

Culture Explanation on Stories of Meng and Huan from Yi Jian Zhi

【作者】 邵贤敏

【导师】 林国平;

【作者基本信息】 福建师范大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 梦幻故事是《夷坚志》一书的主要叙述形式,也是展现该书所蕴含的时代特征及意义的主要表达形式。时代特性将个人的生存状态和生命体验纳入一种功利化的价值体系中,由此而导致的个体欲望的膨胀及其与现实的落差使得一种诉诸虚幻的寄托以承载心灵的慰藉成为市民社会的流行文化。梦幻故事从本质上来说就是这样一种文化形式。本文将梦幻故事分为功名利禄和日常生活相关梦幻故事,并细化为科举、仕途、财物、生育、生死和互助等七个类别分别加以阐释,以历史学和文学的相关理论为指导,通过分类、比较的研究方法,在论述相关梦幻故事的内容的基础上,逐一对各故事的内涵与外延进行文化解读,从中窥视宋代社会若干方面的真实状况。

【Abstract】 Stories of Meng and Huan are the the main form of expression of Yi Jian Zhi,whose characteristics and significance of times contained are embodied by those stories. Living condition and life experience of individual were incorporated into a kind of utilitarian value system, the resulting expansion of individual desire and the reality gap makes imaginary hope to carry the spiritual consolation as a popular culture of civil society. Essentially, Stories of Meng and Huan is one of this kind of culture. In this article, Stories of Meng and Huan are divided into seven categories to concretely explain imperial examination, career, property, birth, death, and mutual assistance. To make a further research on every single story, theories of history and literature and methods of comparison and classification are applied throughout in order to find out more real about the Song Dynasty.


