

Plant Growth Retardants on Zamioculcasz Amiifolia Growth and Physiology of Cold Resistance

【作者】 姜英

【导师】 李志辉; 彭彦;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 森林培育, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 金钱树(Zamioculcasz amiifolia)属天南星科雪芋属,因其复叶像一串串金币而得名,是目前国内最受欢迎的高档室内观叶植物之一。植物生长延缓剂是能延缓植物生长、使植物节间缩短、茎杆粗壮、叶色浓绿、叶片加厚、侧枝增多、根系发达、抗性增强的化合物,目前已应用于作物、蔬菜、果树、林木、花卉上。但每种植物应用的效果以及适合的药剂种类、浓度、处理方式及产生的效果都有所不同,且在金钱树上的应用尚无报道。本论文结合金钱树在南方国家级林木种苗示范基地的生产情况,利用多效唑(PP333;Paclobutrazol)、烯效唑(S3307;uniconazole)、矮壮素(CCC; chlorcholinchlorid)三种植物生长延缓剂对金钱树进行调控试验,综合比较了喷叶和灌根两种不同处理方式下,三种不同年龄金钱树适合的药剂种类以及浓度,并系统地对试验中金钱树的生长发育、生理活性、抗寒性指标进行了详细的分析比较,重点在于解决植物生长延缓剂对金钱树形态的影响,最终得出以下结论:1.采用植物生长延缓剂PP333、S3307、CCC喷施和灌根的方法对1~3年生盆栽金钱树的矮化效应试验表明:(1)3种药剂的作用效果为PP333>S3307>CCC,综合考虑金钱树的生长及观赏价值对不同年龄金钱树应用植物生长延缓剂调控株形效果好的组合有:一年生苗用300 mg·L-1 S3307喷叶处理;二年生苗用300 mg·L-1 S3307灌根处理或600 mg·L-1PP333灌根处理;三年生苗用1200 mmg·L-1 PP333喷叶处理。(2)3种药剂对金钱树的作用效果各不相同:PP333能明显使叶轴矮化,小叶间距缩短,叶柄基部变粗,复叶相对生长速率降低;S3307主要使叶柄基部变粗;CCC药效表现不稳定,对部分指标表现出了促进作用。(3)随着浓度的增大PP333和S3307的抑制效果增强。不同年龄金钱树适宜的PP333浓度变化大,S3307浓度变化小。(4)喷施或灌根的矮化效果基本一致。(5)药害主要表现在PP333的高浓度处理上,而另外2种延缓剂使用的浓度均未对金钱树产生明显药害。另外,同浓度的灌根方式比喷叶方式更容易表现出药害。2.采用植物生长延缓剂PP333和S3307灌根的方式对6寸盆金钱树冬季生长和抗寒性试验表明:(1)PP333和S3307均可增加小叶叶宽、叶厚及重量,并减小小叶的长宽比。(2)PP333和S3307可增加叶片的可溶性糖含量,促进抗氧化酶POD、CAT活性,增强细胞的活性氧清除能力。(3)植物生长延缓剂提高了质膜的稳定性,使PP333或S3307处理过的金钱树其质膜相对透性在22℃条件下明显低于对照。(4)在5℃/4℃2d的低温胁迫过程中,PP333或S3307处理过的金钱树其质膜相对透性及FV/FM变化幅度较对照明显减小。综上所述,植物生长延缓剂PP333和S3307能明显矮壮金钱树的叶轴、延缓复叶生长、缩短小叶间距、增加小叶叶宽、厚度及可溶性糖含量、提高抗氧化酶活性、细胞质膜的稳定性及其他抗寒能力,从而达到紧凑株形、提高复叶抗倒伏及抗寒能力的目的。

【Abstract】 Zamioculcasz amiifolia is a snow Colocasia Araceae, its compound leaves is like a string of gold. It is currently the most popular advanced indoor foliage plants. Plant growth retardant is a kind of compounds which is able to retardant plant-growth, shorten the lengths of internodes, strongthen stems, dark green, thicken leaf, increase branch, rich root, enhanced resistance, and it was been widely applied in crop, vegetable, fruit trees, forest trees, flowers.but the effects on different plants were different, meanwhile, the different medicine type, concentration and treatment had different effects on the same plants, and now there is no reports on Plant-growth retardant applying in Zamioculcasz amiifolia. This paper compare and analyze the effects of different medicine type(paclobutrazol PP333, uniconazole S3307, chlorcholinchlorid CCC), approaches(spraying and pouring),ages(one, two and three years) on the test, ascertain the effects of plant growth retardant on cold resisitance of Zamioculcasz amiifolia in the southern nursery of the national forest tree seedling.The effects of three plant growth retardants (PP333, S3307 and CCC) and two methods of application (foliar spray and root drench) were studied on Zamioculcasz amiifolia plants of ages one, two and three years. Results shows that,(1) PP333 and S3307 both significantly inhibited growth and their effects increased as the concentration applied increased. However, CCC did not significantly inhibit growth.(2) PP333 reduced the average total length of leaf stalks, minimized the length petiolules (i.e. the stalk between leaflets); shortened and thickened the petioles and also reduced the comparative growth speed of compound leaves. In contrast, the main effects of S3307 were on shortening and thickening petioles.(3) The optimal concentration of PP333 at different ages of Z. amiifolia varied with individual plant biomass.(4) Overall, the best control growth control of one-year-old Z. amiifolia plants was obtained with 300 mg-L-1 of S3307 applied as a foliar spray; of two-year-old plants with 300 mg-L-1 of S3307 or 600 mg-L-1 of PP333 applied as root drench; and, of three-year-old plants with 1200 mg-L-1 of PP333 applied as foliar spray.Studies were conducted on leaf growth in winter and cold resistance of Zamioculcasz amiifolia growing in 20-cm pots, following treatment with the plant growth regulators PP333 and S3307. The results showed that,(1) PP333 and S3307 could increase width, thickness and weight of pinnae.(2) They also increased soluble sugar content, promoted the activity of antioxidant enzymes and increased cellular reactive oxygen scavenging capacity.(3) After being exposed to low temperature stress of 4 to 5℃for 2 days, differences were found between plants treated with regulators PP333 or S3307 and untreated plants for leaf membrane permeability and FV/FM (fluorescence variable/fluorescence maximum)(4) Treated plants had significantly lower leaf membrane permeability and smaller variation of FV/FM compared to untreated plants. It was concluded that treatment with plant growth regulator PP333 or S3307 can improve the cold tolerance of Zamioculcasz amiifolia.


