

Stakeholder Analysis on Tourism Development of Xilamuren Grassland

【作者】 罗志国

【导师】 吴楚材;

【作者基本信息】 中南林业科技大学 , 旅游管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 草原旅游发展依赖于草原景观及其周围的环境、气候、民情等综合因素,发展草原旅游产业,可以发挥草地休闲、观光、旅游畜牧业的特色,减少资源的消耗性利用,可以有效保护生态环境和民族文化。然而,对于草原旅游发展,从实践到理论都存在着一系列有待解决的问题。如何协调处理好草场保护和旅游发展的矛盾,制定合理的旅游管理政策,己成为当前的研究焦点。在草原旅游发展中,引入利益相关者、社区参与等理论,是保障其可持续发展的重要内容和环节。笔者通过实地调研、问卷调查、深度访谈,运用系统分析、比较分析、定量与定性相结合等方法,对希拉穆仁草原旅游发展中的主要利益相关者—旅游管理者、旅游经营者、当地居民、旅游者进行了旅游收入分配分析和环境意识分析。旅游收入分配分析结果表明:旅行社获利最大,占39.2%,其次是景点经营商,占24.7%,而作为资源拥有者—当地牧民旅游收入微薄,仅占18.6%,却要承受资源消耗和环境破坏带来的负面影响。景点经营商、旅行社不履行企业社会责任和违背市场营销道德的行为造成了目前希拉穆仁草原旅游外部不经济,即他们的收益是建立在当地居民利益受损的基础上,但没有通过货币形式给与补偿。因此,笔者建议通过旅游管理者增强对景点经营商、旅行社监督职能;完善“谁破坏,谁补偿”生态补偿机制;牧民入股旅游企业,从整体利益中分红,规范导游市场等一系列措施,解决旅游收入分配不均问题。对主要利益相关者的环境意识分析得知:旅游管理者的环境意识水平最高,其次是社区居民,再次是旅游经营者,最后是旅游者。各主要利益相关者在旅游环境保护过程中,对自己的要求低于自己对别人的要求;对“骑马活动会对草原生态环境构成威胁”和“旅游发展会改变目的地传统文化”的客观事实认识不足;总体上看,各主要利益相关者在面临经济发展与环境保护的矛盾时基本取向还是经济优先。因此,在草原旅游发展中必须提高各利益相关者的旅游环境意识水平,推动他们自觉参与保护草原旅游生态环境安全的行动中来。此外,还对希拉穆仁草原旅游社区参与进行了调查,当地居民参与旅游发展层次较低,内容单一,获利较少。只有让主要利益相关者都参与到公平合理的利益分享中,共担责任,并创建有效的保障参与机制,才能从根本上促进草原旅游的健康、和谐和可持续发展。

【Abstract】 The development of grassland tourism depends on comprehensive factors such as grassland landscape and environment, climate, custom of the local residents around, etc., The developing travel industry in the grassland not only can bring to bear the recreation of meadow, sightseeing and characteristic of the animal husbandry, but reduce the consumption of resources, and it also can protect the ecological environment and national culture effectively. However, from practice to the theories there are series problems need to be solved. With the development of grassland tourism, we have been focusing on how to coordinate the relationship between protection and tourism development, which has given birth to unavoidable contradictory. It is an important content and procedure to bring stakeholder, community participation theory into grassland tourism development, and it can make grassland tourism development sustainable.With the methods of system analysis, comparative analysis, ration to combine together with determining the nature etc., the writer has done research, questionnaire investigation, and deep interview on the spot. Based on the analysis of the travel income distribution and analysis of environmental awareness, the main stakeholders of the Xilamuren grassland tourism development are divided to be the travel administrator, the travel operator, local residents and tourist. The results of the travel income distribution analysis shows:The travel agency gains the biggest profit, which accounts for 39.2%, and the second place of the profit is the operator, which accounts for 24.7%. But as the owner of resources, the profits of the local herdsman only accounts for 18.6%, but who should pay the expensive price of the negative effect bring out from the resource consuming and environmental disruption. The outside uneconomic of Xilamuren is caused by the unethical behaviors of the travel agency, whose income is based on the fact that local’s interests are damaged, but has not compensated through the monetary form. So the writer proposes through the actions of strengthening the supervision function of travel agency, improving the ecological compensation mechanism of "who destroys, who compensates";and series measures of increasing the local herdsman’s income, which lets them work in the tourism enterprise, and share the bonus from whole interests, the uneven problem of income distribution can be solved. It can be learnt from the environmental awareness of main stakeholders that the environmental awareness level of travel administrator is the highest, secondly is community residents, thirdly is travel operator, and the last one is tourists. In the issue of environmental protection all of the stakeholders require others more hardly than themselves; and the knowledge of "Horse activities will constitute a threat to ecological environment in the grassland "and "the development of tourism will change destination traditional culture "is very insufficient; On the whole, when facing the choice of economic development and contradiction of environmental protection, all main stakeholders will pay more priorities to economy. So the travel environmental awareness level of the main stakeholders must be improved, and it is necessary to promote them participating in the protections of the grassland environmental security.In addition, the investigation of community participation in Xilamuren grassland is carrying out. The level of the local participation in tourism is quite low, and the content is single, and the profit is less. Only let the persons who are correlated with of main interests all participate in fair and reasonable interests sharing, and undertake the responsibility together, and establish the mechanism of effective guarantee, fundamentally could the grassland tourism develop in a health, harmonious and sustainable way.


