

The Research on the Planning and Designing of Ecology Sightseeing Orchard About TengDa in LiuYang City

【作者】 张玲

【导师】 袁德义;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 果树学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 观光果园是现代生态农业和绿色休闲旅游业相结合的一种新型产业,是城郊社会主义新农村建设的有效形式,它能够创造更大的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,对于现代农业的发展起重要作用,因而在我国具有广阔的发展前景。近年来,浏阳市的观光果园也发展迅速,但由于还没有一套完整的适合其发展的观光果园规划设计的理论体系,其开发和规划都存在盲目性和随意性,很难形成规模和特色,致使观光果园的效益低下,打消了经营者的积极性。因此,对于浏阳市观光果园的规划设计研究就显得至关重要,并且迫在眉睫。本论文以胡耀邦故里——浏阳市腾达生态观光果园为研究对象进行具体实例的规划设计研究,并对浏阳市观光果园的抽样调查后,结合果树栽培种植学、园林设计艺术学、景观生态学以及园林美学等理论知识和国内外的大量文献,探讨出一套合适的规划设计理论体系,并根据自身经验总结出规划设计的步骤和方法。主要内容包括以下几个方面:(1)阐明论文研究的缘起、思路、方法及目的意义,结合文献资料和相关研.究概述国内外观光果园的发展研究背景以及定义、分类、功能和特点,并探讨了其经济、社会、生态三方面的综合效益评价(2)根据研究生期间所做的观光果园规划项目,总结出详细的规划设计步骤和方法,以及设计制图过程中所应用到的电脑绘图软件;概述观光果园规划设计的支撑理论及其应该遵循的设计原则;调查及分析浏阳市观光果园的景观现状和存在问题。(3)对观光果园的规划设计体系进行阐述,包括道路系统、植物景观、自然和人工景观以及基础工程等整个园区的规划设计内容进行详细研究。(4)最后回归主体实例研究,主要针对浏阳市腾达生态观光果园的区位条件、项目建设背景、规划设计指导思想和原则以及功能分区等各方面进行具体分析和研究。

【Abstract】 Sightseeing orchard is a kind of new industry which combined modern ecological agriculture with green and relaxing tourism.It is an effective form in building a new socialist suburb and countryside.It can create great economic benefit, social effect and eco-efficiency. It plays an important role play an important role. In recent years, sightseeing orchard has developed very rapidly in Liuyang city. But a complete theory system suitable for sightseeing orchard’s planning and designing is inexistent yet. Nevertheless, due to the blindness and randomness existing in its development and planning, the benefit of sightseeing orchard is low. So it will dispel proprietor’s enthusiasm. Therefore, the research on the planning theories of planning and designing about sightseeing orchard is proved to be particularly important and extremely urgent.This paper researched the planning and design of Hu Yao Bang’s hometown——Liuyang city TengDa ecology sightseeing orchard as a examples, and sampling survey about sightseeing orchard of Liu Yangshi, the combination of cultivation, landscape design, landscape ecology garden art and aesthetic theory knowledge and the vast literature at home and abroad, probe into a theory system suitable for sightseeing orchard’s planning and designing in Liuyang city. Summing up the detailed planning design steps and methods. Mainly discusses the aspects of content, as follows:(1)Clarify the paper’s origin and concept, method and purpose, combining literature material and related research reviewed the development of sightseeing orchard research background, definition, classification, function and characteristics, and discusses its economic, social and ecological benefits from three aspects of the comprehensive evaluation.(2) According to the graduate student of sightseeing orchard during planning project, summarizes the detailed planning design steps and methods, and the design drawing process are applied to computer graphics software, Overview of the planning and designing of sightseeing orchard theory and support the design principles should follow, Survey and analysis of sightseeing orchard LiuYangShi status and existing problems of landscape.(3)The planning and design of sightseeing orchard is expounded, including road system, landscape plant, natural and artificial landscape and foundation engineering of the park planning design content to study in detail.(4)Finally, the case study return subject mainly aimed at the Liuyang City TengDa ecology sightseeing orchard geographic conditions, project background, the guidance thought and principle of planning and designing, functional partition etc for specific analysis and research.

【关键词】 生态观光果园规划设计研究
【Key words】 ecologysightseeing orchardplanning and designingresearch

