

Stuy on the New Composting Fermentation Mode of Agaricus Bisporus

【作者】 曾广宇

【导师】 周国英;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 森林保护学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 国际蘑菇栽培出现了农村副业栽培、农场式生产和工业化生产并存的局面。在发达国家工业化生产已逐渐成为主导模式,而我国双孢蘑菇生产主要是家庭作坊式的小规模季节性生产模式,堆肥发酵技术落后,大部分是属于农村副业栽培。这种农村副业式生产与工业化生产之间的差距很大程度上主要是由于堆肥发酵的设备和技术水平差别决定的,因此,研究适合我国周年化设施栽培的堆肥发酵新模式是当前我国蘑菇产业急待解决的问题。本文在对国内外双孢蘑菇堆肥发酵模式进行综合研究和对比后,根据双孢蘑菇堆肥发酵原理和我国生产实际,设计并建设了一套适于我国设施化生产的堆肥发酵新模式——隧道筐式堆肥发酵新模式,研究结果如下:1.新发酵隧道设计及建设在湖北钟祥市设计并建设了一次能发酵12t干料的新模式发酵隧道。隧道规格为10m×4m×3.3m。隧道通过管道和散热片加热、蒸汽加湿和排气扇通气。设计并制作了上下都通气的发酵筐,以利于发酵均匀,而且不用翻堆,培养料装进发酵筐后,一层一层叠起,共6层,发酵筐的规格为1m×1m×0.4m。2.新建隧道发酵条件控制研究①培养料含水量控制:当隧道顶角角度小于120℃后,顶部凝结的水蒸汽基本上会沿着隧道顶壁流向两侧,防止了隧道顶层发酵筐中培养料含水量的增加。隧道内湿加热时间每天多于4h情况下,培养料含水量基本接近饱和,都偏大。隧道每天进行22-23h左右的干加热、1-2h左右湿加热时,隧道培养料的含水量最接近双孢蘑菇堆肥发酵最佳含水量67%。②氧气控制:采用逆压通气模式,使隧道内暂时性低压,能抽出隧道内大部分和培养料中部分废气,隧道内0。含量既高又均匀,发酵筐中心培养料的灰白色腐殖霉菌最多,而且操作也安全。③温度控制:双孢蘑菇最佳嗜热发酵温度范围为48-50℃;通过对隧道内各个部位温度检测看出,隧道设计在热量供给方面比较均匀,隧道各部最大温差为2.6℃,最高温度在隧道顶层,最底温度在隧道第2-3层之间。3.新模式效果评价新设计的发酵模式与常规发酵模式进行对比,结果表明:新发酵模式总发酵过程只需14-17d,而常规发酵模式要27d左右,缩短了近45%,比一般的集中发酵时间也短5-7天;新模式由于发酵时间短、养分流失少发酵培养料转化率为72.6%,而常规的培养料发酵转化率只有65.6%;新模式中,菌丝长满培养料只需要15d,常规要18d以上,比常规发酵缩短3d,菌丝生长也更稠密和雪白;新模式发酵培养料各种病虫害明显比常规发酵的少很多,基本上没有,只是在出菇后期有少部分菇蚊,预防的好根本不需要打药;新模式产量平均出切根菇14.3kg/m2,是常规的1.5倍多;且其培养料生物转化率高达71.5%,是常规发酵培养料生物转化率的1.55倍。隧道筐式堆肥发酵新模式优点:①能控温、控湿,且隧道内各部温度、培养料含水量均匀;②培养料进隧道后不用翻堆;③缩短发酵总时间;④培养料发酵质量好,消毒彻底,栽培产量高。

【Abstract】 The situation of the rural sideline cultivation, farm and industrial production all exists in the international mushroom cultivation. Industrial production has become dominant in developed countries. But in China, Agaricus bisporus production are mainly family-style,small-scale workshops and seasonal production patterns and most of them are the rural sideline culture, which have backward technology of composting fermentation. The gap in large extent between rural sideline and industrial production was mainly due to the equipment and technology of composting fermentation. It is urgent to study a new model in China industry which is suitable for China’s anniversary of the composting fermentation.This thesis studies and contrasts comprehensively Agaricus bisporus composting fermentation pattern at home and abroad. Refering to the principle of Agaricus bisporus composting fermentation and China’s actual, design and constructe a new composting fermentation model which is suitable for factory production in China--Agaricus bisporus tunnel basket composting new mode of fermentation. The results of study are as follows.1. New design and construction of the fermentation tunnelDesign and construct a new model which can fermented 12 tons dry material in Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province. The specifications of tunnel is 10 m×4m×3.3m. Fermentation tunnel is heated by the pipes and radiator、humidified by steam and vented by exhaust fan.Design and produce the fermentation basket from which the air can goes up and down. The benefits of the fermentation basket are not only to facilitate fermentation uniform, but also do not have to move. Baskets stuffed training materials are deposited one by another and the total number of layers is six.The specifications of the basket fermentation is 1 m×1m×0.4m.2. Fermentation conditions control of the new tunnel①Through the control of the material’s containing water:the congealed water vapour will basically flows along the top to both sides of the tunnel walls that prevents the material which is in the top of the fermentation basket absorbing the water dropped from the top of the tunnel when the tunnel roof angle is less than 120. When wet heating time is more than 4 hours inside the tunnel every day, the material is saturation which means the containing water is much more than the amount of water needed in fermentation. With the 22-23 hours’dry and 1-2 hours’wet heating daily, the rate of material containing water is about 67% which is the best standard of containing water to Agaricus bisporus fermentation.②Through the control of the oxygen:with the pattern of the inverse pressure ventilation, pressure is temporary low and most disused gas is vented out of the tunnel; the concentration of oxygen is high and well-proportioned;the central training materials of Fermentation basket has the most gray humic mildew; operation is safe.③Through the control of the temperature:The best fermentation temperature of Agaricus bisporus is ranged from 48 to 50℃.By measuring the temperature in the every part of the tunnel,we can conclude that heat supplying is even by the design.The greatest temperature difference in the all baskets is 2.6℃.The maximal temperature of the tunnel is in the top.The minimum temperature of the tunnel is between the second layer with the third one.3. Evaluation of new modelBy contrasting the new design model and the conventional model,the results are as follows. The model of the new fermentation process only needs 14-17days and conventional fermentation model needs about 27 days, which shortened by nearly 45%. Compared with the conventional model, the fermentation time of new model is shorter and the amount of nutrient loss is less, so the material conversion rate of new model is 72.6%, but the conventional fermentation is only 65.6%. By the new model fermentation, the training material was covered with mycelia which needs only 15 days, but the conventional model needs more than 18 days which is more than 3 days compared with the new model, mycelial growth is more dense and white. Planting by New fermentation mode is less or no pests and diseases than by conventional fermentation. Just a few mushroom mosquito appear in the late fruiting. It doesn’t use pesticide if well-prevented. The average amount of root-cutting mushroom is 14.3 kg/m2 with the new model whose amount is more than 1.5 times than the conventional amount. Their biological conversion rate of training materials is up to 71.5%, which is more than 1.5 times than the conversion rate of conventional fermentation. The advantages of the new tunnel basket composting fermentation model:①Temperature and wet can be controled well, so the temperature and the material’s containing water inside the tunnel are even.②Training material needn’t be moved in the tunnel.③Shorten the fermentation time.④The fermented material is good,disinfected completely and high-yield.


