

Study on Simple Design in Chinese Neo-classicism Furniture Design

【作者】 刘明彬

【导师】 谢力生;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 木材科学与技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 信息时代是一个多元化时代,中国家具的发展,也应该多角度思考,多元化设计从历史的文脉来看,简约设计思想所缔造的时代气息流行时尚以及浪漫气质与当前经济快速发展人们艺术品位不断提高以及个性化的追求形成互动同时中式新古典主义家具遵守传统美学规范,运用现代材质与工艺,去演绎传统文化的精髓,使其不仅拥有典雅端庄的气质,而且拥有明显的时代特征,倍受世人青睐而目前我国家具设计开发环节相对薄弱,抄袭现象严重,缺乏独立设计观念中式新古典主义家具的设计更是普遍采用传统或国外家具图片略加改动,生产主要以半手工化生产方式,造型装饰结构较为繁杂,且设计产权少,文化含量低,产品寿命短,生产效率低,所以简约设计思想在中式新古典主义家具设计中的应用颇显重要本文试图以简约设计思想在中式新古典主义家具设计中的应用为切入点,采用归纳分析举例等方法,先系统地研究中国传统家具造型装饰和结构,挖掘中国传统文化元素中普遍存在的秩序性象征性程式化和符号化特点再对传统造型装饰和结构实行简约化设计或改进,将其应用于中式新古典主义家具设计中去然后以设计举例和案例开发对中式新古典主义家具设计作进一步分析着重解决了造型厚重装饰繁杂与榫卯结构这三个方面无法实现简约化设计和工业化生产的主导因素使中式新古典主义家具同目前流行的简约设计思想相融合,并以符号为切入点,将西方简约主义与中国传统文化结合起来,阐述别具特色的中式新古典主义家具设计理念,开拓出一种既简洁明朗高贵优雅强调环保形式与功能高度统一,又具有真正“中国味”、保护珍稀木材实现工业化生产的中式新古典主义家具,实现古典与现代的有机结合以中国传统文化为审美取向结合独特的造型与装饰结构改良以及现代机械加工工艺,围绕简约设计思想探索出一条基本可行的中式新古典主义家具设计与生产方式,为创造出更多具有民族化简约化原创性的家具设计作品做出有益尝试

【Abstract】 The time of information is a diversified time. The development of Chinese furniture should be thought in thousand ways, and designed in many faceted. Learning from the history, the idea of concise design which open up the age breath, fashion and romance interacts with the fast development of economic, people’s increasing art taste and individuate pursuit. And the furniture with Chinese Neo-classicism, which observes the Chinese traditional aesthetic rules, made of new materials by modern technology, showing the traditional cultural marrow, makes themselves have a elegance feature and be welcome by people. However, presently, the furniture design is relatively weak. Most of them are copied and lack of the original design ideas in China. The design of furniture with Chinese style with a neoclassic trend, further more, generally used the traditional or abroad pictures modified a little. And the furniture is produced by semi-handwork. The modeling, adornment and structure are relatively complex and lack of property rights, culture and productivity. The products are eliminated through competition. So the simple design plays an important role in the furniture with Chinese Neo-classicism.This paper begins with the application of simple design in the furniture with Chinese Neo-classicism. The author of this thesis firstly systematically researches the modeling, adornment and structure of Chinese traditional furniture to find the order, symbolism and the insignia feature which commonly exist in the Chinese traditional culture. Then he improves them and uses them in the furniture with Chinese Neo-classicism design. In the last, the author analyzes the design of the furniture with Chinese Neo-classicism via the design examples and cases opened up. This thesis mainly resolves the problems which that the simple design does not be applied freely and the products are produced large-scale because of cumbersome modeling, complex adornment and tenon joint. The author expounds the special design idea of the furniture with Chinese Neo-classicism, explores a new method to produce furniture, which could protects the environment and the rare wood, makes the furniture have the real Chinese feature and units the pattern and function through combining western simple design and Chinese traditional culture. The authors has explored a practical design and produce method of the furniture with Chinese Neo-classicism on the basis of simple design and the unit of Chinese traditional culture and the special modeling, structure improved and modern mechanical craft, which benefits the national, simple and original furniture design.


