

Study on Cultural Ecology of Settlement Landscape in Zhangguying Village

【作者】 吴瑜

【导师】 沈守云;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在全球化背景下,文化趋同现象日益严重,灿烂多样的地域文化正面临衰落和消失的危险。在以小农经济为基础的中国封建社会宗法制度下,一个组群的聚落建筑往往就代表着某地的一个宗法共同体。湖南张谷英村作为展示地方风俗的文化建筑,具有典型的地域倾向。在历史的积淀中蕴含着丰富多彩的文化特色:悠久的历史、浓厚的民俗文化和特殊的地理环境,为张谷英村的形成提供了深厚的物质和文化基础。由于经济的发展,导致张谷英村生态环境发生了变化,必然影响到张谷英村的传承和发展。本文以张谷英古建筑群为主要研究对象,试图以文化生态学理论,对张谷英村聚落景观进行全面盘点和梳理,加以分期、分类的分析,旨在全面了解血缘聚落的建筑特征和认知中国古代汉民族血亲聚落的独特之处。本文首先从张谷英聚落景观的形成背景着手,论述建筑与环境的内在联系,并以此为着眼点,概括出影响张谷英建筑群形成的文化生态学理论。其次,从文化生态学的角度,分别从地理环境、人文生态、自然生态和社会生态等四个方面对聚落的选址、建筑的布局、空间处理、建筑用材、装饰、家风等进行论述。在张谷英村聚落景观中,大到建筑的选址、建筑布局、空间组合,小到建筑用材的使用、砖瓦的装饰,无论在形式还是功能使用上,均受当时特定的环境影响,形象地传达了中国传统文化的深厚意蕴,直观地表现了传统文化价值系统、民族心理、思维方式和审美理想。张谷英村聚落景观造就了极富个性的地域文化特色,其聚落集合之丰富,内外空间组织之精到,建筑安排之巧妙,均受世人称颂。张谷英村的民居建筑还透过与自然界的接触,去处理各种空间关系,它对现代居住环境乃有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 In the context of globalization, cultural convergence is becoming increasingly serious, and splendid variety of local culture is facing the risk of decadence and disappearance. Under the Chinese feudal society patriarchal system, a cluster of settlement architecture often represents a certain patriarchal social community. As the cultural architecture which displaying the local customs, Zhangguying village has a typical geographical orientation. There are rich and colorful cultures in the historical accumulation in Hunan Zhangguying village:a long history, strong folk culture and a special geographical, these provide a material and cultural foundation for Zhangguying Village. As a result of the economic development, there are changes in the ecological environment of the village, the heritage and development of the village is influenced inevitably.This paper focus on Zhangguying buildings, attempts to cultural ecology theory, a comprehensive inventory, classification and analysis of merging and sorting out the unique feature of zhangguying village and the construction feature of the blood tribal. Firstly, outline some settlement landscape thoughts of Zhangguying buildings by studying the growth of background settlement thoughts and elaborating internal logic between buildings and environment. Secondly, the paper analysis 4 aspects of the culture ecology, which include geographical environment, nature ecology, socioecology, human ecology from the visual angle of culture ecology. Regardless the form, structure or function usage, or use of material, or small decorate of brick, the buildings are all be subjected to the environment at that time, it expresses profound of the chinese traditional culture, manifests the traditional culture system, nationality psychology, the way of thought and ideal of aesthetic appreciation intuitively.The landscape in zhangguying village enriched the special character of region culture, gather plentiful contents of the settlement, structure of the space and the buildings arrangement, are all praised by the world.

【关键词】 张谷英村文化生态学聚落景观
【Key words】 zhangguying villageculture ecologysettlementlandscape

