属感。公共空间不仅是特定文化的产物,更是记载着人们共同的生命体验。现代城市住区交往空间的缺失、新农村建设中传统特色丢失和旧邻里关系的伤失是我们关心和迫切需要解决的问题。对张谷英村公共交往空间及传承的研究,有助于对上述问题的探讨和借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the lack of contacting space in urban settlements, more and more people have great desire for human interaction.Other, the traditional villages have a complex and orderly exchange Space Network in accordance with the needs of feelings of the villagers.How to protect and develop the harmony tradition contacting space with reasonable method, has great realistic signification.Based on some principles and methods of relevant disciplines, such as Spatial Schema Theory, Symbol Space Theory, the Place Theory,Spatial Interaction Theory and the Heritage Protection, etc and applied with induction deduction method, analysis synthesizes method and practices utilization method and so on, this paper carries out the research and analysis on the traditional contacting spaces and the inheritance of traditional contacting spaces.The main conclusions are as follows:(1) Summarized culture, life and heritage of settlement space at home and abroad.According to the research on the public space and external space in traditional villages, there were two trends:the construction of space-based research and theory ’Space-Human behavior’and research based on social development, the history of changes from the’Human behavior-Space Order’. And, foreign research on public space already entered to a quite mature stage, study of public space is divided into research on philosophical sense, space forms, environmental behavior, environmental signification, ect. foreign villages building took the great importance in the rural people-oriented planning, ecological planning and leisure planning.(2) Reviewed the history and culture and heritage values of the Village Zhang guyingVillage Zhang as long as 600 years of the history, includes 13 cultural relics:Dang damen, Wang jiaduan, Shang xinwu, Dong touwu,Xi tou’an,Ju longwan, and Shi damen, a total of 17589 square meter.Besides the main legacy of the history of heritage buildings, there are 4 historic buildings, a total of 3360 square meter,11 historical structures,4 old bridge, an ancient road,11 ancient tombs, and lmonuments,besides, natural elements of 1 water system,5 mountains and a number of vegetation.(3) Analysed and summarized the types, features of the public contacting space, and its evolution and existence of the functional state of the Village Zhang.The public contacting spaces of Village Zhang are divided into the substantial spaces and nonmaterial spaces, then, according to the degree of public open space of state contacts, divided into open space, semi-open and semi-private contacting spaces. On the basis of the characteristic of association as well as the intrinsic thought of association in the rural settlement, carried out characteristic of pubic association spaces specially which are scaling, fuzzification, place, and sequentiality. Furtherly, based on the evolution and existence of the functional state of the Village Zhang, put forward the facing issues of Village Zhang guying:damaged Contacting Space between the natural landscape garden, weaked history continuity of local architectural contacing spaces, less and poor public facilities space for Leisure, and Diluted folk customs and cultural Activities.(4) Elaborated the principle, the method, the content of public contacting space of Village Zhang guying.Taking Style training, repair and reference, focus and decentralization as the main method of inheritance, the public contacting space of Village Zhang guying has been inherited from the natural landscape countryside, local buildings, public facilities and folk customs and culture, under the guidance of the first design principles, the principle of highlighting authenticity and maintaining continuity, and the principle of humanity design as the main principle.It is to come true the aim of maximizing the function and value of the rural contacting space.The people and land have been keeping a harmonious relationship:health and safety ecological processes, simple and beautiful natural environment, spiritual sustenance and a sense of belonging between the people and the land. The public space is not only a product of a specific culture, but also records the common experience of the lives of people. Because of the contacting space been missing in urban settlements, the loss of traditional features and the old neighborhood between the construction of new countryside, it is urgent to resolve these questions. Now, research on public contacting space of the village of Zhang guying and its transmission would contribute to the above questions, which would have great reference.


