

The Research on Landscape Evaluation of Qingxiushan Scenic in Nanning

【作者】 张旻桓

【导师】 沈守云;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以南宁青秀山风景区为例,通过对青秀山风景区各景点实地踏勘和调查分析,对其景观资源进行客观科学的定量评价,确定景观资源的质量水平。选择南宁青秀山风景区作为研究对象,主要针对风景区景观美景度进行研究,从大量的照片中选出20张照片作为评价样本,基于前人的实践经验本次评价采用室内评价的方式,用幻灯片(By-Slide)播放,采用美景度评判法(SBE法)对其风景资源进行客观科学的评价。1用统计学的方法来分析数据,第一步是计算出30个评判者评价的内部一致性;第二步采用逐步回归的方式对景观评价数据进行分析。用SPSS软件对数据进行处理,所得模型为:Z=-2.033+0.121x2+0.094x3+0.069x6+0.174x7+0.098x8+0.026x9-0.853x10其中x2代表视野开阔度;x3代表水体优美度;x6代表植被覆盖率;x7代表天象景观优美度;x8代表景区独特性;x9代表色彩丰富度;x10代表景观协调性。2对于青秀山风景区景观来说各景观因素中对于景观美景度有较大影响的分别是视野开阔度、水体优美度、植被覆盖率、天象景观优美度、景区独特性、色彩丰富度和景观协调性。3两组具有专业背景的受测群体-园林专业本科学生和园林专业研究生的回归分析显示,天象景观优美度和人文景观丰富度是具有专业背景群体注重的因子。但总起来看,六组受测群体的回归分析中,具有共同的特点,即全体受测者皆较注重天象景观优美度。4所选景观排名如下:霁霖阁、雨林大观、凤凰塔、云天阁、泰国园、九狮亭、大门、十二生肖园、山水长廊、龙象塔、棕榈园、环山秀萍、萧台、中国—东盟友谊园、水上拓展娱乐区、苏铁园、观音禅寺、纪念碑、水月庵、壮锦广场。这个结论为青秀山风景区景观的改造建设和进一步规划设计提供了一定的依据。在风景区的塑造和建设的过程中也可以参考以上因素,并重视这些因素将会带来的影响。

【Abstract】 In this study, Qingxiushan Scenic Spot in Nanning, through field survey and investigation Qingxiushan scenic spots and the investigation and analysis of the landscape resources of its quantitative objective scientific evaluation to determine the quality level of landscape resources. Select scenic as the research object Qingxiushan Nanning, mainly for scenic landscape scenic beauty studies, selected from a large number of photographs evaluation of 20 photos as a sample, based on previous experience with laboratory evaluation of this evaluation approach, with a slide Tablets (By-Slide) play, with scenic beauty evaluation (SBE method) of its scenic resources and objective scientific evaluation.1 A statistical method used to analyze the data, the first step is to calculate the 30 judges who evaluate the internal consistency; the second step of the way of stepwise regression analysis of data on landscape evaluation. Using SPSS software for data processing, the model is:Z=-2.033+0.121x2+0.094x3+0.069x6+0.174x7+0.098x8+0.026x9-0.853x10χ2 presents the degree of the wide field of view;χ3 presents the degree of the beautiful body of water;χ6 presents the vegetation cover;χ7 presents the beautiful landscape of sky degree; x8 presents of unique scenic area;χ9 presents the color richness;χ10 presents the coordination of the landscape.2 For the scenic landscapes Qingxiushan landscape factors, the degree of landscape beauty were of considerable influence in perspective openness, degree of water beautiful,the vegetation coverage, the beautiful landscape Sky degree scenic uniqueness, color richness and landscape coordination.3 Two groups of subjects with professional backgrounds groups-undergraduate students and garden Graduate regression analysis showed that degree of Sky beautiful landscape and rich cultural landscape is a degree of focus groups, professional background factors. But together, groups of six groups of subjects the regression analysis, a common characteristic, that is, all subjects were more focus on the beautiful landscape Sky degree. 4 Selected landscape ranked as follows:Ji Lin House, Rainforest Grand, Phoenix tower, Sky tower, Thai Garden,9 Lions Pavilion, Gates, Zodiac Park, Landscape corridors, Long as the tower, Palm garden, Mountains Xiu-Ping, China-Asean Friendship Park, The water expanding entertainment district,Cycad garden, Kwun Yam Temple, Monument, Moon Water Temple, Zhuang Jin Plaza.This conclusion is the transformation of Qingxiushan the Landscape Planning and Design Construction and further provide some basis. Scenic construction in the process of shaping and also can refer to the above factors, and the importance of these factors will impact.


