

The Effection of Vegetation Restoration on Soil Environment in Wasterland of Manganese Mine in Xiangtan

【作者】 武丽花

【导师】 方晰;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 生态学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文主要探讨湘潭锰矿废弃地不同植被修复方式对土壤环境的改良作用,可为湘潭锰矿矿区废弃地的修复乃至湖南省、全国类似退化生态系统的植被修复和植被对土壤环境质量影响的评价提供依据。主要研究结果如下:不同修复样地之间土壤平均含水量高低排序为:对照地>人工修复地>自然修复地;(0-20cm)土层的土壤容重(g/cm3)为:自然修复地(1.65)>对照地(1.49)>人工修复地(1.40);土壤质地为:人工修复地主要为砂粉土,少数为细砂土;自然修复地主要是粗砂土也有细砂土,而对照地则为粉壤土。人工修复地土壤(0-60cm)的pH平均值为7.59,呈中性,自然修复地为4.91,土壤呈酸性,略高于对照地(4.49)。土壤养分(全N、全P、有机质、全K、全Mg和全Ca)含量在不同修复样地之间变化规律大致表现为:人工植被修复地>自然修复地>对照地。不同修复方式下土壤微生物总数量、细菌和真菌数量分布均表现为:人工修复地>对照地>自然修复地;而放线菌数量为:对照地>人工修复地>自然修复地。细菌、放线菌数量在不同修复样地之间的差异达到显著水平(p<0.05),而真菌差异不显著(p>0.05)。3种不同修复地土壤微生物总量中均以细菌数量最多,真菌数量最少,放线菌居中。不同修复地土壤中微生物数量的垂直分布变化趋势表现为随土层加深而减少。土壤微生物数量在不同月份间变化差异较大。细菌、真菌数量变化趋势为:9月份>7月份>5月份>11月份,而放线菌数量月份间的变化趋势在不同修复地之间规律性不明显。土壤微生物数量与土壤有机质、全N、全P含量存在显著的相关性(p<0.05)。土壤微生物总量、细菌和真菌与Fe含量呈极显著负相关(p<0.01);放线菌数量与重金属元素含量之间相关性不显著(p>0.05)。细菌与Ni、Zn、Pb、Cd5中重金属元素均呈现出极显著正相关(p<0.01)。真菌与Zn、Pb和Cd元素之间存在显著正相关(p<0.05)。不同修复地土壤酶活性的垂直分布大致表现为随土壤深度增加而降低规律。人工修复地和自然修复地土壤脲酶活性的月份变化趋势表现为:7月份>5月份>11月份>9月份,而对照地脲酶活性春季最高,9月份达到最低;土壤脲酶活性同一样地不同月份间比较,对照地在11月和5月份最高,而人工修复地在7月和9月份最高。不同样地土壤蔗糖酶活性月份间变化趋势不同,人工修复地表现为:7月份>5份>11月份>9月份;自然修复地为:9月份最高,11月份最低;对照地为:5月份>11月份>9月份>7月份。土壤蔗糖酶活性同一时间不同样地间比较,人工修复地在11月、7月和9月份均为最高,对照地5月份最高。不同样地土壤过氧化氢酶活性月份间变化趋势也有一定的差异,人工修复地表现为:5月份>7月份>11月份>9月份,自然修复地为:5月份>7月份>9月份>11月份,对照地为:5月份>9月份>7月份>11月份。土壤过氧化氢酶活性同一时间不同样地间比较,人工修复地在11月、5月和9月份均为最高,对照地5月份最高。土壤脲酶、过氧化氢酶和蔗糖酶活性与土壤全K含量呈极显著的负相关(p<0.001),与土壤中全Mg、有机质含量呈极显著正相关(p<0.001);土壤过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶活性与重金属含量不表现出显著相关性(p>0.05),而土壤脲酶活性与土壤Ni、Zn、Mn、Pb、Cd重金属含量存在显著相关性(p<0.05),表明土壤脲酶活性对重金属复合污染较为敏感。土壤蔗糖酶、过氧化氢酶活性与三大类微生物的数量均呈现出显著正相关(p<0.05),而土壤脲酶活性与土壤微生物的数量相关性不明显。3种不同样地在不同土壤层间,土壤肥力综合指标评价值高低排列均表现为:表层>亚表层>深层;同一层次不同样地间也均表现为:人工修复地>自然修复地>对照地。表明通过采用石灰、尾矿泥、城市垃圾等对矿渣废弃地表土进行覆盖处理的矿渣废弃地,土壤肥力有明显的改善,人工植被修复也使得土壤肥力明显地高于自然修复地。

【Abstract】 This dissertation studyed on the soil environment in the Xiangtan manganese mine wasteland improvement by different vegetation restoration ways. It could supply reference for restoration of the Xiangtan manganese mine wasteland and degeneration ecosystem of Hunan province or all over the country. The main results of the research are as follows:The soil average water content in different restoration plots were ranked as follows:The comparison plot> the artificial restoration plot>the naturally restoration plot; in surface layer soil (0-20cm), the soil bulk density (g/cm3) were:restore naturally plot (1.65)> The comparison plot (1.49)> the artificial restoration plot (1.40); The soil particle composition in the artificial restoration plot mainly was sandy silt, and few of fine sand; in the naturally restoration plot was coarse sand, and in the comparison plot was silt loam. The mean value pH in the artificial restoration plot is 7.59; in the natural restoration plot is 4.91, which is slightly is higher than the comparison place 4.49. The soil nutrient content in different plots ranked in:the artificial restoration plot> the naturally restoration plot> the comparison plot.The variety rule of Soil microbe quantity in different plots was as follows:The bacterium quantity in three main microorganisms of soil was the most, In different plots, the bacterium and the fungi quantity ranked in such rule:the artificial restoration plot> the comparison plot> the naturally restoration plot, which existed significant difference (p<0.05); but the actinomycetes quantity ranked in the naturally restoration plot> the artificial restoration plot> the comparison plot, which existed no significant difference (p>0.05). The microorganism quantity of soil in different plots decreased gradually with depth deeper. The change tendency of Soil microbe quantity existed significant difference (p<0.01) during the different months. The bacterium and the fungus quantity changed in such tendency:September> July> May> November But the actinomycetes quantity change tendency is not similarly obvious in different plots.The vertical distribution rule of soil enzyme activeness decreased with the depth of soil. The urease activeness of the artificial restoration plot and the naturally restoration plot seasonally changed in such rule:July> May> November> September. But the urease activeness in May of the comparison plot is the highest, in September is the least. During the different month the change tendency is:The man-power restores on the forest land July> May> November> September; the nature restores ground, then displays for May> in September> in July> in November; But compares on the forest land, then displays May> November> September> July. During different month change tendency:The man-power restores in the forest land:May> July> November> September.There is obvious correlation among soil microbe quantity and organic matter, N and P (p<0.05). But the correlation changes with the microbe breed In soil in microorganism quantity and soil organic matter, entire N and entire P content existence remarkable relevance (p<0.05); The Fe element content assumes the remarkable inverse correlation with the soil in (p<0.05), but other Ni, Zn, Mn, Pb, Cd six kind of elements in certain extent soil microorganism quantity performance for relevance.In the soil in the urease, the catalase and the sucrase and the soil the entire K content assumes the extremely remarkable inverse correlation (p<0.001); With the soil in entire Mg, the organic content assumes is extremely remarkable is being related (p<0.001); Between the catalase and the sucrase and the heavy metal have not displayed the remarkable correlationa dependence (p>0.05), but in the soil in the urease and the soil Ni, Zn, Mn, Pb, between the Cd heavy metal element displays the remarkable correlational dependence (p<0.05), explained that in the soil the urease is more sensitive to the heavy metal compound pollution.In soil besides urease activeness and soil bacteria, fungus, ray fungi quantity correlational dependence not big, in the soil catalase activeness and the bacterium, the fungus, ray fungi quantity become obviously extremely related (p<0.001); The sucrase and the bacterium, the fungus, ray fungi quantity assume obviously related (p<0.05).According to the soil fertility synthetic evaluation analysis to three type plots, the soil fertility synthetic evaluation index in various layers in different plots ranked in: the surface layer> the subsurface layer> deep layer and existed significant difference (p<0.01); in different plots but the same layer, the index of soil fertility synthetic evaluation ranked in:The comparison plot> the artificial restoration plot>the naturally restoration plot. It shows that the soil fertility in Xiangtan manganese mine wasteland, which has been filled with city garbage, calcareous and gangue slob, has been improved; what’s more, the soil fertility in the artificial restoration plot id higher than that in the naturally restoration plot. Thus it also shows that the soil ecological environment benefit, which had been destroyed, in Xiangtan manganese mine wasteland, has been amended by the artificial vegetable restoration. It also can explain vegetable restoration the mining wasteland is feasible.


