

Research on Malfeasance Crimes Concerning Forestry

【作者】 罗泽真

【导师】 周训芳;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 渎职犯罪是一种社会危害性十分严重的犯罪,它不仅直接危害国家机关正常活动,降低政府威信,损害公众对国家机关工作人员职务活动客观公正性的信赖,而且往往使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失。而林业渎职犯罪是一类常见的渎职犯罪。近年来,由于我国日益重视生态建设和林业发展,在林业建设方面的投入增长非常迅速。同时,由于土地资源日趋紧张,土地资源管理越来越严格,这部分导致了一些违法犯罪分子将罪恶之手伸向林业资源领域。因此,林业渎职犯罪近年呈高发之势,已连续多年成为最为多发的渎职类犯罪之一。林业监管工作人员的渎职侵权犯罪不仅严重扰乱国家林业管理的正常秩序,还严重破坏了国家的森林资源,给国家造成重大的经济损失,也造成了严重的生态破坏。通过对湖南省渎职犯罪的总体情况调研以及对湖南省林业渎职犯罪和国土资源、环保行业渎职犯罪的横向比较研究可以发现,林业渎职犯罪存在涉案罪名比较集中、犯罪主体具有基层性、犯罪行为的高发性、刑事处罚的轻刑化和犯罪动机趋利性等特点。林业渎职犯罪中最常见的三种典型案例的分析结果表明,林业渎职犯罪主要涉及审核发放林木采伐许可证、采伐作业设计、林木采伐作业管理、木材运输、批准征用、占用林地、处理涉林刑事犯罪案件、日常监管、获取国家林业补偿或专项资金等环节。而且,犯罪分子经常在进行权钱交易,实施渎职犯罪的同时,往往还会实施贪污、受贿和挪用公款等其他职务犯罪行为。林业渎职犯罪高发的原因主要有:法律制度不完善,执法主体素质不高;林业监管机制不顺、体制不健全;权力过于集中,缺乏有效监督,对违法犯罪行为打击力度不够。针对上述原因,预防和惩治林业渎职犯罪应从以下几个方面着手:首先,应加强对国家林业工作人员的廉政教育、完善现有法律制度。其次,应提高林业站的工作条件和职工福利待遇、妥善解决好木材检查站和林业站的人员编制和工作经费等问题,进一步完善现有的林业行政管理体制。最后,还要加大对林业渎职犯罪的惩罚力度、健全林业执法监督机制。采取上述措施,有效预防和遏制林业渎职犯罪有利于保护我国森林资源,推进我国资源节约和环境友好型社会的建设。

【Abstract】 Malfeasance Crime is a kind of serious crime, which not only directly does harm to normal activities of state agencies, imperils the government’s prestige, impairs the trust that the public delivers to government official for their impersonality and impartial, but also brings damage to common property and benefit of state and the people. And malfeasance crime concerning forestry is a common malfeasance crime. In recent years, offenders commit crimes in field of forestry resources because our country attaches increasing importance to zoology construction and forestry development and the investment for forestry construction rises very rapidly. The shortage of ground resource results in rigid supervision which also leads offenders to commit crimes in field of forestry resources. Therefore, the malfeasance crime concerning forestry arises frequently and becomes the most frequent malfeasance crime. Malfeasance crime concerning forestry disturbs the order of forestry administration and plays havoc with forest resource. Malfeasance crime concerning forestry also brings great economy loss and destroys the zoology badly.The paper investigates the collectivity of malfeasance crime concerning forestry in Hunan Province and compares the malfeasance crime concerning forestry with the malfeasance crime concerning state ground resource and the malfeasance crime concerning environment protection. We find that there are characteristics in the malfeasance crime concerning forestry, such as concentrated crime name, main body from grass roots, crime activities frequent, lightly punishment and profit motivation. The paper analyzes three typical cases of the malfeasance crime concerning forestry and reveals the malfeasance crime concerning forestry often occurs in the fields of granting forest fell license, fell design, forest fell administration, timber traffic, woodland requisition, dealing with crime cases concerning forestry, routine supervision, putting out forestry compensation fund, etc. The offenders often commit corruption, bribery and defalcation when they carry out malfeasance crime activities. There are many reasons for the malfeasance crime concerning forestry, such as incomplete legal system, low quality of tipstaff, rough mechanism of forestry administration, centralization power, absence of effective supervision, inadequate punishment, etc. It is important to take measures to prevent and punish the malfeasance crime concerning forestry. Firstly, it is necessary to enhance the incorrupt education and perfect the legal system. Secondly, we should improve the working condition of forestry station and the welfare of tipstaff, and solve the staff post and working outlay so as to consummate the forestry administration system. Lastly, it is necessary to enhance the degree of punishment of the malfeasance crime concerning forestry and to improve the supervision system. Taking such measures will help to prevent and restrain the malfeasance crime concerning forestry, make for forest resource protection, and will push the construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly society.

  • 【分类号】D917;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】193
  • 攻读期成果

