

The Study on Landcsape Planning of Wetland Park with Trialism

【作者】 肖海苏

【导师】 胡希军;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 湿地作为人类生存与发展的重要的生态环境与自然资源,已逐渐成为国内外生态学、地理学等学科研究的重点。而湿地公园现在被公认为是合理的保护、利用与研究湿地资源最好的方法之一,而如何通过合理的湿地公园规划将湿地景观很好的保护与利用也成为了现今景观规划所急需研究的内容。国内现今大多是从城市规划、林业规划与旅游规划等方面进行研究,还没有对湿地公园的景观规划进行系统的研究。本研究在对我国湿地公园规划所采用的各种理论、实践与研究动态进行分析的基础上,以湖南水府庙湿地公园为例,引入了景观三元论理论,提出了以“三元论”为规划的主要思路的规划方法;结合景观生态学、生态恢复原理、可持续发展原理等对水府庙湿地公园的现状进行了分析,对总体布局、景观分区、生态保护与修复、基础设施规划等湿地公园规划的重要内容进行了研究;并结合规划的成果提出湿地公园规划应当要加强与注意的问题。研究结果表明:(1)湿地公园的建立是解决区域自然系统与生态系统完善与更新的有效途径之一,它合理的将生态保护、生态旅游和生态教育结合在了一起。通过水府庙湿地公园的各种景观分析与资源调查,我们可以看出水府庙湿地公园与其他湿地存在着相似的问题,既一方面区域内的生物系统和环境系统的条件都十分良好;另一方面还存在人类干扰过度、部分资源人为破坏、景观资源分布分散、部分湿地退化等不利情况。迫切需要通过合理的景观规划与公园的建设,使湿地生态系统进一步恢复,湿地景观进一步完善。(2)结合前人成果,利用三元论的基础思想,提出湿地公园规划的三元:湿地景观规划内容的三元——“湿地生态,湿地景观,湿地旅游”;湿地景观规划服务对象的三元——“人,自然,人与自然”;湿地景观规划环境感受的三元——“空间,场所,领域”;湿地景观规划保护强度的三元——“保护,过渡,开发”;湿地景观规划时间纬度的三元——“过去,现在,未来”。(3)结合研究的实际,提出水府庙湿地公园景观规划设计实践的三元论:湿地景观规划设计方法的三元——“策划,规划,设计”;湿地公园规划设计操作方法的三元——“场地调查,,公众参与,规划设计”和湿地公园规划设计工程技术的三元——CQE工程。对水府庙湿地公园进行总体布局、环境保护、生态旅游等规划,并进一步提出驳岸设计、旅游组织等具体处理方法,以此说明三元论在湿地公园的现实性与可行性。由于湿地所特有的复杂性与多样性,决定了湿地公园的景观规划的难度,并且我国湿地公园的建设与开发还处于初期阶段,还有许多的地方需要实践去证明。加之规划设计的理论还处于探索阶段,需要不断的学习与补充去进一步完善。本文只是沧海一粟,望能为湿地公园的建设与发展提供一点参考与借鉴的价值。

【Abstract】 The wetland is the important ecological environment and the natural resource for human survival and the development, it has become a key points of the discipline research in geography and ecology gradually. And the wetland park was considered as a best solution in protect and use the resources of wetland reasonable now, the content which need be urgently solve in landscape planning is how to protect and use the resources of wetland sensible through the appropriate plan nowadays.The domestic has not carried on the system research in the landscape of wetland park, no more than some investigation from aspects of urban planning, forestry plan and traveling plan mostly nowadays.This research has introduced the Trialism and proposed take it as a main thought in philosophic thinking plan, it base on the analysis theory and practice of wetland park in our country; it union landscape ecology, the principle of ecology restores, it analysis existing state of Shui Fu Temple wetland park with the principles of landscape ecology, ecology restores and sustainable development, it has conducted the research on important contents with the overall positions, the landscape district, the ecology protection and recover, and infrastructure planning of wetland park plan; Then propound question about problems in wetland park plan which have to strengthen and to pay attention by unifies the achievement of plan.Finding revealed:(1) Establish the wetland park is one of methods that could solves consummation and renewal effective of the region natural system and the ecosystem, it identify itself with the ecology protecttion, eco-tourism and ecology education reasonable. We may see the conditions of living and environment system in Shui Fu Temple is very nice through each kind of landscape analysis and resources investigation of those areas. But there still exists some unfavorable situations like excessive humanity disturbs, partial resources artificial destruction, scenic resources disperser distribution, and partial wetland degeneration. We should keep going recover wetland ecosystem and optimize wetland landscape through reasonable landscape plan and construction of park.(2) This theories introduce the Trialism into landscape planning of wetland park with theory system of precursor,and basic theory of Trialism. Trialism in landscape planning of wetland park:They are the trialism of the design contents about wetland park-wetland ecology·wetland landscape·wetland tourism; the trialism of the design objects-nature·nature and human·human; the trialism of the environmental consciousness and accepted degree of the masses in wetland park-space·place·domain; the trialism of exploitative intensity-protection·conservation·exploitation; the trialism of time dimensionality-foretime·nowadays·aftertime.(3) According to the actual of project,that we present the trialism in landscape planning operation of wetland park:the trialism in the way of planning-premeditate·plan·design;the trialism in the way of operation-base analysis-public participation-planning and design.the trialism in the way of technology-CQE project. This study want to prove the possibility and realise of trialism combine wetland park. It analysis the layout,protection and touristry of ShuiFu Temple wetland park with trialism. It discover the shortage of ShuiFu Temple planning, and find out the ways to solve the problem.Because of complexity with variety of wetland, the design of wetland park programs comes to more complexy, and developments time of wetly park in china is shorter, the method is still needed to prove in practice. And theories still in stage of quest that need more study to treat further perfect. This text just hope that it can do a favor to the wetland park ecosystem programs and the design with the landscape, and it can offer consults with help.

【关键词】 湿地湿地公园景观规划三元论
【Key words】 WetlandWetland parkLanndscape planTrialism

