

Studies on Polysilicic Acid-polyferric Flocculant for Papermaking Wastewater Treatment

【作者】 苏士安

【导师】 李科林; 刘卫海;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 环境科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着造纸业的快速发展,造纸业在生产过程中排放出大量的废水,严重危害水生动、植物的生存环境,破坏水资源的利用价值。迄今为止,我国对造纸废水引起的水体污染仍未得到很好的解决,其难点在于造纸废水的成分越来越复杂,而目前没有适宜造纸废水处理的高效混凝剂,造成了造纸废水的处理效率低下。为了有效的处理造纸废水,迫切需要开发更多高效的水处理剂。本文对聚合氯化铝(PAC)、聚合氯化铝铁(PAFC)、聚合硫酸铁(PFS)、复合型聚铁(FPAS)在相同实验条件下处理造纸废水絮凝效果进行比较。研究结果表明,复合型聚铁絮凝剂是一种既具有较强的电中和能力,又具有优异的絮凝性能的复合型高分子混凝剂,其处理效果均超过了目前的主流处理剂,而处理成本仅为同类产品70~80%左右。证明了复合型聚铁是一种比较适合造纸废水的絮凝剂。并且本文以聚丙烯酞胺(PAM)、聚丙酰胺、活性硅酸等助凝剂为研究对象。探讨了协同效应在水处理中的应用,而聚丙烯酞胺与复合型聚铁协同使用效果最好,其出水可达到国家三级排放标准。实验结果表明协同处理法比投加单一的水处理剂更有效更经济。对复合型聚铁处理6组不同浓度的造纸废水时投加量也进行了实验,通过实验确定了复配使用的复合型聚铁和聚丙烯酞胺的在不同浓度时的最佳投药量,对于COD、BOD、SS去除率分别可以达到75%、70%和80%左右,出水可达国家三级排放标准,其处理成本为同类产品的70%左右,实验结果证明复合型聚铁絮凝剂是一种高效价廉的造纸废水处理剂。通过研究pH、投加方式、搅拌强度和时间等因素对处理效果的影响,结果表明,pH、投加方式、搅拌强度和时间是影响复合型聚铁絮凝剂絮凝效果的重要因素。通过实验发现复合型聚铁絮凝剂的最佳pH适用范围在7-10,最佳搅拌方式是将搅拌分为两阶段进行,首先投加FPAS以150r/min的速度搅拌5分钟后,再投加PAM以100r/min的速度搅拌,此条件下的COD和SS去除率分别达到85%和81%左右。最后,针对造纸废水浓度高变化大的特点,综合国内外研究成果和经验,提出了絮凝法与生化法联合处理的方案,并实地研究了复合聚铁絮凝剂和活性污泥相结合对实际造纸废水的处理效果。结果表明复合聚铁絮凝剂和活性污泥相结合对实际造纸废水具有很好的处理效果,而且大大节省了絮凝剂的用量。实验中也对pH对于微生物生存条件的关系以及对废水处理效果影响做了初步的探讨。在pH稳定在7时,经过生化处理的出水COD、SS去除率分别达到96%和95%左右。达到国家二级排放标准。综合研究结果表明,复合型聚铁絮凝剂(FPAS)是一种新型、高效、复合高分子絮凝剂,其与聚丙烯酞胺协同作用可有效治理造纸工业废水。

【Abstract】 Papermaking industry drained away lots of waste water during the process of production which was harmful to the living environment of animals and plants lived in the water, it also destroyed the value of water resource’s utilization. We had mature methodology of dealing with the waste water in our county, but there wasn’t a better way to deal with the poisonous water. The high efficiency coagulant wasn’t produced yet which made the efficiency was very low because it was difficult to avoid the second poisonous after putting into water treatment agent, so the water treatment agent with high efficiency and no pollution was needed to develop urgently with the purpose of dealing with the waste water.After experiment, the effect of dealing with waste water of FPAS was better than the effect of PAC, PAFC, PFS and FPAS. Through the research, it showed that FPAS, it either had strong electrical neutralized ability, or had superior flocculerit effect, it was a very good high molecular compound flocculent which the treating ability was better than major usual agent and the treated cost was only 70~80% of them. It proved that FPAS was a suitable flocculent for treatment of papermaking waste water. And researched PAM, poly propionamide, activated silicate coagulant aids. Paper discussed utilization of justify affect in sewage treatment, PAM and FPAS cooperative effect were best of all, the waste water which after treating got the national 3rd standard. The results of experiment showed that single water treated agent was more effect and economic.Experiment about 6 different FPAS concentration for treating papermaking waste water, through the experiment, the best quantity of adding about FPAS and PAM were decided in different concentration, to COD,BOD,SS, the lost rate could get 75%,70%,80%,the out water’s quality could get the 3rd standard, the cost was only 70% of others, it told us FPAS was a kind of high effect and cheap treated agent for papermaking waste water.Through doing experiment about different pH, the method of adding, stirring endeavor and time factors effect, the results showed that, pH, the method of adding, stirring endeavor were the important factors which can affect FPAS ability. Through experiment, the best was pH7-10,the best stirring method was divided two step, firstly added FPAS as 150r/min speeding to stir for 5 min, then added PAM as 100r/min speeding to stir. Under this condition, the rates removal of COD and SS were 85% and 81%.Lastly, to the trait of papermaking high concentration, summarize the research result and experiment, the paper evade corporation with flocculent and biologic treatment, and lively research the effect of FPAS and activated soil complex for treating papermaking water, the result fact used it with very good effect, and save flocculent quantity largely. In the experiment, discussed relation of pH and microbial live situation affect the result of waste water treatment easily and pH=7, through the biological treatment the out water’s COD, SS got to 96%,95%, it was national 2nd standard.Summarized follows, FPAS was a kind of new style, high effect, complex high molecular flocculent, and justify with PAM could treat papermaking water effectively.

【关键词】 造纸废水絮凝剂助凝剂协同效应
【Key words】 Paper makingwaste waterflocculentcoagulant aidssynergistic effect

