

Studies on the Economical Garden Design of Technique and Strategy

【作者】 傅睿

【导师】 胡希军;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 文章以日益严峻的环境和能源问题为出发点,以推广节约型园林设计理念为目的,通过研究各种可能存在的策略和方法,并结合实例的举证和对比总结的方法,找到节约型园林设计存在的可行性和必要性,提取影响节约型园林设计的因子。借鉴国外比较成熟的LEED评价模型,引入AHP分析方法(层次分析法),以园林设计的流程为框架,探索性的构建节约型园林设计量化评估体系,得出判断节约型园林设计的分级标准。文章研究的结论如下:(1)“节约型”思想与我国传统的儒家生态伦理思想和国外倡导的生态性、可持续性有同质性;节约型园林的倡导是我国建设节约型社会必不可少的一部分。(2)从策划、规划、设计阶段的进程以及成本控制四个方面对节约型园林设计需注意的事项进行剖析,总结、归纳进行节约型园林设计的意见和方法。(3)通过分析比较得出节约型园林设计整体关联、经济高效、健康舒适、全寿命周期设计四项基本原则,总结出影响节约型园林设计的影响因子有:绿地区位、项目投资、统筹保护、园林风格、功能分区、交通组织、土地调查、绿地率、其他指标、乡土树种等33项,其中特别关键的因子为乡土树种选择,优化植物配置、循环用材、严格招投标。(4)节约型园林设计的实施需要通过政府牵头,政策引导,法规制约以及人们意识普遍提高等各方面共同作用下,共同追求的结果;需要政府职能部门、投资方、设计方以及广大群众普遍参与的系统工程;需要用时间逐步完善的漫长过程。(5)以中山岐江公园为例,验证了节约型园林设计评估体系。本研究主要创新点:(1)对节约型园林设计过程进行全面、深入、系统的研究。对节约型园林设计过程注意事项,影响因子进行分析、归纳、总结,并提出建设性意见。(2)以AHP法为数据处理方式,探索性地建立了节约型园林设计评价体系,并以岐江公园为例证明体系的合理性。总之,本研究通过对国内外该领域研究理论的总结和研究方法的比较,应用新方法、新技术对节约型园林设计过程及评价体系进行了研究,探索性的建立了一套节约型园林设计评估体系,对园林行业乃至整个节约型社会的可持续发展将有一定的促进作用。

【Abstract】 The article regards the environment and energy problem, which is becoming severer day by day, as the starting point, with propose of popularizing the design idea of saving type garden. Through the way of studying various tactics and methods that might exist, quoting and comparing within examples, and consulting relevant systems, withdrawing the influential the factor on economized garden design. I could make assessment model of architectural design of saving type building, and find feasibility and necessity from it. The article explosively establish the model of economized garden design and obtains the graduation judicial standard of economized garden, profiting the mature LEED appraisal modes way overseas, introducing the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. The article’s research conclusion is as follows:(1)Economy has some homogeneity between ecological ethics thoughts of school’s culture in china and ecology, sustainable in western. It is essential part that the economized garden design to our frugal society.(2)The article summarize and induct the suggestion and methods on economized garden design from the four aspects of preparation, plan, design and costly control.(3)By the way of analysis and comparison, the article gets the four found fundamental principles about economized garden design:the whole connection, the economy and highly effective, the health and comfortable, entire life cycle design. The article summarizes the factor influenced the economized garden design:Green position, project investment, overall protection, function district, transportation organization and so on (32 items). Local tree is the key factor and plant disposition, material used in recycle, bids in strictly are the first influence factor.(4)The economized garden design to implement needs to coordinate through the government taking the lead, the policy guiding, the laws and regulations restriction as well as improve the people’s realize. It needs the government, the capital, the design-er and all of people join together. It needs a long road to success.(5)The article takes the Qijiang Park in Zhongshan City as example and confirms appraisal model of the economized garden design.This research main innovation: (1)It is a hard and overall research to the economized garden design process. The article analysis and summary the attention and influence factor during the process, and give the constructive comment.(2)Taking AHP as data processing way, the article establish the appraisal mode of economized garden design and take Qijiang park as illustration. The result is the model reasonable.In a word, the article research the process and appraisal mode about economized garden design using new method, new technology, through including theory abroad and domestic and comparing research technique. The article establishes a set of appraised model on economized garden design and will contribute to the garden and the society in some degree.


