

Study on Community and Species Diversity of Wetland Birds in the Urban Areas of Changsha City, Hunan Province

【作者】 田园

【导师】 杨道德; 胡慧建;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 动物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 野生动物在生态系统中的地位和作用以及它们的生态价值、社会价值和经济价值正口益受到人们的重视。鸟类是野生动物中一个重要的组成部分,而湿地鸟类在能量转换和维护湿地生态系统的稳定性方面起着举足轻重的作用,同时也是监测、评价湿地生态环境极其敏感的指标。本研究以长沙市为研究背景,于2007年4月至2008年3月在全市市区范围内选择具有代表性的湿地生境,对湿地鸟类的物种组成、多样性水平、居留类型及其栖息地环境特征进行了实地调查与研究。调查结果如下:1.本次调查共记录到63种湿地鸟类,隶属10目30科。其中水鸟26种,占鸟类总数的46.43%。雀形目鸟类种数最多,占鸟类总数的53.57%;留鸟30种,占鸟类种数的47.62%;夏候鸟14种,占22.22%;冬候鸟16种,占25.40%;旅鸟3种,占4.76%。2.长沙市区江河水体生境共记录鸟类60种,人工渔场生境共记录鸟类48种,村落稻田生境共记录鸟类23种。其中,渔场生境鸟类平均密度最高,为2.69只/hm2;其次是农田生境,鸟类平均密度为1.80只/hm2;江河生境鸟类平均密度最低,为1.41只/hm2。3. Shannon-Wiener物种多样性指数表明:全年中江河水体生境鸟类多样性最高(4.2157),人工渔场生境次之,村落稻田多样性最低(3.6148)。将各个生境鸟类数量进行对比后发现,浏阳河>湘江>咸嘉湖>黑石坑>岳麓>稻田。利用G-F指数测度科属间多样性,江河多样性最高,G-F指数为0.58。4. Jaccard相似性系数结果表明:各小生境间相似性程度均不高,浏阳河与咸嘉湖渔场、黑石坑渔场生境之间比较相似。黑石坑渔场和岳麓渔场问的相似程度最高(0.71429)。5.水鸟行为分析后得知:渔场内鹭类以觅食行为为主,江河与稻田的鹭类行为以停歇为主。Mann-Whitney U检验表明,江河与稻田生境鹭类停歇行为有差异(P=0.007<0.01),江河与渔场生境鹭类停歇和其它行为都有显著差异(P=0.000<0.001);江河与渔场生境内鸻鹬类的觅食和其它行为存在显著差异(P=0.000<0.001)。

【Abstract】 Nowadays people attach more importance to the effect, ecological, social and economic values of wildlifes. Birds are the main parts of wildlifes. Wetland bird is not only performing the energy transformation and preserving the stability of ecosystem, but also an indicator for monitoring and evaluating wetland ecosystem. Wetland bird communities, species diversity and habitats in the urban areas of Changsha city were studied from April 2007 to March 2008. Major conclusions of this paper are as following:1. A total number of 63 wetland birds including 26 waterbirds were recorded, which belong to 10 orders and 30 families. Among them, there are 30 species of residents (47.62%),14 species of summer migrants (22.22%),16 species of winter migrants (25.40%) and 3 species of passage migrants (4.76%).2. A total number of 60 bird species were recorded in river haibitats,48 species in fishing grounds and 23 in the ricefield in the urban areas of Changsha city. Among them, fishing grounds had the highest level of mean density (2.69/hm2), and rivers had the lowest level of mean density (1.41/hm2).3. Shannon-wiener diversity index indicated that bird diversity in the rivers was higher than the other two habitat types (4.2157), and rice field had the lowest level of bird diversity (3.6148). Comparison on wetland birds community of different haibitat types showed that species richness was Liyanghe>Xiangjiang>Xianjiahu fishing ground >Heishikeng fishing ground>Yuelu fishing ground>ricefield. G-F diversity index showed that river was the highest in 3 habitat types (0.58).4. Jaccard similarity index showed that rivers were rough similar to fishing grounds; fishing grounds were rough similar to each other. Heishikeng and Yuelu were the most similar haibitat types (0.7194).5. Analysis of waterbird behaviours showed that search food was the main behaviour of herons in the fishing grounds; rest was the main behaviour in both rivers and ricefield. Mann-Whitney U test indicated that there were difference of rest behaviour between rivers and ricefield (P=0.007<0.01); there were significant difference of rest and other behaviours between rivers and fishing grounds (P=0.000<0.001):there were significant difference of food-search and other behaviours between rivers and fishing grounds (P=0.000<0.001).


