

The Application of Shade-Tolerant Plants in Landscape and Architecture

【作者】 汪洋

【导师】 廖飞勇; 邓洁玲;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 农业推广, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 现代园林的发展对植物景观十分重视,强调园林的生态化或以生态学原理为指导。城市绿地面积的局限性和人们对园林景观的审美要求的提高,要求园林工作者在植物群落配置过程中更加注重群落层次的多样性。目前很多园林绿地中普遍存在着植物种类单调,栽培群落缺少层次,群落结构不合理,配植缺乏科学指导等问题。随着我国城市化的快速发展,为保持良好的城市生态环境,必须建设生态园林,增加绿地中人工植物群落的配置层次,充分发挥单位绿地的生态效益。光是绿色植物进行光合作用产生能量以确保其正常生长的首要因子,目前城市中一些绿地处于建筑物的包围之中,50%以上绿地处于荫蔽环境之中,园林绿化植物面临日照时间短和光照强度弱的环境胁迫。因此,对耐阴植物的科学研究、合理归类和适合于实际的应用是园林绿化的重要环节,是增加人工植物群落层次、充分应用园林空间的基础。本文首先对耐荫植物在园林中的应用分别按复层结构中不同层次、耐荫强度和观赏特性进行系统分类。然后对耐荫植物在园林中的应用现状进行总结,分类了耐荫植物在室外植物群落中、室外建筑遮荫环境中的作用与景观效果;耐荫植物在室内环境中起到的组织空间、改善空间质感的作用,具体分析了在入口、客厅、居室、书房、楼梯等处的应用形式。提出了耐荫植物在植物景观设计中的应用基本原则。即生态学原则,体现为以乡土植物为主、多选用耐干旱贫瘠的植物、不同地段,园林植物的选择应区别对等;群落多样性原则,体现在构置乔一灌一草复层结构群落,增加群落中的植物种类、利用城市中不同地段自然条件的差异,配置各具特色的人工群落类型;群落稳定性原则,体现在多样性是稳定性的基础、避免群落内出现激烈的竞争、选择当地的顶极群落或近顶极群落类型、正确预测群落的演替方向,加以人为干预,得到较为稳定的中间群落类型;能量最低原则,体现在多选用寿命较长、生长速度中等,耐粗放管理,耐修剪的植物、改街道绿化穴状种植为带状种植,尤以宽带为好、充分认识植物的生长速度和植株大小,合理控制栽植密度,减少因疏伐带来的管理开支、树种单一、群落结构简单并不意味着管理也简单易行,相反有时会带来更多的麻烦;景观艺术原则,体现在通过艺术构图原理展示出植物个体及群体的形式美及人们在欣赏时所产生的意境美,巧妙地充分利用植物的形体、线条、色彩、质地进行构图,并通过植物体及生命周期的变化,使之成为一幅活的动态构图。通过详细地调查,总结目前南宁市主要应用的耐荫植物种类,并按其应用形式如乔木下、林木下、垂直绿化、芳香、观花、观果植物进行了归类。分析了耐荫植物在南宁民族大道的应用,在对道路绿地改造后由于耐荫植物种类和数量的增加,景观效果明显增强。分析了耐荫植物在南宁市全市立交桥底平面的应用,提出了立交桥下绿化耐荫植物选择中应注重耐干旱、耐高温和耐强光、抗污染性及景观效果好的植物种类。分析了耐荫植物在南宁市垂直绿化方面、人民公园荫生博览园和室内园林中的应用,总结了常见耐荫植物种类、应用方式;提出了室内园林发展的建议。提出了耐荫植物在南宁市应用过程中存在的问题及建议。植物配置设计时要全面、长远的考虑;本土树种研究、应用不多;在选择植物品种时应综合考虑;在施工、养护当中,应注意植物适应性弹性的利用。

【Abstract】 The plant landscape is a very important in modern landscape and architecture, which should be guided by the ecological theory. The finitude of city greenbelt area and the improvement of people to taste of landscape and architecture required the designers paying more attention to the diversity of community. But now there are many problems in the landscape and architecture greenbelt, such as less plant species, absent community planting and community structure, unscientific guidance, etc. The landscape and architecture should be structured under the guidance of ecological theory in order to keep the good city environment and the fast development of city, which could enrich the community arrangement and exert ecological benefit of greenbelt furthest. The light is the primary factor for-photosynthesis of plant. Now some greenbelts are surrounded by the architecture, 50 percent greenbelts are in the shady environment. So the plants in the greenbelt are short of light and stressed by the dark light intensity. The study of shade-tolerant plant is a very important part in the landscape and architecture, and is the bases of improving the plant community arrangement and taking full advantage of landscape and architecture space.The applications of shade-tolerant plant were classified according to the structure arrangement, intensity of shade-tolerant and view and admire characters. The actualities of application of shade-tolerant plant in landscape and architecture were summarized. The effect and sight impact of shade-tolerant plant in the outside plant community and shade environment under the architecture. The shade-tolerant plant has the effect of organizing space, improving the character of space in the inside of architecture. The application of shade-tolerant plant in the entrance, living room, bedroom, study room and stairway were analyzed.The basic principles were put out for the application of shade-tolerant plant in the plant landscape design. First was the ecological principle. The selection of plant should give priority to the native plants, which should endure the drought, leanness. The selection of plants should change according the different environment. The second was the diversity of plant community principle. When the community was constructed, the arbor, shrub and grass should be selected and by all means to increase the plant kinds. The characteristic artificial communities were collocated according to the different nature conditions. The third was the community stability principle. The diversity was the base of stability. Drastic competition in the community should be avoided. The peak community was selected and the direction of community succession was forecasted correctly. The steady middle community style was kept. The fourth was the lowest energy principle. Those plants were selected, such as plants having long-term life-span, middle growth speed, enduring gruff management and prune. Those actions should be adopted, such as replacing the plant point planting with zonal planting, control the plant density in reason, reducing the expenditure for the management, loose cutting, etc. Simple community structure did not mean simple management, sometimes more troubles. The fifth was landscape artistic principle. The form beauties and artistic conception of individual and community should be exhibited by artistic constructer. The body, line, color and character of plants should be made the best of. And the dynamic landscape should be construed by the changing of plants growth.The primary shade-tolerant plant kinds in Nanning city were summarized after detailed investigation and classified according to their application, such as under the arbor, under the forest, uprightness virescence, enjoying flower, enjoying fruit. The application of shade-tolerant plants in the Nanning Minzu Road was analyzed. The landscape was strengthened after increasing the number and kind of shade-tolerant plants comparing with it without reconstruct. The applications of shade-tolerant plants under the cloverleaf junction in Nanning City were analyzed. Some principles about the plant selecting under the cloverleaf junction were put out, such as plant could endure drought, high temperature, intensity light, and pollution and have good landscape. The applications of shade-tolerant in the perpendicularity virescence, Renmin Park and indoor landscape and architecture were analyzed. The kinds and application manners were summarized. The suggestion for developing indoor landscape and architecture was put forward. The problems and suggests about the use of shade-tolerant plants were bring forward. The plant scheme should be more all-around and long-term. More work should be done for he studies and applications of native plants. The selection of plant should be more integrated. The flexibility of adaptability of plant should be considered during the course of constructing and maintaining.

  • 【分类号】S688
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