

The Study on Western Sichuan Folk Furniture

【作者】 吕建华

【导师】 刘文金;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 设计艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国遗存着很多具有浓厚的地方艺术特色民间家具,川西民间家具是众多中国民间家具中的一支细流。川西民间家具深受独特地域和历史条件下发展起来的乡土文化熏陶,具有与中原文化迥然不同的特点。通过对川西民间家具研究,对推动川西地方家具文化的传承,完善我国传统民间家具研究范围,具有重要的意义。本文以川西地区汉族人使用的民间家具为研究对象,采用文献研究法,分析川西民间家具形成背景,研究结果表明川西民间家具形成有赖于川西自然环境、社会经济环境、文化环境和川西民居等因素的共同影响和作用。采用田野调查法、文献法等研究方法,对川西民间家具品系、技术特征和装饰特征进行了研究。研究结果表明川西民间家具按使用功能进行分类,大致可分为:躺卧类、椅凳类、摆放类、盛装类、室内装置与装饰用类家具;技术特征表现在用材和结构方面,用材有木材、竹材、藤材和装饰用材,其中木材主要以楠木和柏木为主;结构以榫卯结合为主,钉结合、胶结合和五金配件连接为辅;装饰上有雕刻、镶嵌、漆饰等手法,其中雕刻装饰常以浮雕、透雕、平雕、线雕等技法为主,镶嵌装饰以黄杨木和瘿木为主要镶嵌材料,油漆装饰以黑漆和朱漆为底进行描金为较普遍漆饰方法。装饰纹样常见有动物纹样、植物纹样、人物纹样和几何纹样;就其装饰特殊性进行辨析,发现川西民间家具装饰具有崇文之风与太阳崇拜特性。基于以上理论研究及调研汇总,以归纳与分析为研究方法,研究结果表明川西民间家具贯彻“天人合一”的设计思想,表现出宗法礼制、多种文化交融与宗教信仰崇尚的特征,彰显出川西地域特色的文化内涵。

【Abstract】 China retains a lot of local artistic folk furniture with strong features, western Sichuan folk furniture is one of them. Western Sichuan folk furniture was influenced deeply by the local culture developed under the unique geographical and historical conditions, which has different characteristic from Chinese central plains culture. It is important to promoting the cultural heritage of western Sichuan folk furniture and improving the study scope of Chinese traditional folk furniture by studying on western Sichuan folk furniture.In this research, the folk furniture used by Han Nationality person of western Sichuan was appointed as the object of study. The study on the forming background of western Sichuan folk furniture shows that western Sichuan folk furniture has formed under the influence of natural environment, socio-economic environment, cultural environment and local houses of western Sichuan region by documentary research. The categories, technical features and decorative features of western Sichuan folk furniture were analyzed and discussed by documentary research and field survey method, which was based on the investigation of western Sichuan folk furniture used by Han nationality people. The categories could be divided into:lying, chair and stool, display, hold, installation and decoration. The technical features were materials and structures, the main materials were wood, bamboo, rattan and decorative materials; the main structures were mortise and tenon, nail, glue and hardware. The main decoration methods were engraving, mosaic, and paint. And relief, openwork carving, flat carving, line engraving were the common engraving techniques decorated furniture. The boxwood and gall wood were the characteristic materials used in mosaic. Outlining in gold on black paint and red paint was the general decorative paint method. The common decorative patterns were animal patterns, plant patterns, people patterns and geometric patterns. The worship of the culture and the sun was founded in decoration of western Sichuan folk furniture after research.Based on the above theoretical study and investigation research, it shows that the theory of "unity of heaven and man", patriarchal etiquette, multi-cultural blend and religion characteristics were discovered in western Sichuan folk furniture by induction and analysis methods, which highlights the cultural connotations of western Sichuan regional characteristics.

【关键词】 川西民间家具品系技术装饰文化
【Key words】 Western Sichuan folk furnitureCategoriesTechnologyDecorationCulture

