

Research of the Legal System on the Protection of China’s Tourism Resources

【作者】 马慧

【导师】 张式军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 法律, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 旅游业的快速发展,为我国经济发展注入了新鲜活力,增强了综合国力,扩大了国民收入,为游客提供了休闲、娱乐的场所,丰富了人民群众的精神生活。但也使我国旅游资源遭受到前所未有的污染和破坏。旅游资源保护问题已被提到中心议程。目前我国旅游资源相关的法律法规在促进旅游资源保护和发展问题上日益凸显出不足。建立和完善我国旨在保护旅游资源的法律法规已成为当务之急。我国历史悠久,旅游资源丰富,既有地球自然演化过程中遗留下来的自然景观,也有历史沉淀保存下来的文物古迹。近几年我国逐渐认识到保护旅游资源的重要性,但某些地方重开发、轻保护破坏旅游资源的现象仍然存在。目前,我国虽已制定了一些关于旅游资源保护的法律法规,但随着旅游业的蓬勃发展,特别是近几年旅游热潮的兴起,旅游资源保护法律制度存在的问题也日益突出,比如缺少旅游方面基本法律对旅游资源开发和保护政策的基本规定、针对旅游资源环境保护方面的专门立法太少、旅游资源所有权、管理权和经营权相混淆等等,已严重影响到旅游资源的有效保护。在学术界,关于旅游资源保护的法律问题研究仍属崭新的领域,虽已有学者认识到通过健全法制来保护旅游资源的紧迫性,但尚未形成一个系统的理论框架。现有旅游资源保护法律法规中原则性条文较多、过于笼统和分散,许多具体问题的研究很不充分。因此,有必要也必须对旅游资源保护法律问题进行更广泛、更深入的立法研究。与我国相比,美、日等发达国家旅游立法起步较早,目前法律法规已相当成熟,法律法规非常齐全,有雄厚的支撑体系,对旅游资源保护法律保护的各个方面进行了深入、科学的研究;并在此基础上形成了较完备的法律保护体系。对发达国家旅游资源保护法律制度进行考察,同样也会对我国旅游资源保护法律制度的研究提供有益的参考和借鉴。本文,通过探析我国目前旅游资源保护的法律保护现状,查找我国旅游资源保护法律中存在的一系列问题,借鉴美、日等发达国家的先进经验,初步提出了一些立法建议,如’“构建并完善旅游资源保护法律体系、完善旅游资源保护专项立法、协调地方旅游立法和构建旅游资源产权制度”等等,以期能为建立和完善符合我国国情的旅游资源法律体系提供一些借鉴,从而更好的促进旅游资源的可持续发展,使旅游资源能得到有效的法律和制度保护。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of tourism has injected new energy into China’s economic development. It builds up China’s comprehensive national strength, expands national income and provides visitors with leisure, entertainment places while at the same time enrich people’s spiritual life. However, our tourism resources protection have also been subject to unprecedented pollution and destruction. The protection of tourism resources has become a top priority for our country. Currently, China’s tourism-related laws and regulations are far from being enough to protect our tourism resources. Therefore, it has become imperative for our country to enact and improve laws and regulations that can protect our tourism resources.As a country with long history, China is rich in tourism resources, including both natural landscapes left in the evolution of the earth and historical heritages handed down by our ancestors. Although our country has gradually realized the importance of protecting tourism resources, it still exists that people in some regions are still paying more attention to the development of tourism resources rather than the protection of them. Currently, some laws and regulations on tourism recourses protection have been enacted, however, problems out of legal systems on tourism recourses protection increasingly stand out, such as the insufficiency in fundamental provisions on tourism recourses development and protection policies, too few of special legislations on the protection of tourism recourses, the mixture and obscurity of ownership, administrative power and operation power, etc, which have imposed severely adverse impact on the effective protection of tourism resources.China now has enacted a number of laws and regulations on tourism resources protection. But with the rapid development of tourism, especially in recent years when there are more and more tourists, the problems existed in legal systems concerning tourism resources protection, such as problems about legislation and property right, have gradually emerged. These problems have greatly influenced the protection of our tourism resources. In the academic world, there are not enough researches on the legal issues concerning tourism resources protection. Although some experts have realized the urgency to improve relevant laws and regulations in order to effectively protect the resources, there is still a long way before a systematic theoretical framework is formed. As for existing laws and regulations about tourism resources protection, the provisions are too principled, general and scattered and researches on specific problems are insufficient. So, there is the need to carry out more in-depth and broader researches on legal problems concerning tourism resources protection.Compared with China, developed countries such as the United Sates and Japan have earlier starts in tourism legislation and already have mature and comprehensive protection systems, solid support and have made deep, scientific research on the legal protection of tourism resources and on the basis of that, relatively complete legal protection system has been formed. Observation and study on the legal system on tourism resource protection in developed countries will provide helpful reference and experience for domestic research on this subject.Some suggestions on legislation is preliminarily put forward in this article on the basis of analyzing China’s status on legal protection of tourism resource, looking for the existing problems in China’s law of tourism resource protection and learning from developed countries like the United States and Japan. The suggestions include formulation and perfection of tourism resource protection legal system, perfection of special legislation on tourism resource protection, coordinating local tourism legislation and building up property system concerning tourism protection. It is expected that these suggestions can provide reference for the formulation and perfection of tourism resource protection legal system suitable for our national conditions, better promote the sustainable development of tourism resources and provide legal and systematic protection for the tourism resources.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】D922.29;F592.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】437

