

The Irregular Regional Texture Extraction and 3D Model Mapping

【作者】 熊秋波

【导师】 陈宇拓;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 具有真实感的三维建模是计算机视觉与图形学领域的一项重要研究课题,在工业和工程设计、数字娱乐以及医学和考古研究等众多领域有着广泛的应用。不规则区域纹理提取与3D模型贴图对于实现真实感3D产品的建模具有十分重要的意义。该项研究的目标是实现将提取的不规则区域纹理图像,自适应贴到一个3D模型相应的不规则区域表面,目前市场上的辅助设计与制造软件系统,对单一模型的贴图都是采用整幅图像对模型整体的贴图方法,而不能实现对单一模型的指定不规则区域贴图,国内外对相关内容和方法的研究涉足甚少。提取不规则区域纹理图像(如花纹、动物、植物等)适当而又准确地贴到3D模型相应的不规则区域表面,对古典雕刻家具、字画和建筑构建以及古陶瓷等艺术产品的仿真建模和3D纹理喷绘等有着很强的实用价值和广阔的应用前景。本文对不规则区域纹理提取与3D模型贴图进行了如下几个方面的研究:(1)为了得到准确的几何模型和便于模型数据的标准交换,’以满足模型辅助设计的实际工程需要,本文采用基于OpenGL实现三维建模的方法,先用专业建模软件建模,通过模型数据转化再由OpenGL程序重建模型的方法。此方法能够避免直接使用OpenGL建模的繁杂工作,又可以通过OpenGL程序进行控制,且模型的外观也更精细,是一种很实用的建模方法。(2)针对3D模型不规则区域贴图的需要,本文提出了基于数学形态学和重心坐标的纹理提取方法。不规则区域纹理提取问题从图像和模型表面两方面考虑,且把从模型表面提取出来的不规则区域纹理数据用STL文件格式进行描述,并对提取的纹理数据进行了优化处理。(3)对于三维模型的不规则区域贴图,根据不规则区域纹理贴图的特性,基于纹理映射技术,本文对普通3D模型和复杂3D模型的不规则区域纹理贴图,以及模型表面不规则区域纹理到同类3D模型的贴图,分别提出了相应的贴图算法。对纹理边界处接缝的处理,给出了一种参数化的优化处理方法。实验表明本文提出的不规则区域纹理提取与3D模型贴图方法,实现了任意形状的花纹图案对指定3D模型相应不规则区域的贴图,算法复杂度较低,贴图失真度小,并能快速回显贴图模型效果,不干扰和破坏原模型指定区域外细节。

【Abstract】 With realistic three-dimensional modeling is an important research topic in the field of computer vision and graphics, it has a wide range of applications in the industrial and engineering design, digital entertainment, medical and archaeological research, etc. Irregular regional texture extraction and 3D model mapping have great important significance for the achievement of realistic three-dimensional modeling. The study’s goal is to achieve the extraction of irregular regional texture image, paste it adaptively into a corresponding irregular regions surface of 3D model, the current market-aided design and manufacturing software system on a single model of the mapping are using the mapping method of the whole image to the whole model, which can not be achieved on a single model of the designated irregular regional mapping, contents and methods at home and abroad related to the research involved very little. Extraction irregular region texture image (such as patterns, animals, plants, etc.) properly and accurately paste it into the corresponding irregular region surface of 3D model, it has a good practical value to simulation modeling and 3D texture printing of art products that classical sculpture furniture, calligraphy, building and ancient ceramics, etc.This paper studies the irregular regional texture extraction and 3D model mapping by the following aspects:First, To get an accurate geometric model and easily achieve the model data standards exchange, for meeting the realization of projects needs of the model aided design, this paper uses the OpenGL-based Three-dimensional modeling method, first modeling using a professional modeling software, then converted the model data into OpenGL program to reconstruct the model. This method can avoid the direct use of OpenGL modeling of complex work, and can be controlled by OpenGL programs, the appearance of 3D model looked more sophisticated, is a very practical method of modeling.Second, for the needs of 3D model irregular regional mapping, the paper proposes texture extraction methods based on mathematical morphology and center coordinates. The problem of irregular region texture extraction from the image and the model surface two sides to consider, and describe the model surface texture data with the STL file format, and optimize to the extracted texture.Third, for the three-dimensional model irregular regional texture mapping, according to the characteristics of irregular region texture, based on texture mapping technology, this paper respectively proposes corresponding mapping algorithms to the common 3D model and complex 3D model of the irregular region texture mapping, and model surface irregular regions texture to the similar 3D models mapping. Joints on the texture boundary processing, given a parametric approach.Experiments show that the irregular regional texture extraction and 3D model mapping method in this paper has achieved the mapping that the tread pattern of arbitrary shape to the corresponding irregular region of the designated 3D model, the algorithm complex is low, the mapping distortion low, and can fast echo texture model, does not interfere and destroy the original model details the designated areas outside.


