

Study on Tenthredininae Fauna and Zoogeography in the Districts of Shennongjia Area in Hubei Province

【作者】 赵赴

【导师】 魏美才;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 森林保护学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 自2008年5月至2009年7月,作者对神农架地区共计进行了7个月的标本采集,共采集到叶蜂标本4903号。结合整理中南林业科技大学昆虫系统与进化生物学实验室模式标本室历年累积的神农架叶蜂标本,经鉴定,共发现叶蜂亚科18属256种(包括亚种),其中中国新纪录属1属,新纪录种1种,湖北新纪录种71种,科学上尚未记载的叶蜂物种100种。本文描述了9个新种:宽齿平绿叶蜂Tenthredo latidentella Wei et Zhao,sp. nov.、山纹钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya pseudohistrio Wei,sp.nov.、神龙钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya shennongjiana Wei et Li,sp.nov.、江氏钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya jiangi Wei et Li,sp.nov.、刘氏钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya liui Wei et Niu,sp.nov.、白缘钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya zhaofui Wei et Li,sp.nov.、弯毛钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya pseudoimitator Wei et Niu,sp.nov.、长柄钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya longipetiolata Wei,sp.nov、寡齿钩瓣叶蜂Macrophya pseudoannulitibia Wei et Niu,sp.nov.。新种的模式标本均存放于中南林业科技大学昆虫系统与进化生物学实验室。根据东亚昆虫区系划分方法,初步分析了神农架地区叶蜂亚科区系成分,在古北和东亚区系类型当中,古北成分只有3种占1.17%,东亚种明显是构成该地区叶蜂区系的主体,十分突出的显示出本区叶蜂区系的东亚区系性质。第二阶梯东缘分布居首位73种,占28.52%,其次为南中国分布和“T”型分布类型,分别有52种占20.31%和49种占19.14%,再次为地区特有种40种,占15.63%,东亚广布型最少有39种占15.23%。对大别山、幕阜山、莽山、梵净山和秦岭的叶蜂区系与神农架叶蜂亚科区系进行了区系多元相似性比较分析。六地区叶蜂亚科种类合计669种,特有种类合计93种,共有种合计246种。六地区的区系相似性系数为0.3902,其中神农架和秦岭地区的贡献率明显要高于其余四个地区。六地区的区系相异性系数为0.6098,神农架和秦岭地区的贡献率稍高于其它地区,但是各地区的贡献率差别并不大。根据Jaccard(1901)提出的二元相似性系数公式,计算出各相似性系数.神农架与秦岭的种类相似性明显高于其它地区。

【Abstract】 From May 2008 to July 2009, the author collected about 4903 sawfly specimens in Shennongjia National Nature Reserve. The author also searched the sawfly specimens that are deposited in the Insect Collection of Central South University of Forestry and Technology (CSCS). Totally 256 sawfly species and 18 genera belonging to the subfamily Tenthredininae of Tenthredinidae are recorded from Mt. Shennongjia in Hubei during the research period. Among them,100 species are undescribed new species,1 genera and 1 species is recorded for the first time in China and 71 species are firstly recorded in Hubei Province.Following 9 new species, Tenthredo latidentella Wei et Zhao, sp. nov., Macrophya pseudohistrio Wei, sp. nov., Macrophya shennongjiana Wei et Li, sp. nov., Macrophya jiangi Wei et Li, sp. nov., Macrophya liui Wei et Niu, sp. nov., Macrophya zhaofui Wei et Li, sp. nov., Macrophya pseudoimitator Wei et Niu, sp. nov., Macrophya longipetiolata Wei, sp. nov. and Macrophya pseudoannulitibia Wei et Niu, sp. nov., are described and illustrated. Type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Insect Collection of Central South University of Forestry and Technology.According to Eastern Asia fauna compartmentalization measure, fauna analyses of Shennongjia shows that Eastern Asia fauna elements are the principal part, accounting for 98.83 percent of total species. Three species (1.17 percent of all) belong to Palaearctic elements. The result shows that in Shennongjia the East Asia elements are relatively predominant. The main fauna components of Shennongjia are East Asian species and the East Asian fauna property is very significant. In East Asian fauna, there are 73 species distributing in the eastern margin of the second terrain,52 species in southern part of China,49 species in "T-area",40 species in Mt. Shennongjia and 39 species in east of Asian. They accounted for 28.52%,20.31%, 19.14%,15.63% and 15.23% separatedly.The Tenthredininae fauna from Mt. Dabie, Mt. Mufu, Mt. Mang, Mt. Fanjing and Mt. Qinling are compared with the Tenthredininae fauna from Mt. Shennongjia based on multivariate similarity analysis of fauna. These six areas total have 669 species,93 endemic species,246 mutual species. The similarity coefficient of six areas is 0.3902. Contribution rate of Mt. Shennongjia and Mt. Qinling is higher than other 4 areas. The difference coefficient of six areas is 0.6098. Contribution rate of Mt. Shennongjia and Mt. Qinling is slightly higher than other 4 areas, but contribution rate of these areas don’t have great difference.According to the similarity indices put forward by Jaccard, we can get the conclusion that the order of similarity indices of Tenthredininae. The similarity index between Mt. Shennongjia and Mt. Qinling is much higher than other 4 areas.


