

Investigation of Global Positioning System (GPS) Survey Specification for Forestry

【作者】 谢晓晓

【导师】 李星照;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 森林经理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着GPS系统L2C、L5的加载、GLONASS系统的不断完善、GALILEO系统的建设和投入使用、“北斗一号”导航定位系统的全球化发展,全球导航定位系统应用领域正在不断地扩大和深入,GPS技术在林业工作中的应用已非常广泛,诸如造林地位置确定,林区面积测算,造林规划设计,森林资源综合管理和研究,森林火灾和病虫害灾情定位及评估,森林资源动态监测,珍稀名木定位研究,珍稀野生动物生活习性的监测,林业遥感图像的几何精校正,森林分布图的绘制,对原始森林的科学考察、探险、旅游的导航定位,飞机播种、喷药、施肥的导航定位等工作都已应用GPS技术。可以说GPS技术已成为研究林业科学和管理林业生产的一种重要手段和工具,是数字林业和信息化林业建设的一个重要组成部分。国家测绘局和国家质量技术监督局制订并发布了我国的《GPS测量规范》;建设部制订了我国《全球定位系统城市测量技术规程》;交通部也制订了《公路全球定位系统(GPS)测量规范》。研究并制定《林业GPS测量规范》是林业事业发展的必然趋势,使林业GPS测量做到有据可依,也使各项林业工程项目在规划、实施过程中可进一步规范化、标准化,这将促进我国林业管理水平再上新的台阶。本论文是在对国内外相关GPS测量规范进行认真研究的基础上,根据林业行业特点,通过分析6PS测量误差的来源和林业工作对GPS测量技术的要求,并根据经典静态GPS测量、RTKGPS测量、手持GPS测量等GPS定位导航的不同模式,采用多种方法和仪器,在不同的环境条件下进行了大量实验,研究林业与GPS测量的相互关系,提出《林业GPS测量规范》指标体系,并进行认真分析和论述。经过分析论证,在林区应采用静态相对定位方法布设首级GPS控制网,其精度分为一级、二级、三级、四级四个等级;对于高分辨率的林业遥感图像(如Quick bird)几何精校正,可采用快速静态定位、RTK GPS或高精度手持GPS接收机(如TrimbleGeo系列)定位;对于森林资源连续清查、森林资源动态监测等方面的导航定位可用精度为5m-15m的手持GPS接收机。本论文提出的《林业GPS测量规范》符合《全球定位系统(GPS)测量规范》和《国家森林资源连续清查技术规定》的技术精度要求,对指导和规范林业GPS测量工作具有一定的现实性和可操作性。

【Abstract】 With the loading of L2C & L5 for GPS, GLONASS system more & more perfect, bring GALILEO system into operation, globalize for CASP system, application area of GPS are continuously expanded and deepened. The applications of GPS are extensive used in forestry works. Such as make certain the place for planting area, area survey for forested areas, planning programming for forestation, integrated management and research of forest resources, positioning and evaluation of forest-fire & damage by plant diseases and insect pests, dynamic monitoring of forest resources, positioning for rare valuable trees and species, to detect the life habit of rare wild animal, geometric accurate correction for image of forestry remote sensing, to draw the forest distribution map, navigation & positioning for tourism, exploration & scientific surveying of virgin forest, navigation & positioning for airplane seeding, spraying and fertilizing etc. As it were, GPS is an important method for forest science research & forest production Management. Meanwhile, it is an important part of digital forest & forestry informationize construction.Global Positioning System (GPS) Survey Specification are constituted & issued by National surveying and mapping administration & the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision.Global Positioning System (GPS) Survey Specification for City are constituted by ministry of construction.Global Positioning System (GPS) Survey Specification for Highway are constituted by ministry of communications. Research & constituted Global Positioning System (GPS) Survey Specification for Forestry are the necessary trend of forest industry. As the forest project develop, it will make the GPS surveying more normalize, reliable & standardize in forestry. Meanwhile, it is also increase the forest management level of our country to a new stage.This thesis base on the serious research of GPS survey specification both domestic and abroad, according to the characteristic of forest, analytical the error source of GPS surveying & the GPS survey technical requirements of forest works, based on the various pattern of GPS, such as classic static surveying, RTKGPS surveying, hand-hold GPS surveying, to adopt various methods & instrument to make a mass of experimentations in different condition of environment, research the mutual relation between forest & GPS survey, and put forward a Global Positioning System (GPS) Survey Specification for Forestry target & system,then to analyze & discuss it.After analytic demonstration, laying First class GPS control network in forested area should be adopt the Static relative positioning pattern, it can divide the precision into four level(Level 1,2,3,4). Adopt the quick static positioning, RTK GPS or high precision hand-hold GPS receiver (e.g.Trimble Geo) to geometric accurate correct for high-resolution images of forestry remote sensing. We can use the hand-hold GPS receiver precision in 5m-15m to continuously check & dynamic monitor forest resources.Global Positioning System (GPS) Survey Specification for Forestry in this thesis is accord with the technical requirement of Global Positioning System (GPS) Survey Specification & Technical Stipulation of National Continuous Forest Inventory.It’s endowed with realizable & maneuverability to guide & standard the GPS survey works for forest.

【关键词】 林业GPS测量林业GPS测量规范
【Key words】 ForestryGPS surveyingGPS surveying Specification

